Author Topic: Gyno Surgery with Insurance  (Read 1399 times)

Offline The_honest_owl1

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What are the chances of my insurance company covering this surgery? I definitely know I have gyno and it is noticable. Gyno has been troubling psychologically for me for years up to the point I sometimes starve myself to lose the little but of fat I have in my chest so it seems a but unnoticable,  slouch when I walk AND sit, have to constantly pull on my shirt when I do walk so my shirts looks baggy/loose near the nips, I avoid plans wirh friends, and just can't sleep thinking about this. Having gyno is literally affecting my everyday life and I can't just walk out the house and enjoy the outdoors without having to choose a shirt where my gyno doesn't look as bad. Has anyone ever gotten their gyno surgery covered because of psychological reasons similar to these? 

Offline HenryLacroix

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Your insurance will likely not cover just for psychological reasons.  To my knowledge there almost always needs to be a physical health risk and/or pain.    

It shouldn't be hard to find out your insurance company's criteria.  If you have United Healthcare, for example, Google "United Healthcare gynecomastia surgery coverage."  

No harm in trying to get it covered but my advice would be to accept that you're probably going to have to pay for it, and start figuring out how you're going to do that.  Most places seem to offer some really good financing options.  

My only other advice would be to do everything you can to see a specialist.  I think this is absolutely worth traveling and paying more for.  I did this recently and am glad I did.

It's cool you're looking for a solution and I'm sure you'll find a way.  Good luck!  

Offline The_honest_owl1

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Thanks! Hopefully I find a solution soon, I don't know how I'm going to explain this to my mom lol It's gonna be pretty embarassing. 


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