Hi yes I also have noticed an increase in man boobs all over the place I'm guessing its whats in our food with all the geneticly modified ingredients , hormones in beef and pork and other stuff like the increase of some meds.one day ill bet you see bra commercials for men.
I one of those guys who uses medical data to try and figure out the mysteries. So when such an obvious change takes place so apparently quickly it's my normal inclination to wonder WHY and try to find out.. What has changed in the last 5 years or less that causes such rapid increase in quantity of male breasts and especially noticeable, the size?
I look at it as either there was a qualitative or quantitative change in something in our diets (most likely), or maybe a combination of things with an unexpected outcome. And maybe it is quantitative (people are eating more so they are getting more stuff in general) or maybe it is a new or different form of something old. I look at what my grown kids are eating that didn't even exist when I was in my 30s..
Do you see this effect more in the USA than other countries or is it spreading around the world.? I haven't been able to travel far in recent years. Getting one state over is difficult.
So how much change have you noted in the past few years?
I have been thinking that we will see bras for men advertised on TV within the next few years. The vitamin drinks are a new item and introduce all sorts of nutrient combinations that can affect hormones, lots of people are taking more hormone promoting foods and supplements. We shall see.
It was certainly some kind of karma having the bullies in school giving me a tough time about breasts and now they have them too, very visibly.