Author Topic: Sports Supplement Induced Gynecomastia  (Read 1418 times)

Offline Needofhelp1231

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I have had a hard lump roughly the size of a nickel behind my right nipple. My opinion, for what it is worth, is that it is induced by excess androgens and natural testosterone suppression. I have been an athlete my whole life, used various supplements since high school, and finally decided to use Epistane which is a designer steroid and Ostarine which is Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). I have used Epistane in the past with no side effects and great benefits. So I used epistane for a month, followed by Ostarine, now knowing about estrogen rebound, i was advice by fellow athletes to use tamoxifen to prevent gynecomastia. Approximately one month coming off tamoxifen i had noticed that my nipples would lactate when squeezed. I went to my physician, he told me to let it go and stay off of everything. A week later I wanted a second opinion and went to a endocrinologist. After his physical examine he told me that i don't have gynecomastia but galactorhea. He sent me for a blood and hormone panel, which came back fine, with testosterone at 974 ng/l , lh and fsh were normal. The only problem was that prolactin was at 23.6 ng/l.  I continued to exercise, eat healthy and wait it out. Around a month later i have developed this lump in my right nipple, that had gotta progressively bigger. I contacted the Endo and he prescribed me Cabergoline, after going through a ultra sound. Its been a month and Cabergoline isn't doing a thing, with the lactation or the size of the lump.
Now I have been doing extensive research on remedies to rid this lump from my body prior to the tissue becoming fibrous scar tissue. One route is to follow medical studies observing tamoxifen and Raloxifene, which from my understanding have great results. My question is would this be a route that would be useful to consider? I have read that sometimes when Gynecomastia arises from high progesterone, tamoxifen can make it worse, I am not sure if I have high progesterone, but it could be implied by my high prolactin levels.
So to clarify, would Cabergoline and Tamoxifen or Raloxifene be counterproductive? or would they solve this issue?
Another thing i found was the use of Exemestane to stop the conversion of testosterone to Estrogen, which I personally believe is my problem, since i already have a high level of Testosterone.
Also any other ideas would be helpful. I have done extensive research through medical journal after journal and this is the best I have found. I am just trying to get control of this monster before it becomes worse.
Thank you

Offline Paa_Paw

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The Doctors that frequent the site are cosmetic surgeons,  I don't recall any endocrinologists among them.   At the same time, there are sone that have dealt with Gynecomastia caused by steroid use and other concerns of body builders. 
Ther are a few of the forums that attract more of the body builders but like the rest of us, their advise might be questionable, you'll have to check it out for yourself to see if it really seems to fit. 
You might do a search for things like steroid induced Gynecomastia and see where it takes you.  Our archives go back many years and there might be something.  Please though, do not answer one of the old archived posts. It is better to start a new topic than to revive an old one.
Sometimes the only thing that makes any sense is to stop all medications for a while then repeat the hormonal studies and see what the body is doing without all the interference.
I think your Endocrinologist is going to be your best friend for a while.
Meanwhile, welcome to the club no one want to be a member of.     
Grandpa Dan


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