Author Topic: Dr. Bivik Shah Columbus OH  (Read 1962 times)

Offline Line6

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I hate to start another ghost thread but no one seems to answer this question. Anyone have the procedure or a consultation performed by Dr. Bivik Shah in Columbus Oh? If so, can you give us a description of your experience? I have my consultation in 2 weeks and would love to know more before hand. 
Things I would like to know;
Is he thorough? Is his method superior or inferior to other high reputation PSs? How many Gyno procedures does he have under his belt? How was your healing process? How apparent are your scars? Any other info you have would also be appreciated.
10+ years of gyno (level II)
31 years old
Average build 

Offline Line6

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I will answer some of my own questions. 

After my consultation with Dr. Bivik Shah, I've made the following conclusions.

1) He is very personable, created an extremely confortable environment, and took ALL the time needed to answer every last one of my questions
2) He is very experienced and preforms 60-80 gynecomastia procedures per year!
3) He told me my case was moderate but significant but pretty much guaranteed that I'd be supremely satisfied with my results and that I'd likely have a perfectly sculpted and masculine chest if taken under his care
4) in one detailed 45 min consultation, he gave me all the confidence in the world that I will get what I'm looking for under his care
5) he told me my scars will heal nicely and go unoticed by anyone but me until they are completely gone
6) claims that his patients rarely bruise but swelling is normal and to be expected
7) he went into extreme detail about every stage and aspect of the procedure, covering things I would have never thought to ask

I'm extremely satisfied with my consultation and another patient's cancellation blessed me and I'm now going for surgery in 8 days rather than 52!!!! I will update soon after my procedure to hopefully fill in the rest of the blanks for anyone considering Dr. Shah. 


Offline Line6

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So it has been 4 days since my operation. The night before and day of were very rough due to my fear of anesthesia and drugs, my anxiety was unbearable. I could not handle my fear and I was up most of the night tossing and turning. The hour and forty minute drive was the shortest drive of my life of course and within a blink of an eye, I was in Dr. Shah's office.
The environment was very comfortable and the staff very welcoming and understanding. Because of the short notice procedure (A cancellation allowed me to go through with the procedure just 9 days after my initial consultation), I had to fill out all the paper work less than 1 hour before surgery.

For anyone else that also has irrational fear of strong drugs and/or anesthesia, my advice to you is, MAKE SURE YOU READ AND SIGN ALL THE TOA AND CONSENT FORMS AT LEAST A WEEK BEFORE SURGERY!!!

Now, I was given ample time to read and sign the forms and this was well before any meds were administered. However, reading through the list of the negative outcomes of anesthesia right before going under when you have spent the last 72 hours crippled with worry, is not something you want to experience right before what is supposed to be a life changing event. (This occurrence was entirely my fault as I agreed to take an appointment less than 2 weeks out from my consultation, with the understanding that I could not get a pre op appointment before the day of surgery.) And yes, I realize the odds of any serious problems with anesthesia are very slim.

After almost leaving the office and driving away several times, I finally signed the final paper and handed it to the office staff. Minutes later, I was in the preparation room taking the first dose of all my meds, changing into my gown, and taking pre-op photos. 10 minutes later, I got to meet with the Anesthesiologist. I expressed my fear and as I'm sure he hears this 5-10 times a day, he immediately did what he has been trained to do, comfort and distract me. I immediately knew he was playing mind games with me and despite being aware, I gave into them and it worked wonderfully.
Dr. Shah came in next, marked me up, and asked if I had any questions. All I said was, "You think this is doable?" He laughed and responded, "You are going to be very happy!".

Another 10 minutes passed and I was walking into the surgery room with my IV bag. Though it was a standard operating room, it was more pleasant than any other I had seen. I saw the supports where my arms would lay in a crucifixion pose. I mounted the table anyway and within a minute or two, the anesthesiologist told me he was about to introduce a concoction into my IV bag that would make me very relaxed and sleepy, I replied, "that's exactly what I hoped you were going to say!". He released the drugs and though I didn't get tired, I got super relaxed and careless. I immediately spoke up "That is exactly what I needed!", I heard a couple staff members laugh so I cracked a few more jokes in my care free state of mind.

I was finally ready to go under without freaking out. I fixed my eyes on a certain ceiling tile waiting for him to tell me to start counting backwards. Minutes passed and he still had not interacted with me. I could see the top of his hair net moving about the room as well as a few other staff members. I began to fear that they had already administered the Anesthesia without warning, to keep me calm. Maybe they thought I was out but I was completely aware of what was going on. I went into WebMD syndrome depression and then all of a sudden I was sitting up in another room slobbering on myself trying to communicate to my girlfriend and a new nurse. There was no 2 minute super nap, I had a zero latency surgical procedure. I never closed my eyes but 2.5 hours had passed without developing a single memory of my surgery.

I felt wonderful and was without a single ounce of pain. In my drunken state, they quickly went through post op directions and paperwork with my girlfriend and I was being pushed out the door in a wheel chair and loaded into a car.

I remember the ride home but I was pretty drugged. My girlfriend told me that Dr. Shah, the Anesthesiologist, and one of the OR nurses separately confronted her and told her the procedure went perfectly and the results are going to be amazing. Maybe this is a standard office tactic but it made me feel good on the way home. I rate the procedure day a 9/10.

Offline Line6

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The first 2 days post-op were almost completely free of pain, discomfort, and stress. I was taking half the dosage on my pain meds day 1 and on day 2, I skipped them all together. I’m referring to the narcotic pain killers only. I took the nerve pain and anti-inflammatory as prescribed. I experienced no negative side effects from the meds, I had an unusual amount of energy, my attitude was positive, and my appetite was strong.

One concern I had was that I never drained more than 5CCs in a 12 hour period. My paperwork says that once the patient drains less than 20CCs in a 24 hour period, the drains are ready to be removed. The second concern was that the left side drain had a harsh bend (180 degrees) right outside the entry point. This didn’t seem right but I couldn’t imagine that all the surgeons and staff members missed this during the operation and post-op procedures. Because of the limited view I had of the tube, I could not tell if it was intentionally sutured with the bend or if I had somehow tangled it up this way. I was very careful with my movements after surgery and the only time that I could have done this without noticing would have been in the car after surgery, considering my state of mind.

At the end of day 1, I called the office to explain my concerns. The patient coordinator didn’t seem to understand my explanation of the bend in the left side tube and informed me that some people don’t start draining until 3 or 4 days post-op. She told me they’d look at the bent tube during my follow up appointment (7 days from the day of this call). I felt kind of neglected and told myself I’d fix it during my shower (No showering until 48 hours post op).

The 1st shower was the most stressful event so far. We (assistance from my girlfriend) had little information about how to execute and an unbelievable amount of questions arose immediately after removing the vest. My girlfriend and I were separately briefed by two different staff members on showering methods. We had very contradicting understandings of what we were and were not supposed to do. It was too late to call the office and the post-op instruction packets gave almost no specific details. We did what we could without taking risks but I felt very incomplete after the first shower. The one positive outcome from the shower was that after taking off the compression vest, we discovered that the left side tube popped into the correct position. We then had to wonder if the bend prevented fluid from draining for the last 48 hours….

Since the office does not operate on the weekends, we were still on our own for days 3 and 4 (Today). Yesterday, I researched showering with surgical drain tubes for hours and was able to have a satisfying shower last night.  Unfortunately, on day 3 we discovered some spontaneous heavy bruising. None of the bruising is anywhere near the areas of incision or lipo and I think that is part of the intention of the compression but I’m worried that this bruising may have been caused by the left side drain being obstructed. The left side drain is now extracting about 2CCs of fluid per 12 hours. This is still way less than what I expected.

I hope to contact the Doctor tomorrow to ask many questions. I really have no idea how I’m healing, what is right, what is wrong, and if I should even be worried about half the things that are going through my head.

 The biggest take away so far, don’t try to rush your procedure like I did. It’s better to wait for treatment and be more informed than to get treatment immediately while lacking critical knowledge.


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