Author Topic: Karidis Surgery Booked for Tuesday 17th Jan 2017  (Read 4463 times)

Offline P.O.G

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Hi all,
I'm booked in for surgery with Kaidis next week Tuesday and I'm really excited it, and a bit worried at the same time. I'm 24 years old, and have suffered with gynecomastia since I was 13. I probably say that I have quite a mild case of gynecomastia, and have learned how to deal with it and disguise it. Like underneath all of my T-Shirts, jumpers etc, I wear very tight small T-Shirts which completely hides my gynecomastia and compresses it, so have no problems in the summer, etc. I mainly just avoid going swimming, which isn't a problem because I can't swim anyway haha. Apart from that it hasn't inhibited any of my relationships or anything like that, I just feel that it's time for me to have it done once and for all.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 08:16:29 PM by P.O.G »


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good luck and make sure to update us with your progress

Offline P.O.G

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So I had the surgery today. I arrived at 8AM, and was in theatre by 10:30AM which was totally expected. All the nurses and hospital staff were very nice, explained everything to me, and checked my blood pressure approximately 4 times before going into theatre. Dr. Karidis also came in before surgery, to check I was ok, and to mark me up.

Once in theatre, I told the anaesthetist that I have previosuly had bad experiences with general anaesthetic in which I was violently sick and nautious. He said that he would provide me with anti-sickness medication before he put me out to sleep, which worked perfectly.

I woke up in theatre very drowsy, and with a really bad sore throat. The nurse wheeled me up to to my room, and I sat back in my bed, and rested. The nurses came in again every thirty minutes to check my blood pressure, check if if the ice packs in the vest I had been given needed changing (which they did change at one point), and to see if I wanted any drinks, or was ready for my previously ordered lunch.

I felt much sorer than I initially felt that I would, my whole chest and ribs were pretty sore which has gotten worse, and some bruising has formed already. The pain isn't unbearable though, and I absolutely refuse to take pain killers, so I'll just wait it out, but out of 10 I'd give the pain a 5.

The lunch was pretty nice as well, salmon and avocado sandwich, some form of chicken soup and a bread roll, strawberry ice cream and apple juice. I think I went through about 5 1 litre bottles of water as well, I felt so dehydrated coming out of surgery, and my throat was and still is very sore.

Dr. Karidis's nurse visited me to discharge me, she gave me the office emergency number, painkillers, arnica tablets, dressing, and two elastic vests (one of which she fitted on me), gave me my discharge letter, gave me instructions, said she would call me tomorrow to book a followup appointment in, and then I was good to leave.
I looked at my chest briefly when she applied the new vest to me, and it looks so nice, flat and defined. I have a feeling I'm going to be happy with the final results :) . I'll take some pictures tomorrow or the day afterwards. 

« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 08:26:29 PM by P.O.G »


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Offline P.O.G

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I'm now two days post op, I had a shower, removed the plasters and applied fresh ones. My chest area is still tight and uncomfortable, strangely my ribs are the most sore and uncomfortable part. I also don't have much range of motion either. But I'm pretty much happy with the results that I can see, flat, defined, and looking good. Links to the pictures attached.

Offline Ndog

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Hey man congrats, the are amazing results! I am seeing him for consul attain next week. Any advice? What's the story with getting bloods? Also do you have to book the surgery within a time frame of consultation?

Offline nonini

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This guy is good! What was the cost of you dont mind me asking.

Offline P.O.G

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Hey guys,

Thanks very much, I'm happy with how it's progressing, and with time It'll only get better.

The total cost of surgery was £5313. This consisted of the £1300 deposit, £2530 Karidis fee, and the hospital fee of £1,483.

In regards to getting the bloods done, you can either get it done at your local GP and have this sent over to Karidis (probably for free) or you can get this done at the hospital directly below the Karidis office for about £150, though I can't remember the exact figure. I decided to just pay for it, and had it done on the same day as my consultation, saved me faffing around trying to get a Doctors appointment.

I'm not sure if there's a time frame that you have to book the surgery in, following the consultation. I'd assume the quote you're given at the consultation wouldn't be valid after a certain period of time, but I can't confirm.

Offline P.O.G

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I'm now four days post op. There's not much bruising left, my whole chest area still slightly swollen and completely numb. My range of motion is still very limited, though it's improving each day, and the pain in my ribs is still present and getting better each day.

I'm absolutely dying to get back in the gym, and to start driving again, etc. But they way things are healing, no driving for another 2-3 days I think, and no gym for at least another two weeks.

Another thing is that I used to always sleep on my front or on my side, but haven't been able to, I can't see me being able to for another month at the least.

I'm still happy with the progress and look of my chest, and can say it's among the best decisions I've made.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 11:29:14 AM by P.O.G »

Offline P.O.G

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I received a PM asking im supplementing with anything to aid in the recovery process so thought I'd share.
I'm using the Arnica that Karidis prescribed alongside; zinc, probiotics, bromelain, tumeric, morninga, and vitamin D3. I also make a healthy smoothie every Morning (spinach, banana, betroot, pumpkin seeds, coconut oil, and chocolate oat milk). 
Honestly the above are what I take on a day to day basis anyway, the only additional ones for surgery being; zinc, bromelain, and the probiotics. 

Offline Ndog

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Those results are great man. Also very reassuring for me as I said to you before I also had two surgeons say to me leaving an indent is likely with large pec muscles. No sign of it with you from Karidis so I'm going to go ahead! 

Offline P.O.G

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9 days post op. No scarring, and no more bruising at all. My chest (although not visible), has developed some of the hard scar tissue I see mentioned on the forum, so I completely expected it. The area is still quite sore, and tight mobility wise. It's also numb around the lower portion of my chest. 

Apart from that, I can't complain, still delighted with the look of my chest, amd just can't wait for it heal. 
I hope the sensitivity comes back in my nipples as well lol.


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