Hey guys,
I am just a few days over my 5 month post-op date and I am over the moon happy with my results! The transformation throughout my healing process has been absolutely INCREDIBLE.
Just to recap, I started seeing a lifestyle coach/lymphatic drainage massage therapist at about 4 weeks post op and saw her weekly for a couple months and then every two weeks for a while (I still see her just not as often as I am healed enough that I can do that). I would say at about 2.5/3 months post-op I changed my diet and became very active with cardio and slowly added on weight lifting. I can now say that this surgery was without a doubt one of if not the best decision I have ever made! I am in love with my chest and my body. I want to stress that while my physical transformation is amazing in my opinion, that is only 40% what plastic surgery is. the other 60% is an emotional and mental journey and I have learned so much about myself and my body and my relationship with him (my body). Also, you have to accept that there is NO SUCH THING as perfection. I learned that truly and the moment I did is when I truly started to enjoy and fall in love with my body. I am so happy and am not self conscious about going shirtless anymore and actually am looking for excuses to get naked whenever I can. It feels amazing.
OH! Also, NO CRATERING! I look great with my arms up and at all angles of motion. What looked like cratering was swelling and deep tissue bruising which some call scar tissue I suppose but my massage therapist says its deep tissue bruising from the canula. But yes, fortunately thank you loooord no cratering when I lift my arms up or flex or anything!
Just as people told me when I was fresh out of surgery and was 150% sure I was botched, if you feel this way GIVE IT TIME and if you can find a credible lymphatic drainage massage therapist/lifestyle coach and I promise you will see a drastic positive change in your results. Work with your body and he will work with you back.
Anyway, I know I am still healing and will only continue to improve and look better and better! Here is what I look like at 5 months post op (bottom pic) vs a few weeks fresh out of surgery (top pic).
Thank you for following me on my journey and I hope everyone can have amazing results like I have.
Happy healing and positive energy to everyone!