Author Topic: My second surgery....  (Read 5034 times)

Offline Second_Timer

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Hello my fellow gyno sufferers and congrats to all gyno recoverers!

First time actually posting on this site, but I've been a long-time reader and have found your posts extremely helpful.  I thought it was about time for me to tell the tale of my own experience battling the evil known as BT.

So, here is my story of not 1, but 2 gyno surgeries.  Please feel free to respond with any questions or comments - I'd be happy to assist!

First off:  My gyno is due to steroid abuse.  I'm now 29 years old, but used heavy doses of steroids from about age 19 through to 24.  During that time, I used every type of steroid you can possibly think of (and some you probably haven't).  Along with that, I engaged in heavy recreational drug and alcohol use, which no-doubt didn't help my cause.  Interestingly, my gyno didn't actually start to come out until I was finishing off my very last cycle.  At that time, I noticed a small, pea-sized lump under my right nipple.  Stupidly, I did nothing about it, even though I had access to anti-estrogens drugs.  I was so near the end of my cycle that I figured it would go away when I was done.  However, when I came off the 'roids, the opposite occurred and my gyno seemed to get worse.  Over a period of about 2 years, this pea-sized lump became a much larger lump - to the point that it became visually apparent - even when I was wearing a shirt.

I decided to do something about it.  At the time I was living in Vancouver, British Columbia and went to see my family doctor.  My family doctor sent me to see the surgon, Dr. Brown in Richmond.  I made an appointment with him; he did a brief physical exam.  He didn't seem too familiar with gyno (he may be better now as this was 4 1/2 years ago) and was actually more concerned that it was cancerous (he also didn't know about my heavy 'roid use).  I got lucky and one of his surgery patients cancelled and went in for surgery with him the next day at Richmond General Hospital.  The surgery went by fast - almost too fast.  He did a local aesthetic, made an incision above my areola and then using a laser scalpel, cut out a golf ball sized piece of glandular tissue.  Then I was patched up and sent packing.  I had almost no pain and was back clubbing within a week.  However, once I healed up and was able to rub my peck freely, I noticed that there still seemed to be a large portion of glandular tissue.  It was like he took a scoop of it right under my nipple, but left a large portion of surrounding tissue.  Nevertheless, I looked great, and what was remaining wasn't noticeable to anyone but myself.

Unfortunately, this isn't the end of my story.  The years of steroid abuse still hadn't cleared out of my system and within about 3 months, the remaining gyno started to grow again!  Within six months I was no better off.  I cursed Brown's name, but attempted to go on with my life.  However, after a 4 years - now living in Toronto, Ontario - I become increasingly annoyed with my appearance.  No matter how healthy and in good shape I became, I still was too embarrassed to take my shirt off!  So, I decided to do something about it again.

I booked two appointments.  One with Dr. Lista and one with Dr. Fielding (based off of this board's recos).  First off, I went to see Lista.  I was able to get an appointment in the early summer and found him to be very personable.  He understood my problem right away and recommended lipo and surgical gland tissue removal.  I would need to be put to sleep for the operation and would not be able to work for at least a week.  On top of this, the surgery would cost $5000!

I next saw Dr. Fielding.  It was tough to get an appointment, but was able to get one in early October.  I also found him to be great - he recommended a similar procedure.  However, he didn't need me to be put under and it would only cost $1300!  It was a no brainer in my opinion.  I booked my appointment at his reception.  I even got lucky, there was a cancellation, and I was able to get in next Monday.

The Surgery:

My appointment was at 10am.  I arrived at the hospitals’ East Entrance and walked over to the registration desk.  A guy asked my for my health card, then told me to go upstairs to pay the hospital fee of $150.  I paid, and came back down.  He handed my some papers and a blue ID card and told me to go to the minor surgery room down the hall.  I went there, waited another 15 minutes and then was led to a room by a nurse and Dr. F.   Dr. F. took a quick “before” picture of my chest, then had me lie down on the operating table.  He first injected me with a small needle with a aesthetic.  Then, he pulled out this massive needle, filled with a milder, water based aesthetic and injected me about 5 times with a large volume of the fluid.  So much that my right pec expanded and bloated up.  After a few minutes, the right side of my chest was numb and the made an incision under my armpit, and then did the lipo.  I was shocked and how vigorous he did the lipo on me!  Afterwards, he then made an incision above my areola (in the same spot as the previous one), and pulled out the glandular tissue using a combo of scissors and tweezers.  He then stitched my up, placed a foam pad on the area and then wrapped tensor bandage around it.  

Its only been a day, but so far so good.

Anyways…. I better go take another Tylenol 2….

Offline Achilles

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Congrats on the second surgery, and hopefully the last one!  What is this about a hospital fee you had to pay?  I never heard of anyone on here saying they had to pay a hospital fee?

Offline Second_Timer

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Thanks Achilles.

I was warned about it at Dr. F's office by his receptionist; I paid $1300 at the office the day of the consultation and $150 to the hospital on the day of the surgery. Its listed as "Delisted procedure Level 2" on my receipt.  I guess the good news is that it can all be claimed on my next tax return!

- ST

Offline justsomeguyinvan

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Wow, thanks for posting. That is somewhat disturbing about the bad experience with Brown though as I was going to be calling this week to make an apppointment. Can anyone post thoughts on whether there has been an improvement in these past 4 and a half years of Brown's knowledge, I don't wnat to pay the consultation fee for nothing. And, am nervous.

Offline Second_Timer

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I wouldn't be too nervous; Brown was great from that standpoint as far as I remember. I blame part of it on myself - not being as clear as possible with Brown on what I was looking to get out of the surgery.  He was thinking about health, when I was thinking more cosmetically.  From what I hear, getting second operations or "touch-ups" is isn't that uncommon, because it can be difficult to get every last bit of glandular tissue if it is still growing.

If your problem is cosmetic, than my recommendation is that you need to outline exactly how you want to appear during your consultation with him.  If he doesn't agree with you, or has another plan, seek a second opinion.


PS: Go Canucks!

Offline Second_Timer

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Thought I would write a brief update on my progress.

Went to see Dr. F. today for my one week post-op appointment at St. J's hospital.  All went well; and I was in and out in 15 minutes.  He took a quick look at my pec, told me it looks good, although there was a little swelling near the bottom, but not enough to be a hemo.  Anyways, he said I'm good to shower. and that the tape will fall off on its own...

So far, I'm really happy with the results!


Offline c3ntralp3rk

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dr.brown is an amazing surgeon. he was president of the american society of aesthetic & plastic surgeons, was commended for his term for being president.. and uses cutting edge technology while treating patients..

i must say, that over the last 4-5 years, medical technology has come a long ways (especially in terms of plastic & cosmetic surgery).

in the case of second_timer, no offense, i think you should have told brown the whole truth.. moreover, the cause for the secondary gynecomastia was most likely due to all the steroid/drug abuse..

don't worry about dr.brown.
i would recommend him with full passion,

Offline Second_Timer

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in the case of second_timer, no offense, i think you should have told brown the whole truth.. moreover, the cause for the secondary gynecomastia was most likely due to all the steroid/drug abuse..

I aggree.

One of my biggest regrets when dealing with Dr.Brown is that I wasn't completely forthcoming about my past drug abuse and what I wanted to get out of the surgery.  In hindsight, my body was most likely still in a state of post-hormonal-adjustment after pumping large doses of testosterone into it for numerous years.  However, Dr. Brown did miss a large portion of glandular tissue, and it was this missed tissue that continued to grow after the surgery.

I have no doubt that Dr. Brown is a great surgeon and his techniques and knowledge on gynecomastia have most likely only improved over the past 5 years.  I think what others can take away from my story are these lessons:

1) Be honest and direct when telling the surgeon what you hope to get out of the surgery.

2) Not all surgery experiences will be perfect - some of you may even require a 2nd operation to get to where you are happy.

3) The human body is fu(^%* up!

- ST  

Offline md

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If you werent put to sleep during the operation didnt you feel a great amount of pain during the procedure?

Offline md

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If you werent put to sleep during the operation didnt you feel a great amount of pain during the procedure?

Offline Second_Timer

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If you werent put to sleep during the operation didnt you feel a great amount of pain during the procedure?

Not at all.

Both Dr. B and Dr. F used enough local anesthetic to make an elephant go numb - you don't feel a thing except for maybe a slight pulling sensation...  I personally would much rather be awake than be put to sleep given the option (I have that old Seinfeld episode with the dentist in mind as well!).  Although, It is a bit strange watching the surgeon cut you open....

Offline md

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I might be seeing Dr. Fielding or Lista in the future if my gyne doesnt go away. Im still 17 right now so gonna wait until im 19 or so, as ive been told that hormonal changes can occur up to that age.

I hear that fielding is much less expensive than lista...and im wondering why is that? Same type of procedure?

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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i may be wrong... but i think fielding performs his operations at a public hospital.. while lista doesn't..

i don't know, correct me people if i'm wrong.
btw, how long have you had the gyne?

remember, if you've had it for 2 years or more already.. chances are that it is not going to go away..

i'm not trying to discourage you or anything.. it's just that i just turned 19.. i had gyne since i was 13.. didn't go away until i was 17.. so i started working out, still didn't go away.. so yeah..

remember, if you've had it for 2 years or more.. chances are, that it's most likely not going to go away.

what do you say other people?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I hear that fielding is much less expensive than lista...and im wondering why is that? Same type of procedure?

Dr. Fielding performs the proceedure at St. Josephs Health Center. As c3ntralp3rk mentioned, 'a public hospital'. Here in Ontario, we have O.H.I.P. (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). OHIP pays for gland removal and all hospital fees. The only thing that the patient pays for is the Lipo portion of the proceedure. Which ranges from $1070 to $1600.

With Dr. Lista, he performs his Gyne surgeries at his private clinic which is not recognized by OHIP. Therefore, the full cost ($4000 to $5000) of the proceedure is paid by the patient.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline md

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ooh ok thanks for clearing that up for me Bambu  :D


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