Author Topic: One suture broke off- 5 days post-op  (Read 1589 times)

Offline imtakinemout

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One of the sutures on my right side broke off and fell. There is no bleeding or fluid discharge. The wound edges are adjacent, only opens up a little bit when I press on the areola. I will speak to my surgeon but it's late now. He is also out of state, so I can't simply go and see him. I thought the surgeon normally gets them out in 5 days anyway, but mine are dissolvable. Just wondering what you think. Thanks.

Offline res.Cogitans

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There are many types of [font="Open Sans", sans-serif]dissolvable sutures. Mine for example was there for 3-4 weeks.. Other are [/font][/color][font="Open Sans", sans-serif]dissolvable after few days.. To find out what sutures your surgeon put to you, at least email to him so he can tell you what to do.. Also, if he doesnt have email or you cant find him, you can go to another general surgeon to check on you.. All surgeons do know if an area is infected or need additional care or if its fine as it is..[/font][/color]

Offline imtakinemout

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Yeah, I talked to the surgeon. I sent him a picture. He said it was no big deal. The incision looked nice.


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