Author Topic: Breast Vacation  (Read 2807 times)

Offline Lovemybreasts

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This thought recently occurred to me and I have hesitated to share it.  The thought came about because my wife and I have an upcoming trip to a warm climate.  She loves my breasts as they are and makes me feel very good about them.  However, this trip brings up the thoughts of swimming pools, the public and what to do about my breasts.  
So, I have decided to put it in front of this group.  How cool would it be to have a gyno cruise where the main group is gyno men and their SO's.  The options for activities are many.   Examples:
  • We have a have a pool set aside where how we come to swim and relax is completely optional (with a top, without a top, in a tankini, in a sports bra, whatever)-everyone, regardless of their breast size is accepted and admired.  
  • We bring with us bra fitters who bring many options to try on and buy. 
  • We do a sort of fashion show with differences in swimwear, tops, etc. 
  • We bring in speakers on body acceptance and dealing with differences in body shapes and sizes.  
  • We have open forums to discuss our breasts, our experiences with them, our challenges, etc.  
  • We put spouses together in forums where they talk about helping us buy bras, sexual challenges and opportunities, etc.  
While this sounds to me like it could be a great experience, I realize it would be difficult to arrange, fund and make happen.  Nevertheless, the idea of being with others whose breasts are similar and share many of my own thoughts about acceptance would be wonderful.  I'll soon post a picture of me in my swimwear.


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Do what you what, but I would like to remind you that this is not a cross dressing forum.
The wearing of a bra to support breast is not concidered cross dressing.

Offline chestyoldman

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Lovemybreasts, that is a WONDERFUL idea and I think it could be a lot of fun! The SO forums could really be a big help for those of us whose SO's are less than supportive of our need to wear bras, especially if they get to talk about the fact that wanting or needing to wear a bra does not necessarily mean that we want to crossdress or transition to being female. Perhaps some of the doctors here could also attend to help explain the medical aspects. If the cruise idea is too expensive perhaps we could also consider "conventions" in different parts of the country to help cut down the cost for some attenders. Thanks for suggesting this. The next step might be a poll to see how many would be interested in something like this.


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A few years ago Dr. Jacobs and I tried to get a letter writing campaign going to someone like Dr. Oz to do a segment on his show about gynecomastia, but it went nowhere! It would be great if someone who has a show like him would help educate the general public about gynecomastia!

I personally sent several emails and calls to him about the subject, but never got a response.

Offline Alchemist

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I would offer an alternative.  You could do it as special interest group on a nudist group.  Everybody can get out of all that uncomfortable clothing and would likely see a realistic percentage of male nudists with grown breasts and most would be with SOs.  It would give you a strongly body acceptance situation and experience and get a lot of guys out of their psychological ghettos.  It's equal opportunity undresssing.  It all becomes unmentionably ordinary instead of textile fetishes of various kinds with one kind replacing a different one. 
These cruises fill up fast so you wouold likely need to get involved early and get you 100 or 200 or whatever you could round up.  Mostly I think that the nudists would think it amusing.  Make sure you sponser a body painting dance which I think everybody (almost) might enjoy, maybe making breasts the theme subject for the paint.

Offline Athena12@

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In general I like the idea but I seriously doubt the wife would go along with it   At 70 she is not keen on even wearing a bathing suit not to mention going topless.  And I donot think she would be happy to see me wearing a bikini top in public even thought there would be several mem there wearing bras or what ever.  She wants it kept private and only allows me to wear a bra in the open in the back yard.  If I could go on my own I would jump a the chance but since she ain't dead that is not likely to happen.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

Offline Busty

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Is your wife OK with you going topless?

Offline Athena12@

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Yes in the back yard but I have never worn a only bra or bikini top or gone braless in the front yard


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