Author Topic: Removing sutchers (sp?)  (Read 4152 times)

Offline Raven

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Question about the stitches that Dr Fielding uses.

The tape that cover the lipo incision holes and nipples, when did the doc remove this for you?
Since I am not getting a post-op consult, I want to know when I can take these off.
Also, is there stitches underneath these peices of tape?
Or is the tape the actual sutcher?

Offline stupid101

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I had a second post-op appointment yesterday.  It is exactly three weeks since my surgery.

Fielding said I can take the tape off the next time I shower (which was today).  The tape is not the is the scabby stuff that is under the tape.  They will dissolve as you heal.  If the sutures are excessively long, the excess portion doesn't dissolve immediately and it looks like there's a little yellowish wire coming out from under the tape.  He trimmed these off yesterday.

Offline Creek

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Yeah, when I went to my post-op appointment, Fielding said the tape would come off in the shower- so I'm assuming he meant anytime you want to after the one week post op mark. As for the suture/stiches, he told me to wait another week (that's 2 weeks post-op) and cut off the excess pieces that were potruding.

Offline fourrings

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Hi guys,

I'm 2 weeks post op now and have yet to remove the excess stitches (yellow strings).  Can I cut these off?


I went back to Toronto for a post op last Thursday and Dr Fielding basically said that the tape would come off in the shower.  So the next day in the shower I took them off...

Offline Raven

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Yeah just use scisors and cut the ends off.
It's weird, cause one end comes out on top of the nipple?
At least it did for me on both sides..

So how are you doing in terms of swelling anyway?
Curious as to your results thus far?

Offline fourrings

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Mine come out on top aswell.  You can actually see the stitch line across the nipple towards the top.


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