Author Topic: can i get rid of it if its fat only?  (Read 3758 times)

Offline AGOF

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from exercising, pushups, situps if it is ONLY fat no gland? or is that unrealistic?
Life would be fine if it wasn't for gyne...

Offline manic91m9

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if you have gyno only fat you need to do cardio and stop eating all junk food! no 15 mins is not enough because ur body isnt in fat burning mode that quick.

Offline Worrier

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My gyno was fat on both sides with slight excess gland on one side. Although different doctors I have seen give different opinions on my gyno... Some say all fat others say a bit of  extra gland on one side.

Anyway I decided to bite  the bullet and try to sort this by myself. And  I have to say I have made a good improvement.I started off weighing sixteen and a half stone and six feet two and now weigh under fourteen. I have got fit for other reasons though as well as my gyno which kind of was more of a motivation.

      At the moment I run three times a week about five miles, i do interval training once a week , and I go to the gym three times a week. I also box twice a week as well. that is not bad considering when I started I could not run half a mile... This has hugely helped my gyno. I have pecs now although one pec is slightly bigger than the other and is still a bit puffy on the nipple.But You could not say I have breasts now.
         I also changed my diet , I have not starved my self , I eat steak three times a week and amongst other meats. But i have cut out the junk sweets crisps, coke ( not the powder kind) and beer.
       I do not know if I need surgery now , I have a slight puffy nip and I have been offered surgery on the NHS in the UK free. But yes you can hugely help your gyno by getting fit esp if it is mainly the fatty kind and it may mean you can save cash from having surgery.If i were you give exercise a go for six months to a year and if you are still not happy look at other options.
       Start off gradually ... with things like running , and the gym or you will just put yourself off. I started off aiming for a mile and when I couldn't run anymore I walked it. get someone to show you round the gym and set up a programe. gyms are great as you get encouragement and not everyone is russel crowe....
       another thing when I started , my chest  killed me esp after the running all that jiggleling around... After a while that goes after you lose weight and stenghten that area.My gyno has gone down by I would say ninety percent so the jiggleing goes as well. Good luck.

Offline AGOF

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great posts, thanks. Yeah I tried running on a track by my house once but got HORRIBLE chest pains after about 20 minutes. But exercise is the only option I have for now, so I'll give it a good run. Thanks again everyone. PS what kind of foods/moderations do you guys think is good?

Offline Worrier

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I don't now what moderations are, but regarding foods I eat loads of fruit , at least five portions a day, vegtables , and meat esp red meat like steak or lean steak mince. I have a large main meal at night and tend to have a large sandwich and fruit for lunch as I work. breakfast it tends to be cereal and again fruit or a low fat yogurt.
      Don't skimp on breakfast as it give you a boost when you train.
       If you get hungry as you will if you train hard fight it or drink water to fill you up. cut out all the junk food . Diet is half the battle with losing weight .
         Keep up the running , I presume the chest pain was from the gyne , if so forget it as your chest will get used to this. And as you loose weight their will be less pressure on you chest anyway.
good luck .

Offline AGOF

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ok thanx. I have one more question: when you say vegetables, any kinds? Cooked or uncooked? it OK to eat junk once in a while lol.

Offline Worrier

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choose what vegtables you like although make sure they ARE vegtables. personally i eat  broccli , cauliflower, and peas   with my main meal. Also try to eat some salad in your sandwich as well.
         regarding the junk food I would  cut it out completely to start with  unitil you are into your training programe. say for a month or two, Then maybe set aside a day when you allow yourself a few treats  but don't go overboard .... .
       Oh yes, I always have one complete rest day a week when iam training give yourself a break one day ,not good to kill yourself everyday ;D
« Last Edit: October 18, 2005, 10:54:21 PM by Worrier »

Offline AGOF

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ok sounds good, ill post my routine in a week here!

Offline AbNormal

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The absolute most important thing in fat loss is that you eat about 200-500 less calories a day than you burn.  If you don't do this, you won't be successful.

If you have a daily calorie defecit of more than 500, your body will burn muscle as well, and won't go into fat loss mode (it thinks you are starving and conserves the fat instead of burning it.)

Best thing I can recommend is get a computer program called Fitday, in which you can keep track of all of your calories burned and eaten per day, as well as set weight goals for yourself.  It's helped me immensely in the process.

There's lots of crap sites out there with bad weight loss advice as well.  A good one is  It's helped me.

Offline AbNormal

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Of course, there's also the full-on gung-ho way, where you get a really physical jobs that busts your butt for 8 hours a day, while eating maybe 1500 calories less a day than you burn (those jobs can tack on a 4000 additional caloric requirement, per day.)

This will burn fat like crazy, as well as get you into fearsome shape.

I think perhaps this is where your body says "Damn he's working me like a beast, I've gotta use these fat stores for sure"

But this in my experience does require a good solid 6 hours of strenuous labor, and you absolutely must eat a freaking ton of animal protein to get by while doing this without feeling dog tired and sick.

Offline AGOF

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How do I know just how many calories I have burned off? So your saying if I burn 1,000, I should only eat 500 that day? What is something good to eat without fat but a lot of the required protein/calories for energy then?


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