Author Topic: Effecst of testosterone replacement therapy on gynecomastia  (Read 9788 times)


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I thought I would reply, even though this is an aging thread. 
I have been on TRT for about 18months now. I was on it in the past, but I was using Androgel and found it to be to much of a PITA to bother with. 
This time I am doing weekly injections, myself. No big deal. Much more effective than the gel, in my experience!
My situation is a little different in that I also take Spironolactone for PA. That is was caused my hypogonadism. It blocks testosterone receptors, which triggered my Gyno about 11 years ago.
Anyway, me endo was not checking my estrogen, until I asked him to. My T was in the mid upper range for a male, but my Estrogen was also in the lower female range.
I ended up having my hair falling out because of high DHT, so I am also taking finasteride.
I have had slight growth, but nothing really explosive. According to measuring guide, I am a 42D, but I am also way over weight. If I were to lose weight, I would no longer look like a fat guy with moobs, but rather full on female breasts. My big gut masks how large my breasts are, to some degree. 
As suggested on this forum, I did ask my Endo about a low dose of estrogen, rather than the T. He didnt want to do that. I was mostly taking the T for osteopenia. But, it has definitely helped me with energy and strength.
Like what has been said before, everyone is different. If you are taking it, by now you probably can share your own experience on the side effects.
As large as my breast are, I still do not wear a bra. I have purchased a few, but never really found anything comfortable. I actually got mad one day and tossed them in the trash. Guess I am still fighting the idea more than I realized.
I wish i didn't feel like I have to hide, because I do not hate them. They have become an interesting experience. I am married, and my wife understands my situation. She is not comfortable with the bra idea, yet. But, neither am I. I am not in that much pain, so it is really not an issue. Toughest part is occasionally snagging a nipple on a box or something when I am not paying attention. Even with a shirt on, it can hurt like crazy.
Anyway, I am wandering all over, so I will end it here. Wondering how things turned out for you with the TRT?

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 Chesty, since you already have gynecomastia, I am guessing you would be prone to for the breast development while on the testosterone replacement program.  My bet is you go up a cup size.

Offline Jaku

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Chesty, I have had TRT off and on for about 6 years.  I started with injections.  My breasts did enlarge during this time.  However, there is a medication that can be prescribed to help prevent this.  Of bigger concern to me at the time, was that because of the immediate spark or jump in the T level, there was intense aggressiveness, and almost uncontrollable libido.  There are a couple ways you can do the injections, once every two weeks (big dose) or once a week (smaller dose).  The latter was better for me.  I stopped TRT when I had surgery last year, but have since started up again with the rub on gel.  This has been the best for me.  Every one is different and I am just telling you my experience.  If it helps, I am now 64.

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I thought I would update my progress with TRT. My doc put me on 1 injection every 2 weeks, and after being on it for about 6 weeks he did a blood test and my T level had almost doubled. I'm due for a blood draw next week and an appointment with him the following week for a 6-month status check. Since I am insulin-dependent diabetic and give myself 5 or 6 shots every day I decided to do the injections myself. I must say that the size of the needle for the T can be daunting, especially since I have skinny thighs! I'm surprised that big ol' needle doesn't stick in my thigh bone! I feel a lot more energetic and my sexual desire and ability to get and maintain erections have improved, and so far I haven't noticed any change in the size of my breasts. So far I'm very satisfied with my results.

Offline Epic Adventurer

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. I must say that the size of the needle for the T can be daunting, especially since I have skinny thighs! I'm surprised that big ol' needle doesn't stick in my thigh bone!

You can draw the T with a 20 gauge needle.  Suck in a little air, then transfer to a smaller gauge for the injection.

Offline chestyoldman

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Thank you for the suggestion, Epic Adventurer. My doctor's nurse taught me to draw with an 18 gauge needle and inject with a 22 gauge needle. It's still so much longer and bigger than my ultra-fine short insulin needles that it seems like I'm injecting with a 16-penny nail by comparison!


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I found that injecting T after you shower is less painful. Although, I never really found it all that difficult to tolerate. I did my own shots from day one. 
I moved away from the longer 21 gauge 1" needles and went to 25 Gauge 5/8". It takes a bit to draw in, but i think it does much less damage to the muscle. I didn't move to smaller needle for the pain, but rather to avoid muscle damage over long term use. I am most likely doing injection more into fat than muscle. blood work is stable. So it is working for me.
I too am on insulin, but I was on T shots before i started insulin. I laughed at the insulin needle. It is like a mosquito stinger. 90% of the time I cant even feel it at all.
I do my T injections weekly. I prefer that needle to rubbing gel all over myself and then worrying about it getting on my wife. Plus, the gel it is a huge ripoff in price. Test Cyp is getting absorbed, period. The gel was not consistent, in my opinion. 
Many people are so afraid of needles. It is so much better to take on my system to inject Lantus than it was to take Metformin pills. Also, I would inject the T everyday over using Androgel again. 
All just my experiences, so YMMV, of course.


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It sounds like injecting T has really improved over the years! When I was doing it back in 1995 the needle I had was long and big, like the the 16 penny nail someone else mentioned! As a insulin depended diabetic I'm not afraid of needles, but that was one big needle in the butt every two weeks and I ended up with side effects from it as well!

Shortly after stopping the HRT I had a heart attack, but the doctors never could figure out what was wrong and I never did have any problems since then! I was 37 when I had it and I'm 60 now. I figure it had something to do with the HRT.

Offline Alchemist

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I thought I would update my progress with TRT. My doc put me on 1 injection every 2 weeks, and after being on it for about 6 weeks he did a blood test and my T level had almost doubled. I'm due for a blood draw next week and an appointment with him the following week for a 6-month status check. Since I am insulin-dependent diabetic and give myself 5 or 6 shots every day I decided to do the injections myself. I must say that the size of the needle for the T can be daunting, especially since I have skinny thighs! I'm surprised that big ol' needle doesn't stick in my thigh bone! I feel a lot more energetic and my sexual desire and ability to get and maintain erections have improved, and so far I haven't noticed any change in the size of my breasts. So far I'm very satisfied with my results.

I use injections also.  I draw the injection with a 19 gauge needle.  I inject with a 24 or 25 gauge 1" needle.  It isn't anywhere near as intimidating as an 18 or 19 gauge.  I find I do much better, much more even with weekly injections.  10 days is about max and I have been feeling it for a couple days before. I have been using TRT for 18 years now and haven't had a breast size change except for gain/losing weight or edema.

Offline Mr.Joules

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For you guys on TRT.

Nr.1 - Use arimidex to lower you estrogen. No need to get gyno just because your on trt.. 

Nr.2 - Inject lowdose subq ED or eod instead of 1 dose ew IM. That lowers you estro ALOT. Subq is just as effective but gives less estro. Backload a insulin needle and shoot 10-20iu.

Offline Alchemist

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Thank you for the suggestion, Epic Adventurer. My doctor's nurse taught me to draw with an 18 gauge needle and inject with a 22 gauge needle. It's still so much longer and bigger than my ultra-fine short insulin needles that it seems like I'm injecting with a 16-penny nail by comparison!

Hi Chestyoldman,
I draw with a 19  gauge and inject with a 24 or 25 gauge.  Even 24 gauge is big compared to 30 or 31 gauge short needle.   I've been on TRT for 18 years and it has had no effect at all on gynecomastia for me.


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