Author Topic: That moment, the one where you realize......  (Read 3168 times)

Offline Roadglider

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So I've come to grips with or at least I thought I had come to grips with having breasts and then I had a wake up call.  Yesterday was extremely warm here and I was outside most of the day getting my garden ready and taking care of things around the house here.  I had one of my sports bras on all day so when a friend and I decided to go and get a salad, I got showered and was picking out clothes to wear out.  Well, I had enough of the sports bras for the day as they can be REALLY hot.  So I decided to go without for once to see just how noticeable they were under my warmer weather attire.   I come to find out that, I won't be wearing anything in size large again, as the "girls" aren't having it.  They have become quite the show-offs lately.  So, it was back to the XL shirts in an attempt to disguise my having assets.  
I picked out a navy polo a size too big and continued dressing sans any support for the girls.  I was reminded very quickly once I was driving to the restaurant that the girls weren't going to be happy.  Then when I got out of the car and into actual sunlight, did they ever look like they were on display.  Before, I was concerned about having a bra detected, and now I'm more concerned about having my breasts detected and being judged for them.  Guess, I got my moment of realizing that I'm going to be in a bra for good last night.  Oh, and by the way, the soreness associated with going out to eat and then going to check the streams to see if the "hatch" was happening, just isn't worth it.  I didn't realize just how much the girls had grown and how much they like to be supported.  Having them free and bra-less last evening was my ah-ha moment for sure.  I finally admitted to myself that there was no going back and that I've got assets that need supported from now on.  Just one of my rants or ramblings as it may be.........


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During the hot weather I find that the bra helps prevent the red rash in the fold under the breast as well! My problem though is my breast hang darn near half way down my belly, so it take a hell of a bra to prevent that rash 😧

Offline Boomer

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I feel your pain. I'm not that big in comparison to hammer. When I don't wear a bra by then of the day I'm sore, only if I'm having a real couch day will I go sans bra now. I also agree that a good fitting bra will help hide the twins. Just make sure you're fitted well and comfortable. Most of the time I forget I'm wearing one.
If you don't want to go in for a fitting you can get a starting size at home. Simply measure snug under your boobs. Then lay down and measure across them. Subtract the under from the over, then round to nearest number and you have cup size A=1, B=2, etc. Round the under to the nearest even number and you have band size. Remember if you go up a band size you go down a cup size. I got this information from a wonder woman in NC who owns a bra store. She has fitted several guys with gynecomastia.
Have a good one,

Offline Busty

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I think you have made the first big step of accepting you will wear a bra the rest of your life.  You want bras that give you support, are comfortable, and do not readily show. Because you will be putting on a bra every morning and will want to want to put on your bra.  You should never go out braless, and around the house, should go for lighter support like a cami with a built-in bra shelf.
In time, I predict you will want to move up to bras with some oomph.  Plunge, pushup, and always with underwire.  But start slowly for now.


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I had the ah ha moment about 30 years ago. I'll wear almost all the time. Most days I'm in a regular underwrite, molded cup or unlinked bra. It depends on what I'm wearing over it. If I'm doing more physical activity or driving a dump truck, for example, I'll put on a sports bra or I'll have one with me that I can change into. If I'm just lounging around or sleeping, I'll wear a leisure bra. 

Offline Roadglider

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Thanks for the replies guys.  Hammer, thank God I'm not that big (yet?).  My girls are still growing and they're standing up on their own for now.
 Boomer, I tried a so called professional fitting that just didn't turn out so well, the sales assistant/owner was more put off by my assets than I was, I think.  I have a pretty good idea of my size right now (40D); but, I don't think they will be staying in that size range for long.  The past five months they've taken off like rockets and I have no idea what orbit they are going to end up in.
Bustymale, I have come to the realization that I'm going to be in a bra now; but, the task of finding something that fits has been daunting to say the least.  I know I need something with an underwire and I've found that most aren't anywhere near wide enough to accommodate how my girls sit on my chest.  I hate the guessing game of trying to figure out what might work.  I got your message and no, I've not tried Soma's and I'm not even sure where to begin looking for that brand.  Living where I do, I don't have access to the brands that some have recommended (ie: Lane Bryant and Soma).  
And aboywithgirls, I've got the sports bras without cups or wires figured out; but, I'm finding that they really don't do anything other than smash everything down onto my chest.  I'm really leaning towards something more substantial with an underwire, whether it be a sports bra or a regular bra.  Now to just be able to figure out where to get some that actually fit.
I think my issue is that, this is all really new to me and I haven't had the luxury of time to get this through my head yet.  I live in a small town area and after retiring from a police dept here and everyone knows me and the stigma of having to wear a bra is something that is going to take a while to deal with.  Not that I have much of an option any longer.  It's time to face this head on and get over it and let the issue be with whomever has a problem with it.  It's just not something I had never envisioned having to deal with.  Living alone doesn't help as there isn't that special someone to bounce things off of and get another point of view from.  Although, on the other hand I don't have to deal with someone who would be up in arms about me wearing a bra either.  I'm guessing that time will be the great equalizer with all of this.  I just know that I don't have any other options and it's time to move on with it.  Thanks for all of your support guys!


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I know,it's a lot to think about. I've been wearing a bra for along time now. I've had good luck with fitting I hope yours gets better. 
One thing that I've discovered recently was Fantasie bras. They are great for me. The underwires are wider which fit a broader chest better. I wear a 36H now in most of my bras and I am comfortable all day in it. I know that Amazon has a good selection of these bras in stock. The Jaquellin is my go to bra now. Just a thought. 

Offline Roadglider

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Thanks!  I'll take a look at it.

Offline Boomer

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Roadglider, there are some shallow and wide available in 40D. Gilligan & O'Malley at target work as a start. I actually like a BBV lined demi or a Natori true.  Now they are expensive, but if you are open to colors check eBay for great deals. Hell, $20ish including shipping is a good deal. But look at the fitting advice I posted it really helped me.

Now matter what just remember one thing, YOU must be comfortable. That's all.


Offline expedient-traveller

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I am definitely going with Boomer on being comfortable! Try a nice underwire for support. Bali makes some very nice bras that are supportive and comfortable. I am giving words of experience. I am only using Bali as an example because some of the other bra makers (Natori for example) do not make bras for broader chested folk like myself (46D) but Bali does. Avoid, avoid, avoid cheap bras because they are not worth the money or effort to put on. If it is priced cheap then it usually is cheap! Check out the section on our website ( that discusses some of the bra options. By the way, an underwire push-up bra is so, so very comfortable even if it accents your "assets".

Offline Cisco

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Roadglider, hang in there!  Unless you had the benefit of a professional fitting most guys go through the trials of finding a well fitting bra and the style that works best for them.  I can only assure this efforts will truly pay off when you enjoy the comfort and support of a well fitting bra.


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