Author Topic: HELP! gyno keeps returning  (Read 3257 times)

Offline jamesjack

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I took steroids when i was 19 to 20 i wasnt a serious bodybuilder just tried to get big uneducated an developed  gyno which i allowed to get bad then lactating started. I Dabbled after for a couple of years in steroids an growth hormone i took serms on an off but nothing worked. since then i stopped everything completely for the last 5 years Ive had 3 gyno ops now over the course of the last 5 years an the familiar tingling  an irritation returns not long after the op the gland starts to return. On the final operation i had the surgeon said it was the worst gland they have removed. Its a year after now an after its getting worse again driving me mad with the itching.
I was told to contact an endocrinologist. Its back to a substantial lump under each nipple an i have flesh on tops of my pecs by armpit that itches an is growing where my armpits an pec meet that one started happening about 3 years ago.
 I am not an never have been overweight an never had problems with gyno before steroids. I visited two private endocrinologists one a professor. Both told me every hormone is fine i have the blood results to post. An they cant seem to see anything wrong an medically im fine. The professor im under now is trying to get to bottom of it but medically he said theres nothing he can do. If they keep growing at this rate i have to have another op. Im not overwieght i train all the time more cardio these days an i have taken every anti E you can think of to no effect. Sometimes the irritation on my chest on an around my nipple an top chest settles for a few days an all of a sudden i feel like i want to rip my skin off. I have been on temoxifen for last 3 months 6 months before that reloxifene pescribed by first doc an others. Nothin for prolactin im told is fine im also told my estrogen is fine.  Running doesnt irrittate it but if i do a weighted circuit an push myself with jump squats punchbag etc i suffer for a week after like its speeded it up. Im really stuck so are the doctors endos said theyve never seen it before, my surgeoun also said 1in 200 grow back withoit steroids after you get whole glad removal which they 100 percent done from what i saw an felt after surgery it was all gone an looked great.can anyone help. The most recent blood test is the one without the estrogen on it they didnt test for some reason. The most recent blood test aswel on that paticular day my nippples an upper chest were really irrittated the first test not so much. They were about 9 months apart

Offline jamesjack

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Bloods most recent

Estrogen untested dont know why

Haemoglobin 155

Hct 0.444

Red cell count 5.19

Mcv 85.5

Mch 29.9

Mchc 349


Platelet count 155

Mpv 12.9

Whitr cell count4.06

Neutrophils 1.94

Lymphocytes  1.79

Monocytes 0.28

Eosinophils 0.04

Basophils 0.01


Bilirubin 24

Alkaline phosphotase 60

Aspartate transferase 25

Alanine transferase 20

Gamma gt 14

Total protien 68

Albumin 46

Globulin 22


Thyroid profile 1

Thyroid stimulating hormone 2.64

Free thyroxine 19.2

Testosterone 27.4

Sex hormone binding globulin 43

Prolactin 231

Offline jamesjack

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9 months before
Bilirubin 14               (0-20)
Alkalike phosphatase 78       (40-130)
Aspartate transaminase 20  (0-40)
Alanine transaminase 20   (10-50)
Total protien 72        (64-83)
Albumin 46      (45-50)
Globulins 26              (19-35)
Follicule stimulating hormone 3.7  (1.5- 12.4)
Luteinising hormone 5.3 (1.7-8.6)
Prolactin 188  (86-324)
17 beta estrodial 99
Testosterone 14.7. (Almost double in recent test)      (9.90-27.58)
Sex hormone binding globulin 48
Gamma glutamyl transferase 13 (10-71)
Alpha feto protien 2.8    (0-6)
Total beta hcg <1   (0-10)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 08:12:51 AM by jamesjack »


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I am not a doctor, so this is just and idea/opinion.
Did you wait until growth stabilized before having surgery? If not, maybe the intense irritation is because of growth and scar tissue?
I too have idiopathic gyne, and my only option will be surgery one day - after it stabilizes - if I choose to go that route. Most things I've read on the surgery state that growth must have stopped prior to surgery for good results. Even then, it *can* reoccur, but the odds are small.
B and another $0.02

Offline jamesjack

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Cheers for the reply. No it was still itching etc an has been since i stopped steroids years ago 3 ops late an still growing. An doctors at the same time telling me there is no indication why its happening. If theres no cause it shouldnt be there but thats why its frustrating. Whats the story with yours. An yes the irritation is growth identical to the feeling when i was on steroids.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2015, 02:47:24 PM by jamesjack »


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If theres no cause it shouldnt be there but thats why its frustrating. Whats the story with yours.

Mine is idiopathic. Been through all the tests and they found nothing to indicate why it is happening. Very frustrating when you have a condition with no treatment options. I have never used drugs of any sort and have never been overweight. In fact, now in my 50s, I weigh only 5lbs more than in my 20s.


Offline Paa_Paw

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Do not have surgery again until your condition has stabilized and is unchanged for two years. 
Repeated surgery in the same location compromises the blood supply and eventually could lead to problems healing.  
I see no current photographs.   That might be helpful.  It might either confirm your condition or mean that you are not talking to the right sort of specialist. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline royorbison

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I also got gynecomastia after cessation of steroids use, 10 years ago. Today I dont know if its growing anymore, the sensitivity is almost gone, I am thinking about operation because two years ago the thing became evident.

Probably my case is very close to yours, with a slower growth but still the hormones are normal and the growth persists. Dont take tamoxifen, clomiphene and other hormones that may interfere with your receptors and hormones even more, tamoxifen and clomiphene increase estrogen more than testosterone and may well damage your receptors and change your gene expression even more.

I recommend you to get second opnion doctors and try to find a hidden cause. Diet is important factor too.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 01:09:28 PM by royorbison »

Offline royorbison

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Other important thing is to try abstain from porn, masturbation and orgasm for some months. Along with the diet this helped me to reverse or at least stop the growth. I dont know the mechanism, but It helped.


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