Author Topic: Updated photos. Surgery completed with Dr Vik Vijh 22/03/18  (Read 8420 times)

Offline Cristalis

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This adesions, can they be fixed by the surgeon? I seen many people that looks good when standing still but when moving and flexing chest all kind of deformities shows up. Didnt want to get those in exchange for the gyno, they are looking awefule on some people!

Offline kilroyrichard

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This adesions, can they be fixed by the surgeon? I seen many people that looks good when standing still but when moving and flexing chest all kind of deformities shows up. Didnt want to get those in exchange for the gyno, they are looking awefule on some people!

Well maybe i'm going to end up looking awful then.
It is too early to see what the appearance will turn out like as i'm only three weeks in. I'm very happy with the results and to not have daily gyno paranoia so far, although of course it is a concern.

Adhesions as far as I know do simplify and settle over time, and can have revision surgery, but i'm not a surgeon and this is new to me also.

Offline Driver217

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Offline kilroyrichard

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Offline timmy

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Hi all,
I had the same surgery as you with Vik Vijh the week before on the 5th march.
By the looks of things you are bearing up well. Better than me I would say.
I'm coming up to the eight week mark now and things are looking better than they were but hopefully not the finished article yet.
Will dig out some before and after pics when I get a chance and probably start a thread soon.
Will be seeing Dr Vijh next week so hopefully should know more then.

Offline kilroyrichard

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Great yes do!

I'm seeing him for my post op on monday so will update then.

Swelling comes and goes so much, cannot WAIT to be able to lie on my side, or have the compression top off for longer than a few minutes in the shower.

I'm doing ok... my right side is still dented and looks wrong when flexing so it is more than likely an adhesion, it's not gonna even out until compression is off, but i'm not going to get too distressed about it, nor get upset by completely insensitive comments like cristalis has posted previously.

Good luck with all your recovery too, would be good to know also how you get on

Offline kilroyrichard

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So I've just had my post-op consultation with Vik Vijh at 5.5 weeks of recovery and things seem great!

Week 5:
In the last two days things seemed to have smoothed out a little and sensation is returning in the nipples. Bruising has mostly vanished. Arm movement has regained considerably.


He said i'm in the "top 10% of results" and definitely won't need revisions, and seemed thrilled. Advised oil to massage from sixth week.


I don't have an adhesion it seems, but the right chest area suffered echinosis (the bruising I thought was a hematoma) which is similar, and my first compression vest (weeks 2,3,4) was also causing a considerable dent that emphasized it. Basically, with time and massaging it should all work out as hoped. Tbh even if I do end up with an odd appearance when the muscle flexes on one side, I can deal with that. The daily anxiety of moobs is so easily forgotten that I have to look at old pics to remind myself that it affected me so much.


I can take off the vest in a week or two, but i still swell at work if i had to break into a mini jog to catch one of my commute trains.
Vijh said it is normal to swell after removing it and will subside.
Replaced my old compression vest after a month with a slightly stretchier one (higher spandex percentage - 30%) that buttons high up to the neck, keeping compression near the armpit incisions and upper chest which is
 difficult. However, this has left my incisions looking quite red and inflamed from rubbing, after they were nearly invisible at the four week stage. Vijh advised micropore tape / plaster to help alleviate the rubbing.

Sleeping on side:
I'm so desperate to sleep on my sides. Back is super stiff in the morning. Tried to rest on my side for 15 mins on the 5 weeks mark but it was still too soon and caused swelling and discomfort. Will wait until week 7.

Attached are most recent photos at 5 and 5.5 weeks recovery. Still a bit bumpy, bit massaging is yet to come. And then hopefully some weight loss with time as I've gained considerably during this inactive period.

Offline joe7

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Looks great. Even at this early stage in healing, I can't really tell you've had anything done to be honest. The armput incisions seem like a great technique.

Offline vacantuser

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Offline Cristalis

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I'm doing ok... my right side is still dented and looks wrong when flexing so it is more than likely an adhesion, it's not gonna even out until compression is off, but i'm not going to get too distressed about it, nor get upset by completely insensitive comments like cristalis has posted previously

Oh common, lets not be childish here!! I have not been insensitive nor i wanted to upset you or to give you negative thoughts about the outcome, im just realistic.

Yeah i seen bad bad cases of adhesions with very nasty look, thats why my concerns about em!

I dont see in the pics what you get there, probably nothing of much concern but i thought this is an open forum and i can etalate my thoughts on this matter but im being misunderstood and judged like insensitive. I didnt say you will look awefull, its you who took it personally!!!!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 02:05:44 AM by Cristalis »

Offline Checkmate

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Ignore cristalis mate ive seen him post on various threads and thought the exact same thing, completely self centred insensitive comments.
Anyway more importantly congrats on the surgery! You must be thrilled, from your pre op photo to now the difference is mind blowing in my opinion. Who cares if you have a slight issue when flexing? how often do you flex anyway! Besides you havent long had the op and it will almost definitely get better with time!
Seen a lot of good things from Dr Vijh, and I was torn between him and karadis. Think ill go with vijh as ive seen nothing but good.
Hows it all healing up now, any further updates?

Offline kilroyrichard

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Hello all! For anyone that was following this thread, I thought I'd update with post one year anniversary info.

I'm so glad I had the surgery, and I forget the constant daily anxiety that came with gynecomastia. Nobody in terms of partners or friends seem to know or suspect surgery unless I mention it.

Is it 100% perfect, symmetrical with no issues? I would say around 85-90%. If you are hoping for 100% perfection, you're living in a fantasy, admittedly the same fantasy I had and we all have. I am absolutely fine with the success of my op.

smooth natural appearance.
my chest looks good in clothing, in fact the curve that is created from the op site makes it look more muscular if anything. Vijh mentioned that armpits will be less defined and concave after the surgery. This is true but it actually makes the chest look stronger if anything.
scars virtually invisible and no signs of surgery.
my nipples look nice, and firm up easily.

Negatives: I have begun to sweat below the chest area when I'm hot, which was the area that had liposuction to keep a natural appearance between chest and stomach. I am presuming this is down to the lipo, not the surgery.
My right side as mentioned in previous posts does have a v subtle indent if I flex or tense the muscle. It has mellowed considerably since the op. It actually looks the best side in terms of shape when relaxed / normal. It also has more sensation to touch the area where the tissue was removed. But it feels kind of nice actually and the nipple has more sensation than the other.

If you look closely in one photo, the left side of my chest isn't a perfect natural curve at the side depending on my arm position, but I am emphasising it for the photo and it is not a concern.

Overall, very happy with the result, I've been topless in the park with no paranoia any more. The sides are not perfectly symmetrical but it is v subtle. I do still think about my chest a lot, but it's not in a state of paranoia or anxiety or depression.

I've started going back to the gym. It's great to be able to run and not feel them bounce independently to my body. I know people suggest returning to exercise after several to a dozen weeks but I would suggest longer. I could feel tightness in my armpits that was uncomfortable even at the three month mark. This has all gone entirely now.

I would recommend Dr Vik Vijh for sure, even though I wasn't impressed with the nurses at the Birmingham hospital who did not carry out his instructions accordingly. I'm sure I will always be thinking of how my chest looks, but not in the state of embarrassment and shame that I used to carry :-)


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