Author Topic: Do men with gyne have more sensitive nipples than those who don't have?  (Read 10200 times)

Offline Nikita

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I feel when my breast glands grow, I feel more fun with my nipple even Aerolas

Offline Paa_Paw

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I don't know.  I do accept the fact that the nipples are sensitive, but do not know if there is a relationship to size.  I really doubt it.  What is even more baffling is the fact that some people find that the sensation is pleasant in an erotic way while others report that it is annoying.  
Grandpa Dan


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My areolas have remained the same but nipples have gotten a little larger. And the breasts have grown to a mild a cup as gyne has really taken back off since the last couple months for some reason. Which has me nervous only cause at 30 i feel its odd. However they have become much more ergoenous as growth continues. So much so that my wife goes to them for foreplay and even when having sex she will tweak them and pull and i gotta be honest it takes my performance from 10 to 20 to 2 to 3 the sensitivity is almost electric 


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My areolas are large as well are my nipples I'm wearing a 36G which is on the more severe end of gynecomastia. I can only speak for myself but, I find the sensitivity to be awesome! Wearing a bra helps keep the my nipples under control and comfortable. 

Offline Boomer

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I would have to say yes much more sensitive. Which is a blessing and a curse. Curse, it feels like every time I bump a door it hits my damn nipple. I wear lined for little bit of protection.
Blessing, My wife has shown me how it can be good. I guess I'm lucky that my wife doesn't have a problem with my boobs. Sometimes she likes to involve them in sex. I know they were never this sensitive before.


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Have you had the experience of lactating yet? If you haven't, that can be.....well, different to say the least!


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I'm a 36H  (US). I have had some minor lactation when they are stimulated. The problem is not in the bedroom.  It's the next day. I have to be careful what bra I wear. It has to be lined and I have cotton absorption pads that I have to insert and change every few hours to avoid even further embarrassment. One of the prices we pay for having boobs.

Offline Boomer

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Uhh, say what now? No, I haven't. Thank you for giving me something else to worry about.


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Not all of us will lactate. My lactation increased after my thyroid gland was removed which also caused my breasts to increase from what was a relatively stable DD cup to an H/I cup that I am now wearing. 


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My lactation happened after I lost my testicles and the breast started growing like well watered weeds! The front of my shirts would look like two wet streams running down the front minus the fish! It all stopped once the growing hit a plateau, thank God!

I really need to say that it was actually before to removal of the testicles, because they had actually died ( rotted ) before the removal.

Offline Boomer

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Ahh ok [great sigh of relief]. Then I should be good unless something else major happens.
Ok, anyone else notice any other changes? Yeah, I've got boobs, but I'm getting some hair back on my head and it's coming back in darker. I guessing it's because my T levels suck. Anyone else?


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I didn't lose the hear my head like my brothers did


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I have a full, thick head of hair. I have no chest or back hair. But I guess that goes with the territory. 

Offline Boomer

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LOL, well then at least some good came out of this then. I got a lot back and it's coming in darker. Gotta look for any plus you can some days.


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Yep, looking at the glass as being half full is always better than half empty! 


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