Author Topic: Endocrinologist  (Read 1625 times)

Offline jonnysmith

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Hi everyone, hope I am posting in the correct place!

I started with gynecomastia when I was about 13 years old, the typical hard lumps under nipples. Was told this was due to hormones and was pretty normal and would subside within a few years. It has persisted and I am now 24, I did have an ultrasound scan which showed mainly fatty gynecomastia.

I had hormone tests which showed that my estradiol was slightly high at 288 (the doctor said the limit was 150) and borderline low testosterone. This was re-tested and my estradiol was 264 and my testosterone went back to normal range.

I was referred to an endocrinologist who ordered another estradiol test with a different assay. I received a letter saying that although it was again slightly high he did not think it was anything to be worried about but wants to ultrasound my testes and he ordered a blood test of AFP which I believe is a tumour marker. All other hormones are normal (prolactin etc).

Other symptoms are a decreased libido (not drastically low, I always assumed it was "just me") but this is not a symptom that has started suddenly. I am otherwise an extremely healthy person with no health issues. I also don't really get "morning wood" and find it difficult to stay erect sometimes. Although I feel this has been made worse after I was actually told I should have a decreased libido - maybe a mental thing?

I have become increasingly worried about this ultrasound and the blood test for tumour markers. Whilst I understand that they have to be thorough - I am at a loss as to why my estradiol is high. I have checked my testicles so so many times and noticed no lumps. They have also been felt by every doctor in this process and they felt nothing. I did have an undescended testicle but no problems since.

My question is... am I right to be worried about testicular cancer? How likely is it to be a tumour that I can't feel? Is it possible that my hormones levels are simply normal for me? My gynecomastia is not very bad, but enough to harm my confidence however this process is giving me extreme anxiety and can't get the thought of tumours out of my head! I am 6ft and weight 13.5 stone if this is relevant.

Any advice/thoughts would be really helpful - I don't really know what to think.

Thank you all so much.


Offline Cristalis

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I would say relax and get the thought of cancer out of your mind. I dont know why at your age you have low libido and i dont really can say about why your estrogen levels are high and test level low but please dont tie this problem immediately to cancer.

Doctors are making tests to rule out everything but hormone problems can come from different places, like the pituitary gland that dont secrets enough FSH and LH that aid and stimulates testosterone production(see picture). this problem can be regulated, many problems can be regulated, im no doc but im just saying.

You need to talk and see your endocrinologist and you could ask for a second opinion if nothing wrong shows up.

Good luck, good health!


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