Author Topic: Advice to unmarried guys in India  (Read 2066 times)

Offline Moobssuckss

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Liposuction is not widely accepted in India.
Yes I agree . We have suffered a lot due to gynecomastia .
But please learn to accept it .
People may tease you some time .
As you grow older , it will be ok. you will meet more mature people and it will be ok.
I have had surgery and now feeling so much Guilty .
You know the arranged marriage culture in india.
I am feeling very much embrassed to talk about the surgery to the girl.  
Also i m feeling very much gulity to hide about the surgery before marriage .
I feel thats cheating to hide it.
One of the girl, both of the families liked .
We also liked each other .
Once we got little closer , i told her about the surgery .
Unfortunatly she rejected me saying there could be future health complications due to liposuction.

Guys , you may have got the guts to talk about the condition to our parents / best friends to accompany for surgery.
But, its really hard to explain it to a unknown girl.She would never understand.

Post surgery mental stress is killing me now.

I would suggest you to not to undergo suregery .
Its really a huge step.
Slowly start accepting the gynecomastia condition .

Start undress in few occassions infront of your parents , siblings , cousing etc.
Initially they will tease you. But They will do once or twice .
You will get used to it .
Then slowly undress in some occasion infront of your best friends .
The same applies here .
They will tease you some time. You will get used to it .

Surgery is very bad idea .

I regret each and every minute after having surgery .

Please dont do it.

Even though , you may be operated by the best surgeon in the world. You will have some differences .

My results are 75% ok.

Going against nature is very bad idea .
Plastic surgery should have been done only with medical necessity .

Its hard to tell a girl that you had boobs and you removed it surgically .

Just imagine saying above to a unknown girl during arranged marriage process.

Do you think , she will accept you ?? There is no chance .

She will defenitely reject you . Its not her fate to accept a punctured body.

Just google once "bad effects of liposuction". You will get a lot more negative .

Its really hard to explain .

To change , what god has given us is a pathetic idea .

Please dont think about what people might think about moobs.

You may not be undressing infront of them every day .

They might see and laugh once , Thats it .

They have their own job to do...

Its not like they gonna tease forever in life. If they tease you , you start firing back at them . ask them to shut up.

You have lived with moobs for more than 10-15 years.

you can live with them forever. No problem.

Dont think about suregery please . Its a bad idea . You will definely regret it .

Learn to accept slowly . There are many people born with several other body defects .

Its not the end of the world for them. When they are living happily , why cant we do?

Even though , we belived doctor and undergone surgery , there might be some side effects due to going agianst nature(lipo).

There will be defenitey some scar made for liposuction.

Also still i have some scar in my areola . They are not in round shape as before , they are going droopy when they are loose .

Scars are unavoidable.

Initally i thought the surgery will improve my confidence level.

But to be honest , i am into more depression now due to surgery .

You will defenitely not get 100% of what result you imagined.

Your surgeon is not a god to create new chest . There is something called nature, that we cant change 100%,

I believe my surgeon did the best job he could do. But nature was not infavour of me .

i strongly advise you not to go for surgery .

I feel like now my life is lost .

My family supported me for the surgery . But now all of us regret for getting surgery done .

Beauty against nature is very bad idea. Again i say pls dont do surgery.

I thought , surgery is like a piece of cake .

I planned well ahead . Did some good research for choosing the doctor .

I definetely thought a "New ME" will be born after surgery .

But that not the case happened.

I gone through the surgery with high confidence . I managed the pain . All that , we will be able to do.

For one week after the surgery , we will not be able to take bath .

Also wearing the compression garment for 2-3 months is really a pain .

In india , pepole often tap others shoudler or back. Its really hard to explain with some fake reasons to them.

Compression garments are really tough to wear for 2-3 months. Give a big thought about it before undergoing suregery .

When someone touches your back , they can feel the garment . you may need to explain them.

whatever you see in internet is not 100% true . There are some good cases . There are more of intenet marketing .

Dont fall as a trap into it .

Being honest in the best thing in the world . That only improves your self confidence .

"I M WHAT I M" is the best thing you could do to yourself.

never give a thought about what others might think of yourself . Give them a f**k off symbol when they tease you.

Its all in our mind .

Dont do surgery for the sake of what others might think.

If you cant beat your mind , others will beat you.

Be strong . Dont go for surgery . Its a trap.

Surgery is worse than actual gynecomastia condition.

Why to puncture our body just for beauty purpose  ? I seriouly regret each and every second.

Please dont do the mistake i did.........................

Offline prempatel

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Hello Brother,
After reading good advice I think that you have suffered many rejection and after marriage life is very stressfull. It is not necessary that It should be the common case, When I was searching for a bride, I had confronted each and every girl I met with my physical problem what kind of surgeries I had in past and every girl was okay with that thing.
Beside it is not a big problem. I am living a normal and healthy life. My Wife is okay with it, The scar they have started disappearing. and everything looks normal.

Offline Moobssuckss

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Dude , How did you talk about gyneceomastia suregery in the 1st meetup itself ?
Seriously , no one had any concerns when you told gyno suregery ?
What were the words you used to explain them about gyno suregery?
Pls tell.. This is ruining my life .... I want to live a life ,,,

Offline Moobssuckss

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When I try to explain anyone , they think I had cancer ...  They think I removed cancer tumour ... 
No one knows / ready to believe it was just a cosmetic surgery ... 
I will Never gonna get married ... 
I'm preparing mentally for that ... 
I never thought I would end up in situation like this... 
One wrong decision ... Life drastically changed ... 
I just dreamt of normal life , having a wife , kids etc ... 
God has denied me that... 
He has some other plans ...
My life is cursed ... 
Even after getting surgery , I m facing more problem ... 
Only when removing shirt Infront of anyone , I felt bad ... 
Otherwise I would be happy always .. 
I thought surgery will solve my only problem in life ... 
I Never thought it would make my life miserable ...
I m just 26... Have to live like a saint for rest of my life ... 
People will think , I have Medical issues , I may be impotent ... That's why I m not getting married etc etc ... 
The society pressure ... 
Family members start asking about marriage...
No answers ....
I'm planning to keep this as secret till I die .... 
Life is unpredictable...
I m fucked up ... 

Offline Moobssuckss

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I have lived in fear of what others might say .... 
I always thought others will laugh at me ... 
This fear killed my life ...
My whole life is messed up ... 
I have a good career ... 
I started making mistakes in my work ... Unable to concentrate , sleep properly ... ..
Before Surgery:-
The only thing that was in my mind was to remove it surgically... So that I can live a normal life ... I dint think much about future ... I thought only about me .. 

After surgery :-
I was happy with my life ... 
I had bunch of friends .. I just avoided activities which required me to remove shirt .... I used to be one of the Happiest person ....
Now most of the friends got married ... I'm feeling lonely .. 
My life fucked up.....

May be if I dint get the surgery , people would have just laughed at me ... I would have at least blamed nature ... Now I don't have any choice , other than to blame myself ....... 


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