Author Topic: Surgery 1 of 2 lower body lift with photos  (Read 2128 times)

Offline Tyler2

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I hope this inspires and motivates anybody wanting their chest done including excision in addition to a lower body lift. It can be hard sometimes, often our friends or family will say it looks fine or its no big deal. It's worth every penny. Never give up, do what you can to get ready mentally, financially, and physically. Compression clothes are a great temporary solution and I will still wear one up to my 2nd surgery when my chest gets done. Wanting the surgery when I was 21 I thought it was too expensive, especially while in college. I thought maybe in a couple years it will tighten. I gave up when it didn't happen, and none of my long term girlfriends seemed to be affected. I started my fitness plan at 300lbs when I was 18, got down to 165lbs (very lean, had all 4pack) and slowly got comfortable after all the initial excitement wore off and I decided not to bulk up since I looked overweight no matter what. I was in a ltr. I was about 215 lbs in January of this year. After finding a surgeon and getting down to about 180 lbs for best results, I set my appointent for early May. I am 4 weeks post-op in the picture below. My gynecomastia surgery is in about 2 months but for now I'm writing about a lower body lift. I was apprehensive about the scar length but it's a tradeoff I am willing to make. The first week was tough, but honestly if you are young and in shape it's not bad at all. I was expecting 6 weeks in a chair and after 2 weeks I felt like an office job would have been no problem (outside of getting in and out of cars). Overall, I am very happy with the result and investment in myself and I would encourage others to do it with a healthy understanding that it will not make you super confident overnight but it's one less thing to hold you back from going to the lake or beach.

Offline Tyler2

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This photo was taken the night before surgery.


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