Hairyknockers made some great points! One thing that you find when you get at our end of the stages of life. All those things we thought were such big deals and were "worth dyeing for" or how ever you would like to look at it were just wrinkles in our tee shirts as we look back at then now, another words, no big deal at all, not even worth a second thought!
It gets rather long, but if you would like to look at it, in stories, " my story after all these years" is my story! I'll be doing an update soon. I'm going in tomorrow for my 9th surgery. It will be my 4th back surgery. This one isn't as major as my past, just a bulging disc pushing on a nerve, so it will be just over night. My longest was in 09, 9 hours of surgery, but being bull headed as I am, surgery on Friday, home on Monday!
My feelings have always been, that life is short, so don't let the little crap get you down, don't let anything major stop you, and don't let anyone put or hold you down!
That's why I stay as positive as possible. I don't let the need of a wheelchair stop me from hunting, fishing, ice fishing, snow removal, camping or anything else that I feel I still can, one way or another.
And most importantly of all, read the two sayings at the bottom of each of my post.