Author Topic: Problem after surgery - need help.  (Read 5122 times)

Offline guidi

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hello everyone, that's my first post here and i would like to explain my situation and, who knows, find an alternative solution.
i previously apologize for any grammar mistakes, i'm from brazil and we don't have many information about gynecomastia online. 
so, here's the deal: 38 days ago i went through a surgery to remove my pseudogynecomastia. everything was perfect at first, 
my chest was straight and the nipples were small and with that cold-alike look. 

however, i made the mistake of smoking marijuana for 30 days after surgery, while using the compression vest. when finally came the day
of taking off the vest, i realize my chest was different. the nipples "came out" and became puffy, and the chest kinda pointy.
i saw online it was common the changes in the chest-shape at the first months, so I didn't care.

i went to my doctor, who told me that marijuana causes gyno after a long-time using and that was not the cause for the increase in my chest after surgery.
after the appointment, i came home and smoked a joint to take the real test. and five minutes after smoking, it was apparent that both nipples were bigger and puffier
and i haven't smoke since. I wonder if there's anything I can do other than another surgery. I am eight days without smoking and nipples do not return to the place, and I'm sure will be bigger if I smoke again. 

relevant information: 
i already had pseudogyno before start smoking weed. 
surgery was performed only to remove fat, not the gland.
there's no gland growing, it's like the weed just made the shape being like it was, of course, with less fat. 
waiting for answers, thank you for reading. 

some pictures of how it is now:


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I don't think you have anything to worry about! Number 1, it far to soon to expect any changes as far as final healing, number 2, smoking some pot can't make anything change that fast, even if it can have any effect at all, as that is still not totally proven yet.

And just to let you know, your English is great! I've been all over the world, however that was 30 years ago in the US Navy and I can only speak English!

Offline guidi

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thanks for the reply, friend! i know that there is no study that really proves the link between gynecomastia and marijuana, but i can clearly notice the increase on the size of my nipples right after smoke. 
i've seen online a similar case, where a guy reports an slightly increase on his nipples size after smoking, but it come back to normal when the effect is gone. in my case, it grows after smoking and doesn't come back to the normal size. 

i haven't smoke in 9 days and it is still the same size as the last time i smoked.

Offline guidi

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anyone else?? please, i'd really use some help here!

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is a forum here where you can ask questions but only the doctors can reply.  That might be a better place to ask.
Puffiness at this point could still be just post operative swelling.  
One problem we have here is that once people have had a good satisfactory outcome to surgery, they don't come back any more.  So their opinions and advice is not available.
There was an exception a few years back.  A man who used the screen name of: "Grandpa Bambu"  He was with us for about 10 years and he was a veritable fountain of help.  You can look him up in the "Members" and scroll back through his old posts.  Hopefully you will find the information you are looking for. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline guidi

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thanks for you help, i will post on (in?) the appropriate place. 

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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It is highly unlikely that smoking pot so soon after surgery would have any effect .  Rather, Your puffy nipples may be due to the fact that the surgeon may not have properly addressed the problem during your surgery.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline guidi

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thank you so much for your answer, Dr. Jacobs, it really means a lot to me.

i had a pseudogynecomastia, and i always had big puffy nipples. he only remove fat on the surgery, which brings me to my question: what do you mean with "may not have properly addressed the problem"? what else could he have done? is there some kind of procedure during the surgery that impedes the nipples to grow again? is there anything i can do now?

i have an appointment tomorrow for a lymphatic drainage, can that solve the problem?
and, the last question: if marijuana really makes the chest grow, it will be the gland, right? or it also can, I dont know, make the fat goes to the nipple position? waiting for your reply, doctor, and, again, thank you very much!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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It is possible that the surgeon should have done excision as well as liposuction.  Without excision, in most cases, the operation is incomplete.  If you had puffy nipples going in to surgery, then excision is absolutely needed.

Lymphatic drainage is a waste of time and money.

Dr Jacobs

Offline flatness13

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It is possible that the surgeon should have done excision as well as liposuction.  Without excision, in most cases, the operation is incomplete.  If you had puffy nipples going in to surgery, then excision is absolutely needed.

Lymphatic drainage is a waste of time and money.

Dr Jacobs

Question, can puffy nipples be fixed by the surgeon if he generally removes enough gland on the chest, or is it absolutely necessary to adress the tissue in the nipples what gyno surgeons call 'ground zero'?

Offline jrflatnow

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If the GLAND is removed the puffy nipples will disappear and you can smoke dope all you want. LIPO WON'T REMOVE IT!!!


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