Author Topic: Just had my consultation and have a surgery date  (Read 5470 times)

Offline DannySoFanny

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Hi guys!

First post on here after months and months... And some more months of being a quiet member.

So I'm just back from my consultation with Paul Levick. What a guy. If I had any doubts about the surgery, which I didn't, they would be non existent after seeing him.

I won't give you my back story because you all know what it's like and how it feels. It's mild gynecomastia and so it's not as bad as some I've seen, but gynecomastia is gynecomastia right guys?

So my magic date is the 23rd of July and I'll be in at 8am. The 8th of July was available, but I felt it was too soon to get my head around and too soon to arrange time off work... I want to use my holiday allowance as I'll get paid for that... but Paul reassured me that if I need a medical certificate then that's not a problem, so if work won't give me the time off as holidays I'll take time off anyway!

I'm currently okay, I mean It seems unreal atm and it just hasn't took effect how much my life will change. I was thinking about it after seeing Paul and driving home... I can't imagine life without this shit. Life without compression vests, hoodies, jackets, jumpers, avoiding being noticed... anything That could give the game away. I just can't imagine it. I've had this for 14 years, so this my life and it's hard to picture myself without it, you know?

I'll be open about things with you guys and I'm fully prepared to do pre and post pics, obviously after surgery 'cause I don't feel comfortable in my own skin atm, you know the deal. So if anyone wants to ask questions and talk with me while I'm on this journey please do so. I would like to hear from people who have had the surgery with Paul and get as much info about before, after and with the new life they now lead.

I'm athletic and don't have much fat, maybe less than 16%. I will be cutting and muscle building up until 1 week before surgery, where I will stop weight training and just do cardio. In regards to weight training I don't do chest, like I need that area to get bigger, right?

24 days and counting.

Offline mart356

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My big day is this Wednesday! Youre right about Dr, Levick, I too was very nervous going in but hes a very, very nice guy, gave me a lot of confidence to go ahead with it. So, all going well, i'll tell you all about it in a few days! And yes similar to you it will be unbelievable to have a day without constantly thinking about it or what to wear and how to hide it.

Offline DannySoFanny

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My big day is this Wednesday! Youre right about Dr, Levick, I too was very nervous going in but hes a very, very nice guy, gave me a lot of confidence to go ahead with it. So, all going well, i'll tell you all about it in a few days! And yes similar to you it will be unbelievable to have a day without constantly thinking about it or what to wear and how to hide it.

Dude! I'm so excited for you! How are you sleeping? How do you feel? 2 days and your life changes!

I have been seeing a a girl for a few months, meeting up for longer and have known her since September last year... didn't tell her about to consultation today and will tell her about the operation maybe about 4 days or more before the operation. I haven't thought that far ahead actually, it's taken me years to finally go for a consultation. I'm glad I went to Paul though, I feel in very safe hands.

Offline mart356

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My big day is this Wednesday! Youre right about Dr, Levick, I too was very nervous going in but hes a very, very nice guy, gave me a lot of confidence to go ahead with it. So, all going well, i'll tell you all about it in a few days! And yes similar to you it will be unbelievable to have a day without constantly thinking about it or what to wear and how to hide it.

Dude! I'm so excited for you! How are you sleeping? How do you feel? 2 days and your life changes!

I have been seeing a a girl for a few months, meeting up for longer and have known her since September last year... didn't tell her about to consultation today and will tell her about the operation maybe about 4 days or more before the operation. I haven't thought that far ahead actually, it's taken me years to finally go for a consultation. I'm glad I went to Paul though, I feel in very safe hands.

Im quite nervous about the surgery in general atm, but i guess thats pretty common. I have quite a bad case so the difference will be drastic! I would tell someone, I told my mum and shes been understanding (although slightly annoying as they can be!), and shes coming with me for the operation.

Offline DannySoFanny

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My big day is this Wednesday! Youre right about Dr, Levick, I too was very nervous going in but hes a very, very nice guy, gave me a lot of confidence to go ahead with it. So, all going well, i'll tell you all about it in a few days! And yes similar to you it will be unbelievable to have a day without constantly thinking about it or what to wear and how to hide it.

Dude! I'm so excited for you! How are you sleeping? How do you feel? 2 days and your life changes!

I have been seeing a a girl for a few months, meeting up for longer and have known her since September last year... didn't tell her about to consultation today and will tell her about the operation maybe about 4 days or more before the operation. I haven't thought that far ahead actually, it's taken me years to finally go for a consultation. I'm glad I went to Paul though, I feel in very safe hands.

Im quite nervous about the surgery in general atm, but i guess thats pretty common. I have quite a bad case so the difference will be drastic! I would tell someone, I told my mum and shes been understanding (although slightly annoying as they can be!), and shes coming with me for the operation.

I think as my date gets closer my nerves will kick in and I'll start bricking it, I have bad anxiety as it is but it has hasn't been bad recently.
I have told my mother, I have a strong relationship with her and really the on my person I trust completely. I'm only telling the gf because there's no way I can hide the recovery and she'll see it as a bad sign I didn't trust her enough to tell her anything about it, but this is my thing, don't want to share this crap with anyone. 
I'm glad you've got someone going with you, your mother will be a rock for you!
How are you feeling today dude? What time is your surgery tomorrow? 

Offline mart356

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My big day is this Wednesday! Youre right about Dr, Levick, I too was very nervous going in but hes a very, very nice guy, gave me a lot of confidence to go ahead with it. So, all going well, i'll tell you all about it in a few days! And yes similar to you it will be unbelievable to have a day without constantly thinking about it or what to wear and how to hide it.

Dude! I'm so excited for you! How are you sleeping? How do you feel? 2 days and your life changes!

I have been seeing a a girl for a few months, meeting up for longer and have known her since September last year... didn't tell her about to consultation today and will tell her about the operation maybe about 4 days or more before the operation. I haven't thought that far ahead actually, it's taken me years to finally go for a consultation. I'm glad I went to Paul though, I feel in very safe hands.

Im quite nervous about the surgery in general atm, but i guess thats pretty common. I have quite a bad case so the difference will be drastic! I would tell someone, I told my mum and shes been understanding (although slightly annoying as they can be!), and shes coming with me for the operation.

I think as my date gets closer my nerves will kick in and I'll start bricking it, I have bad anxiety as it is but it has hasn't been bad recently.
I have told my mother, I have a strong relationship with her and really the on my person I trust completely. I'm only telling the gf because there's no way I can hide the recovery and she'll see it as a bad sign I didn't trust her enough to tell her anything about it, but this is my thing, don't want to share this crap with anyone.
I'm glad you've got someone going with you, your mother will be a rock for you!
How are you feeling today dude? What time is your surgery tomorrow?

I am quite an anxious person too so right now the nerves are getting bigger and bigger. Very good you have someone who knows youre going through it, keep them up to date with all the going ons! Got to check in at 12pm tomorrow so setting off at 9am. 

Offline DannySoFanny

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I am quite an anxious person too so right now the nerves are getting bigger and bigger. Very good you have someone who knows youre going through it, keep them up to date with all the going ons! Got to check in at 12pm tomorrow so setting off at 9am.

It's so close! your op is in less that 12 hours!
I wish you all the best dude! see you on the other side =P

Offline DannySoFanny

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So it's now 16 days until my operation with Dr Levick.

I got all the paperwork through last week. Just need to ring up and pay, send back the medical questionnaire and order that binder from Eurosurgical (will measure first). I was going to book holidays from work, but i have decided to have the time off on the sick and save the holidays for when i need them in a few months. Regarding work, i spoke to Levick at the consultation about time off etc, he said he would provide a medical certificate and to tell them i was having a lump removed which should eliminate any questions being asked. I just need to ring them and talk to them about time off. I hate doing this. I probably feel more anxious about his than having the op!!
It still doesn't feel real. I think once i pay, sort work out, book the hotel for my mother (my chauffeur and rock) and order the binder shit will kick in. I also need to get the Arnica and Vitamin C to start a week on Thursday... Is 2 weeks before surgery okay? because it advises a week prior to surgery for the Arnica.

I have thought about the op quite a lot, as you can imagine. I have thought about telling my gf also, i'm going to do this on the Tuesday before surgery i think... is this too short notice? I don't know, i have a week before i have to think about that shit seriously i guess. She's older than me, so she'll be a lot more understanding, don't even know why i'm worrying, it'll be fiiiine.

I've been thinking about afterwards A LOT! the recovery time, the not showering, the massaging, any complications that may arise, not being happy with the results... this is the bit that worries me and is playing on my mind. At the same time i'm sick of having these breasts! just sort me out and anything will be better than not having to wear a fucking compression vest every time i leave the house! not being able to wear t-shirts without a hoodie! not being able to go swimming or go to the gym... normal man shit! not feeling normal and comfortable in my own skin! blah blah blah. I have thought about being free of these since i was a kid! the thought of being able to just pull on a t-shirt and go about my business or a loose vest, darn it, even go topless! these have been dreams of mine for years and years!  

I know for a fact anything will be better than right now. I'm going to travel a bit at the end of the year, just a European adventure. I have done it before but what a hassle it is having to hide these things! nothing is easy! can't just stay in a hostel and freely do things! no strolling to the shower half naked and washing and then strolling back to your bed... it's all get undressed in the shower and take clothes with your so no one sees your unflattering chest! i can't even imagine not having this worry any longer actually, or these problems! life will actually be easy!

Then there's the shopping for t-shirts! darn! to be normal!! all the t-shirts i want to buy tight fitting, sexy shirts! fitted clothes!!

A decent length post from me tonight, one of many to come.

16 days and counting down!

Offline Stan19

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I concurr with everything you say about the daily struggle with this shitty condition. Ive had all those feelings for 30years. Looking forward to your next installment. Good luck. 

Offline DannySoFanny

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Stan19, have you had the operation or are you considering it? 30 years is a long time!

Short post this afternoon because I'm exercising, going to do a longer post later.

I've paid, told the girlfriend and am about to order a post surgery binder. The Macom 2070L is one that's been recommend on here, so that's what I'm thinking of getting. What size though? I measured myself the other day and I'm 36", so do I go for the small which is 31-35 or medium which is 35-39? I'm thinking the small, but the swelling is making me think this could be a problem. I was bigger, but I have really stepped up the training the past 4 months to slim down in preparation for the operation.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will do a very reflective post later.

8 days and counting down

Offline Stan19

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Bet you cant wait now mate   Time will fly by. Not had the operation yet so i cant help u with vest size sorry. I only found out it could be cured by operation last year. Since then ive been saving like mad but mr levick retires in oct so i'll probably miss out. Yer 30 years is a lifetime i am 43 and ive had it since i was about 12. Its on my mind all the time from when i wake up untill when i go to bed. Makes me so miserable. Just hoping mr levicks successor is going to use the same technique aswell as remove all the gland like levick does. 


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:07:15 PM by rotors »

Offline mr_m101

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From the Macom site - Note: If your measurements are borderline between sizes, we always recommend going with the larger size.
I was in-between the M and L and went with the L. It was very tight and I think the M would have been too much to take! You can always return and swap it if you don't think it's giving you enough of a squeeze.
Regarding the sleeved version, I have both and found it to be too uncomfortable under the arm pits and never made it through a whole day of wear. Also, it comes with full length sleeves now rather than the one shown in the picture on the site and you have to trim them to shorten them yourself. The vest was spot on though.

Offline DannySoFanny

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Bet you cant wait now mate   Time will fly by. Not had the operation yet so i cant help u with vest size sorry. I only found out it could be cured by operation last year. Since then ive been saving like mad but mr levick retires in oct so i'll probably miss out. Yer 30 years is a lifetime i am 43 and ive had it since i was about 12. Its on my mind all the time from when i wake up untill when i go to bed. Makes me so miserable. Just hoping mr levicks successor is going to use the same technique aswell as remove all the gland like levick does.

I really can't, it still feels unreal, just can't imagine being free. I hope the saving is going well and you are close. Before i saved i was going to save half and use a credit card for the rest, luckily i managed to just step the saving up and deprive myself of a life for a few months haha.
I hope you manage the operation soon mate. Once i heard of Levick's retirement that's what made me really save and just go for it. I am curious to know about his succesor and whether he'll take on Levick's clients for any after care that may be needed.

From the Macom site - Note: If your measurements are borderline between sizes, we always recommend going with the larger size.
I was in-between the M and L and went with the L. It was very tight and I think the M would have been too much to take! You can always return and swap it if you don't think it's giving you enough of a squeeze.
Regarding the sleeved version, I have both and found it to be too uncomfortable under the arm pits and never made it through a whole day of wear. Also, it comes with full length sleeves now rather than the one shown in the picture on the site and you have to trim them to shorten them yourself. The vest was spot on though.

Cheers Mr_M101 :) this was good advice, i will get the larger size and see how i get on with that. I'm tempted to get the Eurosurgical one also, the 640.

Rotors thanks for your input too, i appreciate it :)

Okay, so here's my update.

I've paid, told the GF, informed work and have 3 weeks off - will go back on night shifts mid August, around the 20th, booked hotel for my mother who'll be my chauffeur.... just need to order the binders now.

The GF was very supportive and was actually angry i didn't tell her  sooner so she could go with me and drive me and my mother. I did this so she wouldn't be able to get the time off at such short notice. She's been very supportive and even said that shit of "i didn't even notice". I'm sure you guys know how well we can hide it with compression vests, not standing side on, having arms in front of chest when naked, not getting changed in front of her, using bed covers and keeping out of the light like a vampire... etc. She obviously knew i wasn't flat chested, but likely thought it was just from working out, little abnormal or whatever. I could feel her touching my chest and feeling though, this made me so fucking uncomfortable i wanted to tell her to not touch me every time she did... i just didn't say anything to not raise suspicion... just kissed her and diverted her attention.
If i was going to go through this with any woman in my life i'm glad it is her. She is the only GF i've felt comfortable with regarding this since my first love who i was engaged to.

So, that's the GF crap spoken about. Now, how do i feel in general? well, normal... not worried or excited. I feel a bit absent of emotion regarding it. I just want these puffy breast like things gone! i can't wait to go topless or just wear one layer! just a t-shirt. I hope the results are good enough to go topless, it's my dream. But, anything will be better than right now! So many years i've looked in the mirror and thought "Urgh! you're disgusting" i am in good shape, sure, but i have breasts! okay, so they are small, but i don't feel like a man! I hate looking in the mirror and seeing these things.

I know i have it mild and there are a lot of men with far worse gynae (i didn't use this word to my GF... just said gland behind the nipple), i feel for you guys and the strength you guys must have is something incredible. Mild or not, we all have the same problem, some worse than others, but we are all going through the same crap.

I'm working nights until Wednesday morning and then have an interview somewhere, so i won't have much free time to think about things. I know Wednesday it will hit me and i'll be excited and nervous. the drive down will likely be insane! i won't be able to stop thinking about it. I know i'll be very nervous, anxious and excited. Bring it on though!! i'm ready for it!
One of the best things i read on here was that one minute you feel that cold liquid go into your arm and then you wake up in the recovery room, all done! wow! i'm looking forward to that very much!

I'll do a new post soon, i think i will post some pictures before i go for surgery, i'm feeling more comfortable since i know i'll have surgery next week. I'll never look the same again.

I intend to post after surgery too, i won't just disappear, i know some do and i totally get it. I just want to share my journey and hope others read this and get something from it.

6 days and counting down


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« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 12:07:35 PM by rotors »


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