Author Topic: 1 Month since surgery, pictures and infection  (Read 4752 times)

Offline oh_crap

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So I haven't really posted since my Sept 12 surgery.  I wanted to have some great "after" pics before putting them up, but I'm not quite there yet.  While I think my doctor did an awesome job, and has been nothing but great since the surgery, I am a bit disappointed that this has had to happen to me.   He's said that if the infection doesn't go down, he will have to reopen the nipple and use something to "suck it out".  Not sure what exactly he means, but I'm sick just thinking about it.

On the link below you can see I've kept a history of my progress.   Photos are named by date taken.

  • 0918 shows that my right side had no bruising, but the left had massive bruising.  Saw doctor 9/19 for 1 week post-op, said yeah, there was some small hematoma.  Set appt for 2 weeks later to see how things progressed (think waiting 2 weeks for next appt was mistake, if it was 1 week later, he probably would have saw infection starting and could have started antibiotics quicker)

  • 0926 can see infection begining to take place.  Didn't realize it was infection, just thought bruising was turning red then would go away.  Looking back now, I can see what was going on.

  • 1002 - 2 days after doctors 2nd visit, he drained a very large amount of blood.  Was super painful because of the infection I guess.   Also told me it was infected started me on antibiotics.

  • 1008 - 3rd doctors appt, and he drained another 20 CC's of blood.  This time didn't even feel him draining it.  Said he saw some improvement. Looking at the pics now, I see the bruising and size going down cause of draining, but the infection still looks like its there.

  • 1012 - Today's pics.  Tomorrow another visit w/ Dr, and afraid he's going to tell me I'm going to need to go through some more surgery

I love the results on the right side so far.  Still firmness there, I know final results won't be seen for a while.  Just really down on the fact that I'm infected and have had complications on the left side.

Also, been a month since I've worked out, and now the bulges are going from my chest to my stomach ;)

Offline nomoretucking

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  • shake it baby!
hope your infection goes away soon man. other than that, your results look great, congrats man.
First Op- 10/5/05

Offline oh_crap

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Offline nothingworse

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Oh crap minus the swelling and infection the results look fantastic. Hope everything goes well with the infection and that is taken care of. Good luck with the rest of your healing process. So overall results were good and if that surgeon can give me results like that since I am seeing him on friday I am happy. Thanks for the info in my other posts man.

Offline Vizia

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LMAO @ your bruising

That sucks, dude. Your final result looks great  though, man.  I'm envious.
"God is dead" - Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead" - God

Offline oh_crap

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Yeah, when I took off vest for first time, first looked at my right side in mirror and was like "That's not so bad"

Then turned to other side and felt like "Two Face" from Batman.   But it looks worse than it felt.

Offline Achilles

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Those are awesome results! (besides the infection and all)

Offline tonysoprano

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Hey dude.
great results- infection or not! seriously looks way better

just out of interest....

-did you have lipo and excision?

-and do you know how much fat was taken per side ?

goodluck with that infection pal

... and the saga continues

Offline opkcz

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Thanks for that informative post.  Infection never really crossed my mine as a possible complication from this kind of surgery.

Good luck with that.

Offline oh_crap

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00Before is the before surgery picture.

Yeah, searching the boards, can't find anyone else that's gotten infection.  Took the 2 antibiotics right after the surgery, followed all instructions, etc.

I guess it's luck of the draw that I got stuck being one of those "negligble" rarities.  Well, I'll see what he says tomorrow.  

And the 6 weeks of wearing this compression vest is finally almost over!! (unless he has to reopen the areola and do more work, damn)


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