Author Topic: Wore my bra to the gym.  (Read 2091 times)

Offline sofa

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Well I joind a gym to work on losing weight because i cant walk outside in winter and rain.  First time I went I was parinoied some one would see.  I had a compresion shirt on over it. Then a dark T shirt.  Im wearing my lined thin lined bendon flex out flexable underwire sports bra.  While it lifts a tad no padding like my moving comfort vero. One thing i noticed is its hard to tell even girls have bras on.  I think no one really pays atention to well.  I am a tad afraid when i lose more gutt  they will stick out more.  But its worth avoiding painful bounce when walking/running on the treadmill.   Just wanted to share my experiance.  Any one else go to the gym with one?

Offline chestyoldman

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So far no gym membership, but I'm starting to consider it for the same reasons you described. I was in the habit of walking 1 to 2 miles a day while the weather was decent, but this has been a cold winter (by OK standards) and I haven't walked nearly as much as I need to. Consequently, my weight is going back up. I wear a bra everyday everywhere I go, so if I do go ahead and join a gym I will wear one there, too. I have several pull-over sports bras that I wear when I walk and do yard work, so I expect I'll wear one of those under some sort of Tshirt. It's funny how at the beginning I was afraid everyone I saw would notice that I'm wearing a bra, but now I realize most people just don't pay that much attention - especially to a 66-year-old man! :) 

Offline sofa

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6th time yah no one really notices i do go most of the time to the back row of macines. Note i wear a dark tshirt over my compresion shirt.

First one is bendon flex out under wire sports bra. It makes them a tad pointier.  While the cup around all the breast fits snug mine boobs dont point so material in the tip is lose.  Second one is my favorite. I have had it for 4 years. It does have a tad more material but it rounds out.  It has major support.  To bad they nolonger make it.  Its a moving comfort vero. The crease is they dang packed it wrong ruined the cup.  I dono what do you think of the first two. I think the pointiness is more noticeable even though over all looks smaller?  Note i do wear a dark blue shirt over them.

Yes iv lost alot of weight haha but they are the same size. However the band size gets smaller which becomes an issue. However my vero is under sized so i have room. Its more like a 34/36 instead of a 38/40.

Offline chestyoldman

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When you're losing weight it's sort of like shooting at a moving target to find clothes that fit, isn't it? Although I've never been for a formal fitting, I support doing it if you can. I couldn't at the time that I started shopping for bras so I had to find mine by trial and error. Now that I have found a brand and size that work well for me I don't feel the need to go for a fitting. However, if my breasts grow to the point that I need new bras (which will be expensive because I have built up a pretty nice wardrobe) I'll go get a fitting so that I'll get the best fit quicker. It looks like you've found bras that work for you, especially that last one. Good luck and congratulations on the weight loss!

Offline sofa

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I mainly just wear them to work out.  Normal day Its not necisarily needed. They are not very big. 36b/38a.  However when excersizing with out it I get painfull bounce that above my boobs hurts majorly after.  Also the dreaded nipple chafing is totaly solved.  I nirmaly wear loss t shirts.  My dress shirts mainly have stripes or are paterned so you cant tell. Although i went down in shirts and pants from a 38 waist to 36 and shirt xl to large.  Yah tge last one is my favorate but is more noticable.

Offline chestyoldman

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Sofa, I used to be really concerned that everyone would notice that I was wearing a bra. However, as long as I don't dress weird (think of a black bra under a thin, white Tshirt) no one seems to notice, or if they do, they don't stare or make comments. It helps that I'm not as big as some of the other guys on here, too. Wear whatever makes you the most comfortable and let other folks deal with their reactions, because they aren't your problems and you certainly can't control them.

Offline Athena12@

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Sofa; I am the same size as you are and I am an underwearer too.  I almost never wear anything that will cause people to notice my bra and the wife likes it that way,  even with a 36B bra on I can not go out side with just an undershirt over my bra to mow the front yard.  However in the back yard, where no one can see I will take my shirt of an mow the back yard in just my bra or the black bikini top that I have.  I am retired so I don't have to worry about people at work seeing my bra,  But before nature granted me these breast I still like to wear a bra at work and made damn sure no one could see that I had one on.  So I understand where you are coming from and if you ever fid some one who sells a REAL 38A let me know.  I tried "The Little Bra Company" but their 38A bra was really a 36 1/2 inch band.  So they lied.  I didn't know than until I bought a 38A from them and found it a little tight, so I looked on their sight again and that's when I found out that they call a 36 1/2 inch band a 38.  Some how an 1 1/2 didn't seem to make a difference to them.  BTW the bra was padded as well.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.


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