Author Topic: Need Help for GYNO- My Story is totally different from others  (Read 2370 times)

Offline SR01

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Hi all members and DOctors,

My Name is SR01 SINGH

I have gyno issue (I am attaching my pics) But unfortunatly i know the reason......Please help :( Need some suggestions what to do...

Once you read my Problem 

I am 90% sure you will feel that my case is totaly different and getting solution is difficult :(
if you feel you have seen cases like me then i will be lucky atleast i will get some solution :)

When i was 7-8 years old , i was sexually abused by one person in village.I was a kid and dont know all this . I dont remember exactly but it was going till 2-3 years
then i came back to citi and realized what that guy was doing with me so after that i never allowed him to do that again.


Years later i become 20 year old and i become so fat...almost 100 KG ....and man boobs also grown up and my voice also become so thin like ladies.
I think that sexually abuse affected me so much . I think Harmonal chnages happened due to this sexual abuse and my body was confuse wether to develop as a male of female.
thats why man boobs grown up and my voice also become thin.

I was totally unaware of reason of my fattiness and man boobs and thin voice till age of 27 ,  Then i started gym and i reduce  30 KG in 7 months by Hard work and running and all.
now i reached 70 KG from 100 KG

But as i did this very fast my skin become bit loose  and my body fat was still 25% and voice is thin only
and man boobs are reduced but not till expected level. I am feeling muscularity isssue also i am doing so much exercise and eating proper also still my body is not converting me 
into a muscel man....

Around 3 years later i am now 30 year old. i got some Diet named as Keto diet. where you need to eat more fat and moderate protine and very less Carb so that ketones will develop in my body and 
my body will eat my fat only for energy. this was suggested on website also by this all over remaining body fat will go and body fat % will also get down.

SO i started Keto diet after 1 month i reduced my body fat % from 25 to 20 with same weight and muscel mass. 
gym trainer said it is good 
SO i am still on this keto diet its 2 more week happened 

but in between i gone to a famous doctor Naveen rao (Appolo Bennargatta , Bangalore) regarding Gyno isssue. He just names it bodybuider gyno might be because I did not tell him 
regarding my sexual abuse story . He has very less time and all.

Now he was saying you have small glands which will not go with exercise so u can go fro sergery.

BUT here i have question -

I have small brest enlargment and i think there is high chances that my body contain Estrogen still :(
so i started eating some Anastrozole tablets i am thinking might be it will help me to reduce estrogen level in my body which was not correct by good diet from last 3 years 

I have taken 4 tablets till now . It 1 mg an di am taking it every alternate day.

My questions are -->

-What should i do? SHould i go for estrogrn test first ??
 how much it cost in india and any good doctor?

-I know there is a very costly medicine arimidex . I am not sure wether to take this or not? This is fir estrogen reduction

-My body fat % is still 20% . What I am thinking if I wait for 2 months and follow a specific diet named keto diet (Hight fat , moderate protein and low carb diet – Document attached).
 That will surly help me to reduce my body fat percentage from 20 to 10%. Due to this my skin will also getting tight . it will be good for me if I will  go for surgery in coming future.

-Skin tightening I will use some Vitamin C , E and alovera crème massages as I searched on internet. I think this can help me . Can you suggest some pills and crème?

-I will do very heavy weight training for full body specially for chest so that at least I will remove all remaining fat around my chest and if only gland remained it will come in good shape . and I will gain some muscles and will make shoulders also big so I think my chest will look proper ratio.

-While doing this diet and hard work In gym . Can I take some medicine which can help me to at least support to reduce fat part around gland and some gland part also if possible.

Like I heard some medicine name –

as Yohimburn?



'diet aid of questionable value'

Some crème also names as Gynexol .

Can I also use any for these 2 months before go for surgery

-I want to try some medicine also before getting surgery might be it will work for me because I don’t have so much bad gyno. It is small breast kind only. see pics of mine

 Please suggest me if you can suggest me somthing...Thanks for you help in advance.


« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 08:57:56 AM by SR01 »

Offline SR01

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Hey ,
i wana add Few questions on my issues....
Where to go for Gyno Sergery at Bangalore INDIA. DO you know the best DOctors?
Please share COntacts or Gmails anything.
What is the COst for this Sergey at Bangalore India in Rs?
Is Lypo suction cost different and Sergery Cost DIfferent?
Can Lypo suction is able to remove the Gland as well?? Because i seen one Chennai Sergery DOctoer is Claiming that with new Technology they can Remove Gland and Fat both with Lypo SUction only???
This is the link for Chennai Sergen

Offline royorbison

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The doctors here can tell you about the lose skin and the best techniques for your case. Maybe put this at the "ask a doctor" section if you got no answer here.
What I can tell you is you to not take any anti-estrogen without medical supervision, for what I know these can dangerously lower you estrogen and cause a big mess on you body, including in the mood. And there is another problem, when you take this type of medication, once you stop, your aromatase may be hypersensitized and you estrogen may become even higher than before for a long time causing all types of problems. Thats why many people reduce the doses of these substances gradually when they stop. You took too few pills I think there is no need for that right now, just stop.
You have to go to a doctor, maybe an endocrinologist to measure the levels of your hormones, "thin" voice is not a diagnostic tool for high estrogen. If you have normal sex drive and erections you probably does not have any big hormonal issue, the gynecomasty may occur in fat people. Go to a doctor to measure your hormone levels and rule out some other serious stuff, than you go for surgery.

Offline CJC85

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I think your looking to hard into your painful past. When you have surgery your doctor will order a blood test to check all your hormones are in the correct range, you look good now you've dropped a lot of weight. You have some lose sling which should tighten in time if you keep the weight off and even better if you hit the weights hard and build lean muscle. It just looks like you have regular gyno, find a surgeon you are able to travel too that does lots of gyno surgeries and has good reviews. Also someone who makes you feel confident of their skills in your consultation. Best of luck

Offline Paa_Paw

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Fat cells do not only store energy,  They can actually have an effect similar to a gland in that they can take in Testosterone and convert it into Estrogen.  While you were overweight, that conversion could have cause not only fatty deposits in the breast area but actual breast growth. Weight loss will not get rid of that. The only effective way to get rid of that involves a good cosmetic surgeon. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline SR01

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Offline SR01

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So Need suggestions if any , because i cannot live with this whole life 
Hi Everyone , 
I am SR01 , Living at Bangalore since 4 years and working as a software engineer.I am of age 29 now.
I have been always feeling since 15 years that something is wrong with my chest. I did so much hard work and very strict diet still why my chest is not look even good then the people who are so much overweighed and who even not doing gym at all and who eat anything anytime ...
I reduced 30 Kg (From 100 to 70) and make my body good except chest L
So i did so much research on the topic and came to know this something which is not related to hard work otherwise till then 200% I would have achieved it.
Its something where I need help from doctors so that’s why I decided to go for a surgery then again a new field of research open for me-
·        Where to get surgery done
·        What doctor is good?
·        What are side effect and long time negative effects
·        What are the precautions and all etc etc….. 
I researched as much as I can . I met 2 Doctors till now.
1.     Naveen Rao Apollo plastic surgery (lipo + incision Technique)
2.     karthik ram chennai plastic surgery (Keyhole surgery)
As I came to know that Keyhole surgery has some risk like 
·        Might be un-symmetry in future so not good shape.
·        Long term gyno can come back because  Nobody knows how much gland removed and how much remained.
·        Swelling also for long term
·        Not long term good result which is really important .
Due to these risks I decided not to go with this second technique.
First Technique also has some risk like –
·        Cut under Areola so how it look like after surgery is concern – (asked pictures from Dr. Naveen Rao about the first risk how cut look like under Areola after surgery) 
·        Crater Deformity- (Dr Naveen Rao take care of this )
I choosed Dr Naveen rao as he is the USA recommended Docter for Gyno surgery and as per lot of comments here and there he is a expert in mail Brest reduction.
And most important people consult Dr, Naveen rao for Revision surgery for Crater deformity.
It means if a Doctor can correct the mistake done by some other doctor definitely he can give you best result if you go for him first time only..
So I just asked pictures from Dr. Naveen Rao about the first risk how cut look like under Areola after surgery because that is the only concern for me as of now and I am collecting money also.
Once I receive the pics I will book dates and go for surgery. 
Do anyone here who already gone through surgery from Dr. Naveen Rao .
Please share your comments it will really helpful to me.
You can personally contact me also on my mail ID

SR01 singh 
« Last Edit: November 15, 2015, 08:58:22 AM by SR01 »


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