Author Topic: Possible answers  (Read 2014 times)

Offline DrunkenAussie

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I started growing (at least i started to notice) at about 30. Doctors were unable to figurw out why.  After all the possible life threatening reasons were ruled out i was sent for a genetics test. 
Before meeting me they were thinking kleinfelters symdrome. But after seeing me and realising im part wookie and have children that was ruled out, at least mostly. While i haven't got results back yet they suspect mosaic keinfelters. In which only a percentage of my cells have xxy. Some of the other symptoms of klrinfelters seem to match, tall and skinny ( i was a rake in school) issues with speech ( i have a stutter) and issues with concentration  ( diagnosed with ADD as a child) 
while not definative yet im at least glad to have some answers( hopefully) while having a pair of breasts isnt an issue, me and the wife just want answers. 
Im a C cup at the moment in what seems like 12 months. I can still fell them growing. 
Im just wondering when they will stop and how long it will take. All the girls on both sides of my family are well endowes so my chances of a D+ size are high. 
On a funny note im a hude Startrek Fan and for a convention cosplay i have an idea of going as a transporter malfunction getting my cleavage( for this i wish i was bigger) out for all to see but still have a beard. Hopefully it will get a few laughs. Im comfortable with who i am and i dont mind making people laugh at my expense. 
Dont let others get you down. If anyone in Melbourne Australia has any issues with Gynecomastia PM me and i can help you get through it.

Offline Alchemist

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My mother, her daughters, my son, my daughters and of course myself have every appearance of familial gynecomastia.  I was growing breasts by 12.  The question on yours sounds like why so late?  I'm rather furry too, more than I used to be before correcting some deficiencies.
It is puzzling as so many are.  I would be real interested in your genetic test.  Good luck at figuring it out.  If it never does resolve, don't be concerned.


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I started developing when I was 10. By the time I  was 14, I was wearing a bra fulltime. My sister and I both wear a 36H bra. My mom is much smaller, wearing a 36B.
It's still unclear how I ended up with larger than average breasts for even a woman. 
My endocrinologist has sent me for another mammogram. I just went a few months ago. I have dense breast tissue and wants another look. Great! I get to have the tech comment on "what a pretty bra" I'm wearing. I know that they are just trying to reduce my stress. 
I know that its still very early, I know but, I also know that a second mammogram within a year is not a good sign. This leads me to thinking, how do they handle this with men. Do they take one breast? Do they even offer reconstruction if they do? Will they take both? 
If anyone has any insight to this, I'd like to know. 


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