Author Topic: Update  (Read 2442 times)

Offline Worrier

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I have some news although whether it is good news I don't know .I have recieved a letter from the appeals board today over my op for gyne and it has been approved.
this is because i now have a bmi of twenty four. my weight has gone down from just over sixteen stone to just under fourteen .which iam quite proud of.

the problem is iam not sure i need just liposuction and that is all i have been approved for. i have lost so much wait and yes my chest size has gone down and i look much better, but i still have a puffy nip.i would post a pic to see what your opinions are of do i need the op but it is very difficult as i have body dysmorphic disorder.and posting on a public board even if it is anon and people are supportive is too much, right now anyway.

i will just have to see what the ps says as if she says she needs to do the gland excision , that needs to be funded seperately and it means appyling for funding again. i don't know if all heath authories are like this but my one is :-/. At worst she may say it is not  bad enough now and even though I admit it looks better and I have a more minor case now the puffy nip is only on one side and looks odd.

Also the surgeon does not seem to know too much about gyne as she did not know that with gynecomastia nipples puff when hot.She also said I may come out looking worse ???But at the end of the day I have not got the money to go private  so it is the NHS or nothing , at the mo anyway. And you can't pick your surgeon as she is the onLy Ps in my area who does nhs ops.It is nice that the nhs are moving on this but I worry as you can tell by my nickname ;D. I have an outpaitients appointment anyway first so I will have to see what she says.
        I just posted this to let people know you can get funding even if i have been waitiing a year to get this far.

Offline brother_gyne

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which area are you in?

Offline Worrier

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South essex area. I did as about seeing another PS but was told it would be impossible. as she is the only one that deals with gyne cases in my area. She works at broomfield in chelmsford if that gives people a clue.
      Don't I think should give her name though  ;D


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