Author Topic: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ  (Read 24765 times)

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Hello everyone. I had the surgery on Friday.  I had gland removal and lipo performed.  It is now Tuesday 4 days after and I just had my compression bandages removed for good. 
Except for some major bruising and swelling, and the obvious stitches, which will dissolve I think it looks pretty good.  What is everyone else's thoughts?  Would like to hear from doctors as well.  Thanks.
Any questions about my surgery please ask!  And I will be updating this thread with more pictures as time goes on.

Before surgery pictures

4 days after surgery pictures

Offline TrailRunner

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Great results, bro!  I would be very happy with results like yours. All the best with the healing process and when you're healed up I'd recommend you hit the gym and harden up that body with some muscle. 

Offline SmokeyNYY

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I plan on hitting the gym once I heal up.  This surgery was merely the first step in a full body transformation!

Offline TrailRunner

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I plan on hitting the gym once I heal up.  This surgery was merely the first step in a full body transformation!

Awesome! Well, I'm happy for you bro. Thanks so much for sharing and please stay in touch with us here and keep us updated on the overall progress. 

I'm still in the 'before' stage, will be posting pics here soon. I've just started to work on losing some weight first through a change of diet and doing some running. I'm planning to start hitting the gym myself as well after I've built up some half decent stamina. I know it won't really help my gyno as I'm pretty sure I've got mostly breast tissue/glands and only a small part is fat, but oh well, it is what it is. 

Meanwhile I'm saving up to eventually have the surgery. May I ask who performed the procedure on you? 

Offline CJC85

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Far too early to tell but it's looks ok so far. Definitely hit the gym and watch your diet and try build some muscle then lose some fat to get even better result.

Make sure you wear your compression and massage when your told toz

Make sure

Offline SmokeyNYY

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@ Trailrunner-  Awesome!  Make sure to post those pictures!  I didn't really see the point in getting really ripped before I had the surgery since I would have to sideline myself for 4-6 weeks to heal and lose most of the muscle I gained.  The surgeon that performed my surgery is actually banned from this site for getting too many good reviews and I am guessing taking business away from the other guys on here.  The owners of the site thought it was suspect and fake; however this surgeon performs over 300 surgeries a year and many consider him the best in the country.  The day I went in I was the first one at 930am.  By the time I was out of the recovery room around 1230-1pm he had already performed two more surgeries.  Private message me if you want to know the name.  I don't want to break any rules here.  He is super expensive though and cost me around 12k. 
@CJ  It actually looks amazing now considering its only been 8 days.  I plan on posting more pics at 2 weeks.  I only had to wear the compression garmet for 4 days and am in no pain whatsoever now.  I plan on hitting up the gym once I feel normal, I am assuming in 4-6 weeks.
More pics will be coming at the 2 week mark (It looks friggin amazing though already)

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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For four days, the results look good -- a bit of swelling and bruising are to be expected.

Give it ample time to heal -- and then hit the gym and try to lose some weight from your abdomen.  Your chest will also get even better in the process.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Thanks for the response Dr. Jacobs! I am thinking at least 4-6 weeks before I start hitting the gym.  I am kind of bummed out because I don't know if i'll be healed enough to hit the beach this summer.  Maybe late August early September. I have been dreaming of the time I can just go to the beach and take off my shirt without any worries in the world.  I usually go once a year anyway but feel awkward.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Just be patient - don't hit the gym too soon in order to look great at the beach.  You could develop problems if you get too aggressive with working out too soon.
Great result, BTW.  Allow plenty of time for swelling to go down before you see your final result.  
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline SmokeyNYY

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OK guys here are my 2 week pictures.  Thoughts are of course greatly welcomed.

Front 2 weeks

Right side 2 weeks

Left side 2 weeks

If you look closely you can see a "crease" on the left side

Right side no crease

If you look at my before pictures you can see my left side is a bit more saggy and misshapen than my right side, and my nipple isn't as centered. I am guessing this is why there is a bit of a crease.  It really isn't that noticeable and I am still extremely pleased with my results.  I wasn't expecting it to be perfect.  I really think my right side looks amazing though.  I am also experiencing a bit of a dull pain in my left side sometimes.  Nothing major though.  I am going in for a checkup on Monday and i'll voice my concerns with my doctor. Thoughts are of course welcomed!!!!!!!

Offline moving_on

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Congrats, man! It does look a lot better, a fair amount of mass they removed (the bruising). I have a similar situation as you with my right side being awesome and my left side, while still looking much better, wasn't like my right side and the nipple seemed to be a bit lower (my left side was a bit saggier before the surgery). Just know you'll experience some changes in contour in the first couple months. I'd say after the 3 month mark, it'll pretty much be what it is with more of the changes being the scars and sensation after that point.
My story and being post-op 12 months now (w/pics)

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Congrats, man! It does look a lot better, a fair amount of mass they removed (the bruising). I have a similar situation as you with my right side being awesome and my left side, while still looking much better, wasn't like my right side and the nipple seemed to be a bit lower (my left side was a bit saggier before the surgery). Just know you'll experience some changes in contour in the first couple months. I'd say after the 3 month mark, it'll pretty much be what it is with more of the changes being the scars and sensation after that point.

Thanks!  3 weeks post op and almost all the bruising is gone and the incisions are healing very nicely.  I am actually going to put small band aids over the aeriola incisions and hop on over to the beach tomorrow for a short amount of time.  I read your story and your results look very good.  I find it odd though how I had a very severe case and I didn't need any pumps and the compression bandages were off in 4 days and I didn't need any compression vest at all afterwards.  I guess it depends on how the surgeon does the surgery.  Anyway I will be updating pics in another week or so.  Then after that probably wait another month.  Good luck to you!

Offline SmokeyNYY

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OK guys here are some updated pics after 30 days.


Right side

Left side

When flexing

So far I am pleased with the results.  Of course it isn't perfect.  I understand perfection was impossible with my severe case.  There is a little crease on my left side.  Not very noticeable though unless I point it out.  I also feel a lump on my right side near the side of my breast about 3-4 inches down from my armpit.  It isn't noticeable unless I raise my arm up high.  It may be scar tissue.  Maybe the crease and the lump will go away in time.  But even if they don't I am still very happy and feel a renewed sense of life within me.  I won't be updating this thread until another month has passed.  I will of course reply to responses.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 11:40:48 PM by SmokeyNYY »

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Looking good.

Your belly looks a bit smaller as well -- losing weight, even after surgery, will only improve your results.

Dr Jacobs

Offline Paa_Paw

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Congratulations.  Keep in mind that the skin heals quickly.  It should be completely healed in only a couple of weeks.  Unfortunately, the deeper tissue takes longer.  There could be problems with post operative swelling and other things  for much longer.  If that happens, stay in touch with the Surgeon and continue to follow the Surgeons directions. 
The most important part of the healing process is all up to you. 
Grandpa Dan


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