Author Topic: Last  (Read 1704 times)


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Well HHH you & others got your wish.

Put another notch on your poison pen, I'm out of here.

Personal attacks & always having the last word from you over the last year have finally got to me.  Go ahead & shill for the plastic surgeons without any comment from me.

A man with boobs can date, work, marry, & have a good life.  Boobs do not make anyone do anything. It is in the attitude that matters, not the flat chest Holleywood image.

 Getting them cut off will not solve most problems these young guys have & they probably will grow back if the hormones are not balanced.

Happy cutting !

Offline Spleen

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A man with boobs can date, work, marry, & have a good life.  Boobs do not make anyone do anything. It is in the attitude that matters, not the flat chest Holleywood image.

True enough, but you can have a good attitude and *still* go for surgery.  

Offline opkcz

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It is in the attitude that matters, not the flat chest Holleywood image.

Hell damn the Hollywood image, I'm trying to look like the dude down the street.

Offline headheldhigh01

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gine2d, trying to reason with you is like trying to talk with somebody who's convinced the earth is flat:  nothing ever sinks in.  

i always completely agreed it's possible to live with gyne just like you do, and i wished you well doing it.  i said on every single occasion you had useful things to contribute -- when you weren't bashing people considering surgery as "shills" and "self-butchers" and "cut-em-offers".  

you don't suppose your paranoiac rantings about "poison" had anything to do instead with the fact i called you on the ridiculous lies you made up here about me taking annual vacations in the tropics, or the outrageous stuff you went and made up about me over on the yahoo boards?  

your attempt to make up a few last lies as you go only shows how delusional your claims of "hate" and "attacks" have been all along.  so i guess even in balance with the good things you could have offered, maybe the site really is better off without your constant disruptive dishonesty.  

good luck, and i hope someday years from now, after however many hard experiences it takes, you finally learn to look in the mirror and see the problem was never everbody else being out to get you, but your own constant cracks at non-keepers and your inability to listen to them.  
« Last Edit: October 05, 2005, 11:04:40 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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