Author Topic: After operation  (Read 4143 times)

Offline Mauro890

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Hi everyone,
I'm an Gym athlete and last year just compete in competition and i comed disqualified from the competition cause i had gyno .

14days ago i made the operation.
I'm writing here because I'm a bit worried about small things .

1.large of the chest is dumbness , the main part is under the chest .

2.under the right nipple i have like a small ball , i would like to know what's that please?

3. Last question please, one of my nipple are a bit pointed , that means that my operation wasn't completed good??

Sorry about my English grammar.

Hope someone can help me please.

Have a good day everyone

Offline Geoff88

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Hi there, no problem with your grammar, it sounds a little Italian? (Ha fatto), but only 14 days is too early.

Please explain what you mean by 1. dumbness?

For 2&3 you need to "apply more compression" with bandages or tight compression vest to ensure that you reduce swelling and help recovery.  Then see your doctor to check what their opinion might be, but it really is too early at only 14 days.

Perhaps you can post photos for the doctors here to view and possible comment on.

Offline Mauro890

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Hi Geoff88,
Thanks for your respond .
I'm From Malta and I have few family members are italian :) :) .

About thr first Question , i don't know how to say it exactly , but part of the chest is numb , i mean I can't feel anything.
I tried to shave , but I didn't done it cause when i comed near the nipple the chest is to numb!.

I will post a photo to show you the results cause i'm a bit worried!.

Again thanks for your help , I will put the bandages again :).

Hi there, no problem with your grammar, it sounds a little Italian? (Ha fatto), but only 14 days is too early.

Please explain what you mean by 1. dumbness?

For 2&3 you need to "apply more compression" with bandages or tight compression vest to ensure that you reduce swelling and help recovery.  Then see your doctor to check what their opinion might be, but it really is too early at only 14 days.

Perhaps you can post photos for the doctors here to view and possible comment on.
Hi there, no problem with your grammar, it sounds a little Italian? (Ha fatto), but only 14 days is too early.

Please explain what you mean by 1. dumbness?

For 2&3 you need to "apply more compression" with bandages or tight compression vest to ensure that you reduce swelling and help recovery.  Then see your doctor to check what their opinion might be, but it really is too early at only 14 days.

Perhaps you can post photos for the doctors here to view and possible comment on.

Offline Geoff88

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Va bene, avrei potuto provare italiano, ma non so maltese!

The numb feeling or loss of sensation is perfectly normal, the doctors here may provide advice if they see your post, but it will return gradually after 3-4 months for most people.

As for the balls etc you describe behind the nipples, were they present right after you removed the bandages?  They could simply be swelling, and more "compression" / pressure will help to reduce that swelling.  Apply pressure and see the results after 1 or 2 days.

Right now you need to keep good pressure on the surgery areas, whole chest areas, and make sure it is enough pressure / but of course not too much pressure to affect blood flow or breathing!  It is easy to do this with bandages but you can also try a "back bind" similar to this one:

But smaller, and use it across the chest - it is more convenient than bandages.

Offline res.Cogitans

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I have a question about the compression..
Its only me that feels a little bit of pain in areas of hard tissue that compression do? or you all feel it due to the the compression??

Offline Mauro890

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ou're good in italian :D!! . sei Bravissimo 👍.

Today I removed the sticks and i just saw my nipples for the first time!
I've never used any bandages till now , the doctor gave me large sticks and with them i was compressing the nipple .

I need to buy bandages cause i think I'm not making enough pressure .

I just attached a photo to show you the results .

The right nipple (arm without tattoo) is more pointed and if you see the left nipple isn't pointed .

When i put my right arm up , a small ball come out like how it was the gyno 🤔🤔😏😏, hope gyno is not still .

I want to thank you for your responds.


Offline Mauro890

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You're good in italian :D!! . sei Bravissimo 👍.

Today I removed the sticks and i just saw my nipples for the first time!
I've never used any bandages till now , the doctor gave me large sticks and with them i was compressing the nipple .

I need to buy bandages cause i think I'm not making enough pressure .

I just attached a photo to show you the results .

The right nipple (arm without tattoo) is more pointed and if you see the left nipple isn't pointed .

When i put my right arm up , a small ball come out like how it was the gyno 🤔🤔😏😏, hope gyno is not still .

I want to thank you for your responds.

Thank You

Va bene, avrei potuto provare italiano, ma non so maltese!

The numb feeling or loss of sensation is perfectly normal, the doctors here may provide advice if they see your post, but it will return gradually after 3-4 months for most people.

As for the balls etc you describe behind the nipples, were they present right after you removed the bandages?  They could simply be swelling, and more "compression" / pressure will help to reduce that swelling.  Apply pressure and see the results after 1 or 2 days.

Right now you need to keep good pressure on the surgery areas, whole chest areas, and make sure it is enough pressure / but of course not too much pressure to affect blood flow or breathing!  It is easy to do this with bandages but you can also try a "back bind" similar to this one:

But smaller, and use it across the chest - it is more convenient than bandages.

Offline Geoff88

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I have a question about the compression..
Its only me that feels a little bit of pain in areas of hard tissue that compression do? or you all feel it due to the the compression??

Have felt it too, but it has reduced as time passes, I now generally apply compression every few days during the night, and the pain has dwindled considerably now.

Offline Geoff88

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I need to buy bandages cause i think I'm not making enough pressure .

I just attached a photo to show you the results .

When i put my right arm up , a small ball come out like how it was the gyno 🤔🤔😏😏, hope gyno is not still .

I want to thank you for your responds.


To me this sounds like it could be swelling, and in any case right now you need to ensure you are healing.  What do you mean by sticks?

I'd recommend:
1. Good even pressure over the surgery sites, and make sure the pressure is padded so that you don't damage any tissues - but really quite *firm*.
2. Check if the ball is much softer after 1 day, 2 days.

Then wait!  But most of all, as most of the doctors here recommend - apply enough compression to those areas, and don't massage the areas yet as you have had surgery and the tissues need to heal.

If I were you, I'd put the bandages on with padding quite firm as soon as possible - it made all the difference for me.

Offline Mauro890

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I need to buy bandages cause i think I'm not making enough pressure .

I just attached a photo to show you the results .

When i put my right arm up , a small ball come out like how it was the gyno 🤔🤔😏😏, hope gyno is not still .

I want to thank you for your responds.


To me this sounds like it could be swelling, and in any case right now you need to ensure you are healing.  What do you mean by sticks?

I'd recommend:
1. Good even pressure over the surgery sites, and make sure the pressure is padded so that you don't damage any tissues - but really quite *firm*.
2. Check if the ball is much softer after 1 day, 2 days.

Then wait!  But most of all, as most of the doctors here recommend - apply enough compression to those areas, and don't massage the areas yet as you have had surgery and the tissues need to heal.

Today i went to the pharmacy and they ordered me the bandages, next Monday I'm going to wear them.

I'm listening from you my friend and I'm doing what you telling me , thank you:) .

I'm really sorry about the hessil, but when i saw the results I wasn't happy and than i worried about it.

About the sticks, i just had stitches sticks like when you hurt somewhere and you put a stick on it.

With that i was puting pressure on my nipples , I think for that i have that ball cause I don't have enough pressure on them.

Thank yoh :)

If I were you, I'd put the bandages on with padding quite firm as soon as possible - it made all the difference for me.
I need to buy bandages cause i think I'm not making enough pressure .

I just attached a photo to show you the results .

When i put my right arm up , a small ball come out like how it was the gyno 🤔🤔😏😏, hope gyno is not still .

I want to thank you for your responds.


To me this sounds like it could be swelling, and in any case right now you need to ensure you are healing.  What do you mean by sticks?

I'd recommend:
1. Good even pressure over the surgery sites, and make sure the pressure is padded so that you don't damage any tissues - but really quite *firm*.
2. Check if the ball is much softer after 1 day, 2 days.

Then wait!  But most of all, as most of the doctors here recommend - apply enough compression to those areas, and don't massage the areas yet as you have had surgery and the tissues need to heal.

If I were you, I'd put the bandages on with padding quite firm as soon as possible - it made all the difference for me.

I have a question about the compression..
Its only me that feels a little bit of pain in areas of hard tissue that compression do? or you all feel it due to the the compression??

Have felt it too, but it has reduced as time passes, I now generally apply compression every few days during the night, and the pain has dwindled considerably now.

Offline Geoff88

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Around 10 days after surgery I had the same thing as you - a small ball under the nipple on the left side, plus some hard lumps further around the left and a larger hard ball on the right.

The lumps appeared very soon after removing my bandages, and there was nothing else they could be except swelling - making the areas quite hard.

Once you get the bandages on it will help dissipate the swelling and assist healing, but try to get pressure on as soon as possible.  I would recommend NOT massaging because it is too early, but you can "press your left fist into the right ball" for half an hour or more and you should see some improvement.  Just constant equal pressure with your fist or side of your palm maybe with some padding, without moving or massaging.

When I first put bandages back on, it took 2 days for the lumps to soften completely, probably because it was very early in recovery from the surgery.  Now, after 14-15 weeks there are no lumps whatsoever.

Offline Mauro890

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Good Afternoon ,
I would like to thank you for your help.
I just Started using the bandages , and i'm already see results :D , I'm Really thankful that i've got a helpful person like you.

I was too worried , as you told before the ball is going and it came more softer ,

I'm showing you a the results , and i have a small question please.
Is there anything that i can do about the left nipple ( Tattoo arm) , cause the nipple is a bit ( don't know how to say it ) INSIDE !.
The right nipple is a bit pulled out from the other one.

Thanks for your help , 
Wish you all the best :)!!!

Around 10 days after surgery I had the same thing as you - a small ball under the nipple on the left side, plus some hard lumps further around the left and a larger hard ball on the right.

The lumps appeared very soon after removing my bandages, and there was nothing else they could be except swelling - making the areas quite hard.

Once you get the bandages on it will help dissipate the swelling and assist healing, but try to get pressure on as soon as possible.  I would recommend NOT massaging because it is too early, but you can "press your left fist into the right ball" for half an hour or more and you should see some improvement.  Just constant equal pressure with your fist or side of your palm maybe with some padding, without moving or massaging.

When I first put bandages back on, it took 2 days for the lumps to soften completely, probably because it was very early in recovery from the surgery.  Now, after 14-15 weeks there are no lumps whatsoever.

Offline res.Cogitans

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I dont think about that you can do something.. Just wait few months, because body heals itself.. I have seen nipples literally inside and the guy was so anxious, but after 7 months, they were outside and totally normal..
The only thing you can do, is compression, and after many weeks massage (if you more info i can tell you what helped me a lot! ).. Other situations will solve by time, dont get anxious, somedays it will better some worse.. The final results will come after at least 5 months..

Offline Geoff88

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I agree, it will resolve more after a little time, I had something similar for around 3-4 weeks.

One piece of advice I can pass on was given to me by the nurses at my doctor: you can use a bit of padding on your left side in the shape of a "doughnut".  Cut a hole that can fit around your nipple and it will direct the compression around your nipple and not directly on in.  You will need to sticky tape it in place, and your pharmacy will have special tape that will stick to your skin.

Make up some of those kind of pads, use them on your left side and it should help keep the nipple free to raise out as you heel.  Basically - you need to use the bandages and padding to make the compression exactly where you need it, and on your left side that is probably around the nipple and not directly on the nipple itself.  Keep an eye on the right side as well.

Give it a try, cut out a hole and keep up the compression.

Try to keep the bandages on a much as you can at the moment, most of the day.  It is inconvenient, but 8-12 weeks of inconvenient is much better than years of bad results with lumps.

After you get some results, please post back here as it will help many other people to realize that compression is a key to eliminating many lumps after surgery and to getting better results, thank you!

Here is some padding, you may need some layers 2-3 by folding or shaping the padding, cut a hole in the middle around the nipple area:

Offline Mauro890

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GoodMorning My Friend :) ,
First of all sorry late reply but i was a bit busy .
Sounds really good , today i'll try it :D
Yesterday i went to my doctor and he told me that i can start doing some workout and he told me that the recovery was fast because i used the bandages , thanks to you :) .
He checked my right nipple and he didn't saw any lump :D.

I would like to thank you! , later on i'm gonna post a pic about the results and even about the bandages results.

Thank you !
I agree, it will resolve more after a little time, I had something similar for around 3-4 weeks.

One piece of advice I can pass on was given to me by the nurses at my doctor: you can use a bit of padding on your left side in the shape of a "doughnut".  Cut a hole that can fit around your nipple and it will direct the compression around your nipple and not directly on in.  You will need to sticky tape it in place, and your pharmacy will have special tape that will stick to your skin.

Make up some of those kind of pads, use them on your left side and it should help keep the nipple free to raise out as you heel.  Basically - you need to use the bandages and padding to make the compression exactly where you need it, and on your left side that is probably around the nipple and not directly on the nipple itself.  Keep an eye on the right side as well.

Give it a try, cut out a hole and keep up the compression.

Try to keep the bandages on a much as you can at the moment, most of the day.  It is inconvenient, but 8-12 weeks of inconvenient is much better than years of bad results with lumps.

After you get some results, please post back here as it will help many other people to realize that compression is a key to eliminating many lumps after surgery and to getting better results, thank you!

Here is some padding, you may need some layers 2-3 by folding or shaping the padding, cut a hole in the middle around the nipple area:


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