Author Topic: IV MEDS AND THE LONG TERM RESULTS.  (Read 3377 times)

Offline latebloomer59

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Here are some images of my gynocomastia,,  I am photographing it in a bra to give you an idea of the mass. The bra is a 38,D.   Im getting by using a sports bra in public situations,, and somedays just a binding wrap. This has caused me a great deal of concern, because im scared if i ever had a heart attack or an ambulatory situation, that it might be discovered in a crowded place.  But the size is such that i really have no choice, my insurance wont cover what has to be catagorized as cosmetic surgury.  there are also conditions i have that could complicate surgery.   This growth occured over a long period, and i believe it was due to a medication .  The problem is , i have not been on this medication in over 8 years and growth has continued. Has anyone else experienced this?


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Very small and poor picture with a poorly fitted bra! You need to go for a formal fitting instead of trying to make yourself look like that! There are a lot of us men here on the forum that have large breast cause by medication or health issues but we wear bras that fit and support our breast as they should.

Here is my picture as an example of a good fitted bra and I have a 46H bra.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is a long list of medications that have Gynecomastia as a potential side effect.  There are also several medical conditions that can cause the condition.  Some of the most common offenders do not list Gynecomastia per Se, but use the term "swelling of the breast."
Family members who work in Nursing Homes tell me that the condition is very common in elderly men. 
For my part, I am now 78 years old and the condition has not changed that I am aware of since I was about 20. 
As we age, there are many medications that can cause the condition.  The first that come to mind are those for prostate enlargement but some medications used for hypertension also can cause the condition in some men.  Not taking those medication will have much worse consequences however. 
Grandpa Dan


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Spironolactone (potassium sparing diuretic) did it too me, although I had some growth starting before I was on the drug. 8+ years on this med, and will be for life now. My growth stalled out about 2 years ago, so maybe I am as large as I will ever get. Since I am fat, it is easier to blend in. I just look like a fat guy with big fat moobs.

My wide rib cage helps hide under cloths. Still obvious, but hardly anyone talks about it, unless I make self deprecating comments...which seems to open the door for people to acknowledge that they notice my chest and then proceed to ask me what is causing it. I tell them why, that I must take the drug for my condition, or die sooner. Life with breasts is better than no being alive.

Offline expedient-traveller

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You are not alone by any stretch of the imagination. I had some growth, but did not recognize it for what it was, years ago. It has only been in the last 2 years, more or less, that my breasts have decided to grow, and grow like times. We all get growth spurts as I have learned with enough growth happening to cause former fitting "breast retaining and support units" (bras) to no longer fit. I just went through that and had to get rid of about 7 bras. I went from a 44A to a 44B in less than a year and then heavy growth hit and jumped to a 44C in maybe 4-5 months or less. The point is, we need to accustom ourselves to having a large chest area. I have gotten to the point where I cannot sleep well without a bra and do not feel properly attired without a bra. I usually use a Champion 6632 compression sports bra in public so as not to startle those who might see my breasts. Actually, very, very few have ever looked at my boobs and the only comments I have gotten were all positive and they were from women.
A slight side note: Here at work, some know I have breasts and most do not. One of the supervisors in another department who is also a good friend of mine, has gyno as well as I but while I wear a bra, he does not and he really, really needs to. He is larger than I am but the bras I wear will sometimes artificially inflate my size while his size is all natural. If he wore a proper size bra he would get the support he very much needs but he would also be...big (48D or 48DD). There is always someone bigger breasted than you or I. Learn to live with them because they are not that bad once you get used to having them. I cannot imagine what it is to not have them.

Offline TigerPaws

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Here are some images of my gynocomastia,,  I am photographing it in a bra to give you an idea of the mass. The bra is a 38,D.   Im getting by using a sports bra in public situations,, and somedays just a binding wrap. This has caused me a great deal of concern, because im scared if i ever had a heart attack or an ambulatory situation, that it might be discovered in a crowded place.  But the size is such that i really have no choice, my insurance wont cover what has to be catagorized as cosmetic surgury.  there are also conditions i have that could complicate surgery.   This growth occured over a long period, and i believe it was due to a medication .  The problem is , i have not been on this medication in over 8 years and growth has continued. Has anyone else experienced this?

I 100% understand how you feel, I am now pushing a 38D on a 5' 8" 165lb frame. My breast development was due to medications related to an enlarged prostate. And my development has not stopped. There are times I have an itch deep within my breasts that cannot be scratched, they hurt like hell and often feel like I have hard balloons, not to mention rock hard nipples which will show through if I am not careful.  

Like yours mine are fully developed breasts, I have come to accept that and while I can well afford the surgery at 61 I have chosen not to, I have had enough holes punched and blown into my poor old body to last a lifetime.

Right now quality sports bras are your best option, as are well fitting minimizer and "
T" shirt bras. Chest binding is only going to hurt and accomplish little other than make you feel like you are doing something. Surf on down to the acceptance section, there are many excellent recommendations as to how to deal with your breasts.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I have the opposite problem with Potassium.  Mine runs too high.  Ironically I had to change my blood pressure medication as a result and the Medicine I am now taking lists Gynecomastia as a possible side effect.  I have been on this Med for over a year and no change is noted so perhaps I successfully dodged that bullet. 

Offline TigerPaws

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I have the opposite problem with Potassium.  Mine runs too high.  Ironically I had to change my blood pressure medication as a result and the Medicine I am now taking lists Gynecomastia as a possible side effect.  I have been on this Med for over a year and no change is noted so perhaps I successfully dodged that bullet.
LoL! Not a chance you have dodged that bullet Paa Paw, maybe you are simply as big as you are going to get (possibly, maybe, hopefully).


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