Author Topic: 2 Weeks Post Op - some concerns  (Read 3137 times)

Offline cruizer

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I had my surgery for excision and liposuction 2 weeks ago from a very experienced and well regarded surgeon on this board. My issue was predominantly puffy nipples. I have a low body fat percentage and so only 30 ccs of fat were extracted from my chest. 
I am a little concerned about my results thus far. One major positive is that the areola is now flush with my chest where it used to to puff out before. However, the nipple itself, to me, is still quite large and protrudes too much (particularly the right one). Is this due to leftover gland? Also, I feel as tho the diameter of my areola is still quiite big and makes me a little self conscious. I have attached some photos and would like your honest opinions. How much difference is possible within the next few months of healing?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Actually, for two weeks, you look quite good.  Also, the fact that your puffy nipples now lie flat and flush with the surrounding skin is a big positive.

I see two different issues here.  First, the areolas will usually diminish slightly in diameter -- but that depends, to some extent, on the amount of tissue that is removed.  In your case, there wasn't that much tissue removed so the change in diameter would not be significant.  Some men have larger diameter areolas.  IMHO, it would be best to accept this because any attempt at areolar reduction will lead to scars completely around the areolar edge and more often than not, it would also lead to wide scars and eventually a re-stretching of the areola.  In effect, you would not gain anything and you could probably look worse.  Leave well enough alone.

Second, your protruding nipple has nothing to do with any residual tissue underneath.  It just happens to protrude a bit more than you would like.  This situation most likely existed prior to your surgery, but both you and your surgeon were more focused on the gyne and the puffy nipples.  If the protrusion bothers you, then a simple nipple reduction can be performed -- usually under local anesthesia.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline cruizer

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Actually, for two weeks, you look quite good.  Also, the fact that your puffy nipples now lie flat and flush with the surrounding skin is a big positive.

I see two different issues here.  First, the areolas will usually diminish slightly in diameter -- but that depends, to some extent, on the amount of tissue that is removed.  In your case, there wasn't that much tissue removed so the change in diameter would not be significant.  Some men have larger diameter areolas.  IMHO, it would be best to accept this because any attempt at areolar reduction will lead to scars completely around the areolar edge and more often than not, it would also lead to wide scars and eventually a re-stretching of the areola.  In effect, you would not gain anything and you could probably look worse.  Leave well enough alone.

Second, your protruding nipple has nothing to do with any residual tissue underneath.  It just happens to protrude a bit more than you would like.  This situation most likely existed prior to your surgery, but both you and your surgeon were more focused on the gyne and the puffy nipples.  If the protrusion bothers you, then a simple nipple reduction can be performed -- usually under local anesthesia.

Dr Jacobs

Thanks for your response Doctor. I know this varies from person to person but when would you expect the final result for a case like mine with such minimal lipo? Also I would imagine the final result to look very similar to how I look today. Would you agree?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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In general, results get better and softer as time goes on -- usually six months or more is needed to see the final results.

One cannot assume that minimal lipo means quicker results.

Dr Jacobs


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