Author Topic: I feel botched (UPDATE: 14-15 months post-op)  (Read 17615 times)

Offline hellooo123

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Here are some pictures of me the night before surgery and then some of me from within the last week at around 3.5 months post op. Im not going to say how I feel about it because my opinion changes all the time so ill just let the pictures speak for themselves.

Offline flatness13

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Looks great at rest. One question, you had very puffy nipples. In the after photo are they hardened due to some factors or is that what they are like at all times now?

Offline hellooo123

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Looks great at rest. One question, you had very puffy nipples. In the after photo are they hardened due to some factors or is that what they are like at all times now?

Thank you, truly means a lot! No that is how they look at all times now. If they get stimulated the actual nipple does get erect still but it pretty much looks the same regardless. I have not seen my arms in all motions yet however I'm slowly building the courage to do so a bit here and there and as far as I can tell I do not see cratering. I don't feel it either when I'm laying down or when my arms are flexed anymore which I did right after surgery. I'm regaining more and more sensation week by week which never really bothered me anyway but it's cool that I am. I am still seeing my massage therapist and I am still in the process of healing so I can only expect more improvement as time goes on.

Offline flatness13

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That's great, that suggests a good result. Puffy nips is something a lot of surgeons fail with. Whatever the case is when it comes to flexing and stuff, a lot of people aren't as lucky as you are now.

Offline hellooo123

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That's great, that suggests a good result. Puffy nips is something a lot of surgeons fail with. Whatever the case is when it comes to flexing and stuff, a lot of people aren't as lucky as you are now.

Thank you. I mean my nipples unfortunately are by no means flat flat, which really sucks. I'm not sure if some of this is scar tissue or if this is just how it is. My left nipple was completely flat right after surgery and now it's more puffy than my right a little bit. I'm seeing my surgeon this week and I'll bring it up. 

Again I don't want to say what I feel about my results because it does change all the time. But I will say if I look at my chest as a whole, yes, it does look much much better than before and I do feel much more confident without a shirt on now than before, definitely. If I not pick about specific things then I start to feel bad and don't like my results so I'm trying not to. In terms of clothing, I don't wear spanx anymore however there are tons of clothes I used to wear before with spanx that I looked great in that I don't wear anymore because I feel like I still need spanx to keep my nipples flat and I don't want to feel trapped in them anymore. Wearing tight shirts definitely is something I'm pretty sure will never happen. I only feel comfortable with really loose fitting shirts and only some kinds of materials that don't show flaws as much and stuff. It's weird, I feel sometimes that I look better shirtless than with clothes on... Anyway, I'll post more pictures a little later so you guys can see more.

Offline hellooo123

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Just another update, saw my surgeon again and he says some of the irregularities are scar tissue which should improve as I'm still early. He offered steroid injections but I'm scared they'll make me look worse so I opted out and decided to keep waiting.

Idk, under some lighting my results look pretty even and smooth and under most lighting it's not that way.

At 4 months post would I say I'm more confident than before surgery? Not really. I still dos more and had more fun and was livelier beforehand. 
Again, at this point my posts are food for thought for others considering this surgery. You may not have girl looking boobs after but surgery will not necessarily make you look better or more confident.

Offline flatness13

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What were your expectations before the surgery? And second question: Did you make it clear to your surgeon how you felt about the results?

Offline umass20013

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i really can't justify why you are complaining. your results are great man and your still healing! whats the matter with you lol 

Offline hellooo123

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Hey guys,
I am just a few days over my 5 month post-op date and I am over the moon happy with my results! The transformation throughout my healing process has been absolutely INCREDIBLE.
Just to recap, I started seeing a lifestyle coach/lymphatic drainage massage therapist at about 4 weeks post op and saw her weekly for a couple months and then every two weeks for a while (I still see her just not as often as I am healed enough that I can do that). I would say at about 2.5/3 months post-op I changed my diet and became very active with cardio and slowly added on weight lifting. I can now say that this surgery was without a doubt one of if not the best decision I have ever made! I am in love with my chest and my body. I want to stress that while my physical transformation is amazing in my opinion, that is only 40% what plastic surgery is. the other 60% is an emotional and mental journey and I have learned so much about myself and my body and my relationship with him (my body). Also, you have to accept that there is NO SUCH THING as perfection. I learned that truly and the moment I did is when I truly started to enjoy and fall in love with my body. I am so happy and am not self conscious about going shirtless anymore and actually am looking for excuses to get naked whenever I can. It feels amazing.

OH! Also, NO CRATERING! I look great with my arms up and at all angles of motion. What looked like cratering was swelling and deep tissue bruising which some call scar tissue I suppose but my massage therapist says its deep tissue bruising from the canula. But yes, fortunately thank you loooord no cratering when I lift my arms up or flex or anything! :D

Just as people told me when I was fresh out of surgery and was 150% sure I was botched, if you feel this way GIVE IT TIME and if you can find a credible lymphatic drainage massage therapist/lifestyle coach and I promise you will see a drastic positive change in your results. Work with your body and he will work with you back.
Anyway, I know I am still healing and will only continue to improve and look better and better! Here is what I look like at 5 months post op (bottom pic) vs a few weeks fresh out of surgery (top pic).
Thank you for following me on my journey and I hope everyone can have amazing results like I have.

Happy healing and positive energy to everyone! :D

Offline kg062007

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You look good dude, this gives me hope. I had surgery about a week ago, I've had some bruises pop up and I have a dent on my left side, I know things will get better.  Trust your surgeons dude, if you go to an expert they know what they are doing, they've seen people fret and improve time and time again.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Your situation is very typical.  The skin heals quickly and we expect all to be well.  The problem is that tissues deeper down are healing more slowly.   It can take months to reach the final outcome. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline hellooo123

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Hey guys, another update. I am just over 6 months post-op. Months 4 and 5 were pretty awesome. My chest was flat, count our was great, I could finally wear most shirts and sweaters without feeling insecure in my clothes (for the most part) I was loving my life and my body. At this point unfortunately, my boobs are coming back. I don't know if it's fat, or breast tissue or what but they are growing. It has gotten to the point were I am insecure wearing t shirts again because my boobs look huge. They are becoming pointy and come shaped again. I'm confused. I went to Las Vegas a month ago and my body was amazing. My chest was beautiful and I had no insecurities taking off my clothes. I was doing intense cardio and lost 30 pounds along with weight training, since then I will admit I gained back 10 pounds or so and haven't been working out much but it just doesn't make sense. My chest was still flat before I lost those 30 points starting around month 3-4. Why would they be this much bigger now? This sucks. I had read about guys who had amazing results around the time I did and then the boobs crept their way back. I really felt like I had been over the jump and could move on it hide but I guess not. I am starting intense cardio and dieting again to lose the 10 pounds and hopefully I see some improvement but I don't know... Anyone else in a similar situation? This is so frustrating because literally I looked amazing and I'm back at square one I feel. It's ironic, I'm working at my university and I had been excited about being back in that environment with my new banging body and feeling confident and I am just as insecure as I was when I was a student last year. I almost feel like wearing spanx again. Sigh. I will update as I lose weight. Cross your fingers for me, guys.


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Hey guys, another update. I am just over 6 months post-op. Months 4 and 5 were pretty awesome. My chest was flat, count our was great, I could finally wear most shirts and sweaters without feeling insecure in my clothes (for the most part) I was loving my life and my body. At this point unfortunately, my boobs are coming back. I don't know if it's fat, or breast tissue or what but they are growing. It has gotten to the point were I am insecure wearing t shirts again because my boobs look huge. They are becoming pointy and come shaped again. I'm confused. I went to Las Vegas a month ago and my body was amazing. My chest was beautiful and I had no insecurities taking off my clothes. I was doing intense cardio and lost 30 pounds along with weight training, since then I will admit I gained back 10 pounds or so and haven't been working out much but it just doesn't make sense. My chest was still flat before I lost those 30 points starting around month 3-4. Why would they be this much bigger now? This sucks. I had read about guys who had amazing results around the time I did and then the boobs crept their way back. I really felt like I had been over the jump and could move on it hide but I guess not. I am starting intense cardio and dieting again to lose the 10 pounds and hopefully I see some improvement but I don't know... Anyone else in a similar situation? This is so frustrating because literally I looked amazing and I'm back at square one I feel. It's ironic, I'm working at my university and I had been excited about being back in that environment with my new banging body and feeling confident and I am just as insecure as I was when I was a student last year. I almost feel like wearing spanx again. Sigh. I will update as I lose weight. Cross your fingers for me, guys.

pics bro

Offline hellooo123

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Hey guys, another update. I am just over 6 months post-op. Months 4 and 5 were pretty awesome. My chest was flat, count our was great, I could finally wear most shirts and sweaters without feeling insecure in my clothes (for the most part) I was loving my life and my body. At this point unfortunately, my boobs are coming back. I don't know if it's fat, or breast tissue or what but they are growing. It has gotten to the point were I am insecure wearing t shirts again because my boobs look huge. They are becoming pointy and come shaped again. I'm confused. I went to Las Vegas a month ago and my body was amazing. My chest was beautiful and I had no insecurities taking off my clothes. I was doing intense cardio and lost 30 pounds along with weight training, since then I will admit I gained back 10 pounds or so and haven't been working out much but it just doesn't make sense. My chest was still flat before I lost those 30 points starting around month 3-4. Why would they be this much bigger now? This sucks. I had read about guys who had amazing results around the time I did and then the boobs crept their way back. I really felt like I had been over the jump and could move on it hide but I guess not. I am starting intense cardio and dieting again to lose the 10 pounds and hopefully I see some improvement but I don't know... Anyone else in a similar situation? This is so frustrating because literally I looked amazing and I'm back at square one I feel. It's ironic, I'm working at my university and I had been excited about being back in that environment with my new banging body and feeling confident and I am just as insecure as I was when I was a student last year. I almost feel like wearing spanx again. Sigh. I will update as I lose weight. Cross your fingers for me, guys.

pics bro

To be honest I'm pretty terrified at the idea of taking a shirtless picture right now. I'm trying not to look too much and give myself a month or 2 to lose weight. Even though even 10 pounds heavier than a month ago I am still 20 pounds lighter than right after surgery so my hopes aren't too high. I will update as I see or don't see improvement.

Offline hellooo123

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It's been a week of dieting and intense cardio every day and it is still too soon but no difference so far. Feels worse actually. I tried on a button up shirt that looked flawless on me a few months ago and very obviously shows pointy boobs now. I've resigned to loose baggy sweaters again. If for some reason I have to wear a tighter shirt I'll wear spanx, hopefully I didn't throw them away :( 

Hope everyone has a great week.


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