Author Topic: Gynecomastia or pseudo-gyno?  (Read 4906 times)

Offline Danial

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I'm 26, 75 Kgs and i have puffy nipples since as long as i remember. I used to feel little circular disc beneath my nipple but my plastic surgeon said that my breast tissue was as normal as anyone else's. He said that i had some muscle along with some fatty tissue which he removed by liposuction this Monday. 
Here are my pre-op photos. I just want someone to confirm it to me if it was just pseudo-gyno or i actually had gynecomastia.

Offline Danial

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Offline Danial

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Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You can read a discussion about this very topic on this forum (Supporting Doctors > Patient Galleries > Is it fat or breast tissue?)
Hope this helps.
Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is a lot of importance assigned by some individual to whether the breast enlargement is due to Glandular growth or simply fatty tissue.   The former being True Gyne and the latter being Psuedo Gyne.  That is pure BS.   The actual truth is that the usual finding after surgery is that there was a mound of fat with some glandular growth as well.  Rarely is it all one kind of tissue with the exclusion of the other.   Any difference might be of concern for the surgeon as his procedure adapts to what is found, but to anyone else there is no difference.  For the purposes of this forum,  any breast enlargement on a male is Gynecomastia and there is no such thing as pseudo Gynecomastia. 
Grandpa Dan


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For the purposes of this forum,  any breast enlargement on a male is Gynecomastia and there is no such thing as pseudo Gynecomastia. 

I do not feel the same way. If a male has a large enough belly to look pregnant, it would not be the same as if he were. Same with breasts, if a male has enough body fat on his chest to look like he has boobs, that doesn't mean he really has breasts, it merely means he looks that way.

Just my $0.02


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I believe that men with gyne can have varying amounts of both fat and glandular tissue. I might be off base with this, but I think in a male with gyne that is caused by a hormonal imbalance, you'll likely find more glandular tissue than in someone else whose gyne is from being overweight. I'm sure there are exceptions to both, but I know in my case I have a quite a bit of glandular tissue and my gyne is caused by estrogen and low/suppressed testosterone. As the Dr. mentioned in another post, my areolas and the area around them protrude up in a conical shape when I lie on my back. In the end, whatever the amount of glandular tissue vs fat it's still gyne. As far as saying a man has "boobs" or "breasts", I wasn't aware there's a difference between them.

Offline Paa_Paw

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My brother also has Gynecomastia.   He is a diabetic and over the last decade he has developed quite a pronounce belly.   Some might look at this 71 year old and say that his major problem is obesity.   The fact is that his breasts have changed very little in the last 50 years.   When he was skinny, his breasts actually looked bigger.   

Trying to distinguish between true Gynecomastia and What some people call pseudo Gynecomastia  is really a fools errand.   The fact is that a difference does not really exist.  Ironically, Obesity can cause Gynecomastia.  The fat cells are capable of acting somewhat like a hormone.  The fat takes in Testosterone and emits Estrogen.  The Estrogen then causes a Breast tissue to develop.  In the case of grossly obese individuals,  They all look essentially the same.  It is as though they became asexual as they put on more weight. 

Offline jinr0h

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This is mild gyne, not pseudo in anyway IMO

Offline Danial

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Thank You everyone,
I finally had my liposuction done a couple of weeks back (lipo only, no excision). Will share my results with you! Please let me know if it properly done or not.
Once again, grateful for all your comments.


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