Author Topic: Is this gyno? Should I get surgery, please Help!  (Read 4104 times)

Offline kb23gyno

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How's it going!
New here, only properly looked into gyno recently and seems to be surgery is the only way, I always thought losing more weight would work but alas.
I'm 23, used to be very chubby as a teen up until 17 when I lost weight, now I'd like to do something about this and wear my fave clothes with ease. My nipples/chest has always bothered me.
I have puffy nipples, but when they get hard, it doesn't bother me that much but obviously thats only some of the time.
My friend recently had surgery and said he's happy with it and his insurance covered it.
So I'd appreciate if you all rated me gyno, and gave me some input as whether this would be a good route to take! 
All replies welcome! Thanks!


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Yep, you have some puffy nipple and very minimal gyne! Many guys would love to have your chest, but it's up to you as far as how bad you really think it is. Some guys go through life needing a bra and never let it bother them, but others can't handle any kind of bump at all, it's your call!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Agree with Hammer -- mild gyne and puffy nipples.  No permanent treatment available other than surgery.  Live with it and try to hide it -- or elect surgery -- your choice.
Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Dubai_Tom

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might be as Dr. mentioned, but honestly is not noticeable at all. 

Offline terre

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You're pretty much the same as me it seems, and if it bothers you don't waste time, get it done, but get it done by a well reputated specialist in gynecomastia surgery, I had one surgery that did nothing for me, and hope others won't have to do it 2 times as me. (haven't had 2nd surgery yet but it's coming)
Good luck

Offline kb23gyno

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Thanks all for the replies!

You're pretty much the same as me it seems, and if it bothers you don't waste time, get it done, but get it done by a well reputated specialist in gynecomastia surgery, I had one surgery that did nothing for me, and hope others won't have to do it 2 times as me. (haven't had 2nd surgery yet but it's coming)
Good luck

I'd love to get it done.. there's a few options in Ireland but could be costly, how did you go about yours? Did you see your GP first? Cheers!

Offline Paa_Paw

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If I had a chest like that and also enough money to get the surgery, I would leave the chest as it is and use the money for a down payment on a Sailboat. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline Nips

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Hi mate. I agree with the above, looks like you do have it. You have a good shaped chest though. I doubt it would affect someone wanting you/fancying you. However, if it's on your mind the whole time like it was for me I'd say look into surgery,

Offline Nips

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Btw, I had puffy nipples. My life has changed drastically since the op two years ago. If you're really thinking of  getting it done do your research and find a good surgeon and don't ruminate too much about it. Don't waste time. However if it's just a bit annoying perhaps don't put your body and mind through the time and investment of the op. You look in good shape and have a good chest. Hope that helps. Email me on if you want more information and if you're in London id be happy to meet too to give you some help. Best of luck


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