Author Topic: Noaclinic vs -- vs Singelberg  (Read 3731 times)

Offline PuffyNipplesCrew

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Hello folks,
I know this has been discussed before, but those threads seem kinda old.
I'm planning on going for surgery end of September.

My lumps have been reduced in size considerably after taking nolva.

The lumps don't bother me as much as the puffy nipples.
When they're cold, my chest and nipples look totally fine.
But when warm, the nipples get big, stretched, puffy and pointy.

This is my primary reason for getting surgery, to get rid of the puffiness.

I'm torn between these three clinics, have heard good and bad about all three.

I'm going through all the previous threads but would like to hear from those who've had surgery at these places.

Did your puffiness go away?
Was you happy with the surgery?

Thank you for reading this.

Kind regards,

Puffy Nipples

Offline PuffyNipplesCrew

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Why is m.e.d.i.m.e.l being censored here?

Offline carlisle29

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Sorry I cant add anything to this for you. I haven't been to Poland for surgery but I am considering it for revision surgery. I had it done on the NHS but I have been left with different sizes in breasts, craters and my nipples are still puffy and large. I'm absolutely gutted to have to go through it all again.
What is the nolva stuff you mentioned?

Offline PuffyNipplesCrew

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Sorry I cant add anything to this for you. I haven't been to Poland for surgery but I am considering it for revision surgery. I had it done on the NHS but I have been left with different sizes in breasts, craters and my nipples are still puffy and large. I'm absolutely gutted to have to go through it all again.
What is the nolva stuff you mentioned?

Evening Carlisle,

Thanks for the reply.

I'm sorry to hear about the mess the NHS have left you in.
I don't want to even go near them, the amount of people they've butchered is astounding.
Nolvadex is a Serm and is prescribed to men with gyno.
Bodybuilder a also take it during pct.
It can get rid of the lumps completely or reduce them in size.

Raloxifene is another one that's even better.

Both of have tons of data and studies behind them, so it isn't just bro science.

My doc prescribed me the nolva after I told her I was gonna take it anyway.

It works for some but not for everyone, and it does take a lot of time as well.

My lumps went from 2 inches to about 5mm now.

The lumps can't be seen at all, but my puffy nipples are driving me mad.

Offline bilabonic

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Hi, how many mg of Nolva was you tking a day and when did you start noticing a difference. ?


Offline PuffyNipplesCrew

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Hi, how many mg of Nolva was you tking a day and when did you start noticing a difference. ?


Hi Bilabonic,

All data on Nolva is on 20mg everyday (one tab a day)
It's what doctors prescribe, what bodybuilders take and this amount works.

I wouldn't take more than 20mg a day if I'm honest, more is not always better.

Some do take 40mg a day for the first week, just to get it in their bodies quicker.

Anyways, I noticed a difference on week 3.
It did what it could within 3 months.
I'm not seeing any further reduction, so am on my last week of taking it.

But please see your doctor first if you're planning on taking this.

Offline CJC85

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Why is m.e.d.i.m.e.l being censored here?

Probably cos their butchers 

Offline PuffyNipplesCrew

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Why is m.e.d.i.m.e.l being censored here?

Probably cos their butchers

I read your thread CJ.
Seems like you're not the only one that's had a botched job by --.
Some of the other forums I frequent have members with the same issue.
They've got puffy nipples after a year from surgery date.
Some have had too much taken out which resulted in indented nipples.

I've spoken with the Singelberg clinic and have booked a consult with the surgeon in London.
I'm most likely going to go with him cause of the good feedback I've seen.
Plus it's easier driving to Belgium for me.

Did you manage to get yours fixed btw? 
How bad is it now?

Offline CJC85

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Why is m.e.d.i.m.e.l being censored here?

Probably cos their butchers

I read your thread CJ.
Seems like you're not the only one that's had a botched job by --.
Some of the other forums I frequent have members with the same issue.
They've got puffy nipples after a year from surgery date.
Some have had too much taken out which resulted in indented nipples.

I've spoken with the Singelberg clinic and have booked a consult with the surgeon in London.
I'm most likely going to go with him cause of the good feedback I've seen.
Plus it's easier driving to Belgium for me.

Did you manage to get yours fixed btw?
How bad is it now?

It's still bad, puffy nipples when standing, sent and creases when lying or flexing. It's a mess. I sent pics to the guy thinking of going there, don't want him to end up like I have. I spoke to another doc in the USA dr Massai and he thinks he can't fix it! Lol so that tells you how bad it is. So I'm just researching and saving for a revision sometime in the future 


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