Author Topic: From childhood teasing to infatuated girlfriends  (Read 2609 times)

Offline CallofDanny

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So basically when my moobs developed at the age of 11 it was nothing short of embarrassment. I was an athlete playing football and wrestling. I was very athletic and active for a chubby kid but the weight in my buttocks and my chest never came off. I began getting depressed and wearing baggy clothes even on the hottest days. I had more chest than mostly all the females in my grade. I eventually opened up to my doctor who told me it was likely caused by being overweight and medication I had taken for years. I had tried to fit in but due to being a bigger kid the hazing at practice for wrestling was brutal everything from touching, comments, and we were weighed nude by a female nurse and 2 female interns at practice. I continued to hide my body and wore undergarments especially around female audience. I am still overweight but when I diet and lose weight my chest appears even larger. I have also began somewhat accepting my chest because my voluptuous gorgeous girlfriend is actually obsessed with that region on me. She actually in her own words say "I love your chest it's a huge turn on for me" which of course I didn't believe at first. After being together for 5 years and having that region being embraced by amazing girlfriend. I still have to wear undergarments when I'm not home but I'm telling everyone out there if you are struggling with moobs there are options and even women that embrace your moobs. Thanks for reading
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Offline Tyler2

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I like your optimism. I think the same way about wearing certain clothes when I m outside of the house. 

Offline expedient-traveller

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For years I was hiding my "assets" but over time I have accepted them and after being complimented on how nicely shaped they are (46D/DD) as well as other compliments from females about my breasts, I no longer squash them but wear a nice comfortable bra and sometimes a push-up bra because they are comfortable (all underwires bras of course). I was my own worst critic. I have had a close female friend help me get proper fitting bras so I can be comfortable.
The breasts we have are ours and we decide if they are a curse or a blessing. The choice is ours because others generally cannot tell if we have boobs or not. A close friend of mine thought I had good pecs and did not know I had 46D/DD boobs until I wore a close fitting tee-shirt, which hid nothing. They asked "How? What? When? Are those real?" That was the end of the discussion and all is fine. Be well!


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