Author Topic: Finally had surgery:)  (Read 2140 times)

Offline Wildcard Bill

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So last night I finally had gyno surgery after dealing with the condition for 17 years.. I've found so much helpful and reassuring info from other users that I feel obliged to share my surgery experience in the hope I can reassure any other guys as to what the surgical experience is really like ... happy reading :)

I had my surgery in London with 'centre for surgery' performed by dr. Omar Tillo, tho without knowing the results as it's only day 1 I cannot yet rate the surgery/surgeon and so will follow up later..

I have to admit I was rather anxious in the days leading up to the surgery, constantly researching every detail of the op.
Once I got to the surgery I was sat down in my own private room, and had a quick chat with the aneathatist regarding what the experience would feel like etc. and to give me a mix of pills to swallow before commencing.
The surgeon then came in and after a chat and some forms to sign, he then used a felt pen to mark out all the areas on my chest he would be working on. Next it was into surgery scrubs and a little hop onto the operating table. The aneathatist put the IV drip into the back of my hand (honestly I barely even felt the needle go in!) I was given some oxygen through a mask and then.. lights out.. I didn't have any sensation whatsoever, no light headedness, no dizziness, no 'euphoric' feeling or anything, I just remember looking up at the lights above the operating table and the next thing I know I'm in the chair back in my private room with my fiancé helping me get dressed !! It was so surreal !
I was so anxious leading up to the operation, and now I know there really isn't any need to be.
I just wish to assure anyone thinking of getting the surgery that there really isn't any pain involved whatsoever and although I have yet to see the results, I'm pretty sure I've made the best decision of my life by finally getting rid of the curse of gyno..
I'm happy to answer any questions and reassure any other guys looking at surgery and will follow up with some pre and post surgery pics when I get the vest off.
For ref. I had lipo, gland removal and a little skin removal to re-position the areoles slightly more central.

Offline helpmemoobs

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I also had my surgery today!! Hope we get good results!!!!

Offline Wildcard Bill

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Quality, where did you have it done? Have you had a little peek below the compression vest to see how it looks ?  I think mine has turned out really well from what I can see.. hardly any swelling so far, no bruising and the surgeon said he didn't even need to put drains in due to the lack of bleeding, which is great :)

Offline helpmemoobs

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I had it done in South Korea. I am happy so far- I have included pics on this thread-
I just hope the healing goes well.

Offline Wildcard Bill

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Its day 4 post-op and got some pics to compare now, havent taken all bandages off yet and been wearing the compression vest constantly since op...
firstly the before pics

Offline Wildcard Bill

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Offline itsjames00

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how do you fell after Gynecomastia Surgery. I always hear about this surgery this surgery is not fit for all so always afraid about it. what is the recovery time of this surgery.

Offline Wildcard Bill

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To be honest the recovery time hasn't been too bad, I stopped wearing the compression garment constantly from about week 4, wearing it most nights and rarely during the day.. started going back to the gym about a week ago, started just lower body exercise but after a cpl days I had a go at light weight upper body and to be honest it was fine !
Muscles felt a bit tight as did the skin when stretching arms above my head but no pain at all..
I'd say the recovery period has small and inconvenient issues such as friction from T-shirts and shirts on the healing skin that can become a little bothersome, also as the chest hair grows back after shaving for the op it can irritate the skin but to be honest both of these issues pass after a cpl weeks... I'm so pleased I got the surgery and I'm very pleased with the results, got some fresh new skin around the areolas that is still a bit red but will fade back to its correct colour soon enough. It's liberating finally being able to go out wearing a thin T-shirt after all these years tho something you don't hear about much is the psychological effects, I still find myself slouching and pushing my shoulders forwards on occasion as I used to do, but then I realise my chest now looks great and there's no need to try hiding it as I always have done , so I guess it takes time to re-wire the brain after living with the condition

Offline lolabob

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Wildcard Bill, how much did the surgery cost with Centre for Surgery? Just curious as to the price difference between home and abroad.

Offline Wildcard Bill

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I believe my bill was approx £4700


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