Author Topic: IS my hormonal profile good enough for finishing gyno forever after surgery ??  (Read 1959 times)

Offline SR01

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Hi Doctors,
Issue of my life –
I had painful past.
I was sexually abused when i was child of age 8 years old to 12 years old. the guy was cum inside me also many times:( . I was a child so i was not even aware what he doing :(
Time passes and this thing affected me so much because this all happen when i was a child and was at developing stage so below Side effect happened -
·         I become so fatty person with less muscle %  and high Fat %
·         My chest part become also big with respect to other people (Gynecomastia) with obesity.
·         And I feel like that  Harmon dis balance also happened I think that’s why gynecomastia happened.
Action from my side –
I did so Hard work and reduced weight from 100 kg to 70 kg and gained some muscle also and reduces fat % also .
SO as of now I am at age of 29 ,weight 72 kg (little high than standard weight as per height)And fat % is around 20%.
I have reduced weight but my chest part was seems so fatty so I have gone through Gynecomastia surgery on 12th November 2015 (2 weeks ago). Doc told I had really big glands just opposite of expectation.
Now I think this all happen because of sexual abuse and due to that my hormonal level dis balance happened which caused gynecomastia also.
Now I have gone through surgery and under the healing and waiting for good results in 2-3 months.
I am Afraid -
I am afraid due to one fact that ….
what if this gynecomastia will come back because my past was painful due to that hormonal profile is might be not good.
Can you please have a look on my hormonal profile I am Attaching the report here – (Report on 2nd Nov 2015)
I have below question?
·         Is my Testosterone level is normal as per my age 29 ?
·         What is this estradiol? Is this same as estrogen ?
·         Is my estrogen level is normal as per my age 29?
·         Is Ratio of estrogen and Testosterone also normal which does not come under hormone dis balance category as per my age 29?
Note – My liver tests has some red values . I think this happen while weight reduction process .I was taken protein in that period


Offline SR01

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Hi All,

I have more than 98 views still not even a single reply ...
ok let me take a snapshot of report. I am attaching that snapshot here.
For a man of age 29 is this report seems OK ?
testosterone level OK?
Estrogen Level OK?
testosterone  and Estrogen Ratio is OK? so that Gyno will never return (I follow a healthy diet ).
These are only few questions i wana ask??
Please reply if you know anything........Thanks

Offline Litlriki

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    • Dr. Silverman's Website
I think that I have addressed your question elsewhere.  You need to know the reference range for Estradiol (which is a form of estrogen that is measured), but the number represented may be within a normal range.  If it isn't (and a single test may not be adequate), further work-up would be appropriate.  
These levels are governed by many variables, which are influenced by your health status, but it's not likely that your experiences as a child, horrible though they may have been, directly impact your hormonal levels. We are not endocrinologists, so the more intricate details of hormonal regulation are beyond our expertise, and an endocrine specialist would be better able to address most of your concerns. 
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Offline SR01

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