Author Topic: New and confused  (Read 3939 times)

Offline Gotboth

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Hi I'm new here and new to gynecomasti. In the past six months I have lost 50 pounds without trying. Thyroid tests indicate hyperthyroidism. I am overweight and have had some man boobs going on for quite a while. In the past 6 months with the weight loss they have gotten larger. A few weeks ago I started having tenderness and pain if they jiggle around. So I went to see my dr and after a quick exam was told I had gyne. I asked what to do about the pain and was told to get a bra. I did get one and it does help alot with the pain from movement. Why is there pain to begin with. What caused it and shouldn't that be fixed. Still waiting for an appointment with an endocrinologist for the thyroid problem would it be appropriate to ask him/her about this? Just have alot of questions, fear, confusion and anxiety about this.


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The bra will help some if it fits right. You may need to get a formal fitting done, but if you have a lot of pain in the breast area that is usually a sign that there is physical change going on, ie: you are still growing bigger! I'm sorry to say that, but you are not alone, you came to the right place!

I can only offer support as far as getting use to wearing a bra, as I've had gyno all my life and at 58 I've grown to the point of needing a 46H size bra! There are others here that understand the medical side of gyno much more then I do and they will jump in here very soon.

Welcome to the forum!


Offline Gotboth

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Thank you for your reply. Holy crap I'm gonna get bigger. Already in a 42c Glad my wifeet is understanding and supportive. Could all of this cause changes in body hair? Notices the hair I had around my nipple has disappeared as well as thinning on arms and legs. Also I've been on anti psychotics, risperdal and seroquel (not at same time)along with lithium, lamictal and zoloft for bipolar. Could any of these have caused/contributed to this? Sorry for so many questions that you guys have probably answered a million time and thank you for your help


Offline Paa_Paw

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Yes, your body hair change could be part of the same thing. 
Yes, loss of muscle mass can also be part of the same set of symptoms. 
Yes, tell everything to the Endocrinologist. 
Yes, the Medications you have been taking could be part of the problem.  but the benefits need to be weighed against the liabilities.  In some cases a different medication might be in order and in some cases you will simply have to deal with the side effects of the medication.   
Grandpa Dan


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As Paa_Paw said, bring up all those meds to the doctor, as they have side effects! Some could be gyno. I lost my testicles after a vasectomy which caused me to get so large, but I learn to accept and move on. My wife is also supportive as my daughter's are as well! I lost all my back and chest hair as well as my arm pit hair, but that's not the end of the world!

The gyno will not kill you, but you need to get the thyroid under control as that will cause a lot of problems, I have the opposite problem I have hypothyroidism!

Offline Gotboth

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As long as there are no causes that are detrimental to my health I think I can live with this. I'm certainly not going to agree to changes of psych meds as it took years to find a combo that worked. So when I see the endocrinologist I'll make sure to bring all of this up. On a side note bras don't seem to be uncomfortable so guess it's good I feel that way. If there is anything I should ask the endocrinologist that I haven't asked here it might be helpful to know. Thank you again. It's nice to get some answers and talk with others with this condition. To know I'm not alone.

Offline TigerPaws

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As long as there are no causes that are detrimental to my health I think I can live with this. I'm certainly not going to agree to changes of psych meds as it took years to find a combo that worked. So when I see the endocrinologist I'll make sure to bring all of this up. On a side note bras don't seem to be uncomfortable so guess it's good I feel that way. If there is anything I should ask the endocrinologist that I haven't asked here it might be helpful to know. Thank you again. It's nice to get some answers and talk with others with this condition. To know I'm not alone.
"Psych meds" are well known to cause Gynecomastia, some increase Prolactin which will stimulate breast development.

Offline Gotboth

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I havery another question. How fast can breasts grow. Just notice some cleavage happening and find it hard to believe there is that much growth in the past week

Offline Paa_Paw

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How fast is a relative thing.  How serious is a relative thing.  How Big is a relative thing.
Many years ago, Bob Hope explained the difference between major and minor surgery, I do not recall the precise quote, but basically it came down to: "If it happens to me it is Major and if it happens to you  it is minor." 
Unfortunately that same relationship exists with breast growth.  If you see it on someone else, it is slow and insignificant.  The same growth on your own chest would be fast and huge.  

Offline TigerPaws

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I havery another question. How fast can breasts grow. Just notice some cleavage happening and find it hard to believe there is that much growth in the past week
The honest answer is there is no way to know, each man is different in how his body reacts and develops.

Typically and very generally development takes time, the question is how long have you been developing? Only you can answer that.

As an example I know the exact date which I was first exposed to direct Estrogen injections and Testosterone suppressants. In that regard my case is a bit unique, but as an example I went from no breast development to feeling the pain, itching, burning and other growth indicators within 4 weeks. Then by 6 months I had noticeable development and within 2 years of direct Estrogen therapy I was a fully developed 38C. My development continued to a 38D and a number of years later I am a 38DD and still occasionally there are growth spurts.

As I said every man is different, any attempt to compare what is happening to you with other is pretty much a worthless exercise.

The image below is of me shortly after fitting into a 38DD.


Offline Gotboth

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I guess I was just wondering how fast from a more scientific perspective. Is the body capable of growing breast tissue at the rate of a cup size in a week? More? Less? Do any of you have any experience of a high rate of growth? If so how much growth in how much time?

Offline TigerPaws

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I guess I was just wondering how fast from a more scientific perspective. Is the body capable of growing breast tissue at the rate of a cup size in a week? More? Less? Do any of you have any experience of a high rate of growth? If so how much growth in how much time?
Look at my image above. I went from Zero to C cup within a year, then to D and now (above) DD.

I am the same weight today as when I first started developing.

There is no normal even among women. You will get as big as your genes are programmed to grow. There is nothing that you can do about your growth rate, you are simply along for the ride.

Take heard, growth is not linear, it will start, stop and start again.

Offline Alchemist

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Hi Gotboth,
All my growth happened around puberty.  However, at this point, I take medications and some could have effects on breasts or not.  I don't worry about it like some of the guys.  They have been 1-2 cups bigger with edema, 1-2 cups larger with fat and edema, and that is about it.  If they grew, they would grow.  It isn't a concern anymore.  Have fun. 


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There is no set rate for breast growth.  Just like with women, a man with gyno will probably have growth spurts.  I have Klienfelters Syndrome,(XXY CHROMOSOMES ).  My breasts started development at age12. At first there were changes in my areaolas then hardly noticeable protrusion.
They grew steadily until my early 20's. At that time I was between a B andC cup. Now at age 70 I am a full D cup.
What I really noticed wasn't so much the increase in cup size, but the changes in the shape of my breasts.  They went from a conical shape to more of a pear shape.
Because of the KS I am fairly tall. 6 feet 4 inches. That makes my 46D a little less noticeable because of my larger frame.
Like some of the.guys that post on this site, I have elected not to go the surgical route.
Remember that a bra is just a support garment just the same as an athletic supporter or support hose. In the 50 years I have been wearing a bra for support, only a few people have noticed.  Most people are so wrapped up in their own lives they don't have the desire to be worrying about yours.
Right now we have to go to bras that are designed for women, but I am sure that's going to change as gynocomastia seems to be on the rise mostly due to meds.
There is a contributor that goes by the handle Tiger Paws that is looking into starting a bra line for men. I also think that as the market develops, (no pun intended), some of the manufacturers of women's bras will get into the market. When women first started wearing trousers there weren't many ways to go except buying men's jeans.


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