Author Topic: Why are more members not talking about their gynecomastia here?  (Read 3430 times)

Offline Athena12@

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I an relatively new here but I have notice that there are only a few active members talking about their various problems/acceptance with gyno.  Where are the rest of you?  We should be having a full and open discussion about this.  I wish we had our on chat room where we could talk to one another freely and openly.  We need more input here!
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

Offline Athena12@

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Steven618 I agree with you and wish we had a chat room where we could talk to other people to,  I was on one but it went down here and started to get really weird and when I complained to the site owner I got kicked off the site.  Most of it got to be "LOOK AT ME IN MY NEW BRA". Nothing better than seeing a man with a hairy chest wearing a bra. LOL 


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I have been on this forum since 2011 and there are times that it goes quiet, and it will get real active again. I dont know why it just works out that way, maybe it has something to do with the change of the seasons?

Offline Reluctant

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As I stated a few months ago, this forum has help me deal with my gynecomastia issue.  I've tried other so called sites that deal with gynecomastia.  They seem to be mainly cross dressing sites.  It's hard to find a web site that can really provide good support for are issues relating to all aspects that we endure.  This site has a wealth of information that can be researched, as I have, to provide answers to almost any question one might ask.  I deeply appreciate what I've read.  And to all of the people that over the years that have provided this information I give my thanks.  As Hammer stated, this site may be quiet now, but I've seen it swing back in forth over the years.

However, I must say that I'm lacking in the contributing aspect on this site.

Offline Athena12@

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I was very active on that site and you may remember me as AGRO but like I said I saw an article that really upset me and when I complained to PH----S (she owns the site) I was removed from that site. My fault, I had one of those night I could not sleep and got a little crazy and aired my thoughts to her and that ended my welcome there.  But you are right there are a lot of people there that have good advice and support.  It was just some off them got a little crazy.  Like the guy driving across in a convertible showing off he=is bra and he had no breast, just like wearing a bra and he was a MODERATOR.  Or the guy that brought up an article and teenage underwear and was admiring the boys,  That is the one that set me off.

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I do not contribute a lot, take more away than I give. I think as some have said that things can get off track, but when I run across a thread that is outside of the information I deem useful, I back out and contuine my search. Have read a lot of good info and advise on this site, and will contuine to check in as most who post here seem to have intention to be honest and supportive in there post. 

Offline froger

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I generally don't comment much on forums unless I feel as though I have something useful or meaningful to add that hasn't already been said.

Offline Jlt83e

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Just my take on it , it's just a tough pill to swallow, all of the input here is greatly appreciated, sum just choose not to chime in.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I've been here 14 years and I am pretty much talked out. the numbers tell the story of how many times I have posted here. Actually I was on an older site before this one that was also started by Merle Yost, the original owner and originator of this site.  Merle himself is no longer here either.  Once he had surgery and a later revision, he lost interest and eventually dropped out of sight.  He was a Psychologist who counseled with several young men who had Gynecomastia and the associated Psychological problems. but once he had surgery, like so many others, he lost interest in the site.  I never did have surgery myself, because surgery was not a good option until Liposuction made surgery a good option. By then, I was old enough that my priorities had changed and my breasts were no longer a major issue for me.
There was a lot of lively discussion 10 years back, but as previously observed, those who have had surgery lose interes and never come back.  One exception was a guy who called himself Grandpa Bambu.  He was a post operative who was happy with the surgical outcome who remained active for a long time.  If you like, you can look him up in the archives.  Some of my old posts about dressing to conceal are still there as well and if I do say so myself, some of them are pretty good. 
Please do not add to those old posts though. You would be adding a comment to a discussion that ended years ago and the participants are probably no longer here.  If you find an old topic that you would like to bring up to date, a better idea is to start a new topic. 
With apologies, I sometimes now go for months at a time without posting, but I am still here if you would care to send me a personal message and ask a question. 
Grandpa Dan


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I wouldn't say that I'm all talked out about my gynecomastia.  
I've told my story about how I had boobs when I was 12 and started wearing full time when I was 16. I'm still a guy, just one who needs to wear a bra. 
I'll post some things about where I've shopped for bras and had very good experiences hoping others will see that a man can live with breasts.
Again, I've had a recent great visit with Torrid. The staff and the bras are top notch. I will make this one statement about other things. I got a free panty with the bra and their boy short style panties are the most comfortable underwear that I have ever worn. They don't look at all feminine. I'm definitely a Torrid guy now!


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I too have told my story! If anyone hasn't seen it you can find it with the link at the bottom of my post!

I don't always wear a bra, but when I do I don't try real hard to hid it! I wear a tee one size to big and a vest. Those that know about the bra say I look better with it on because they stay put!


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I too have told my story! If anyone hasn't seen it you can find it with the link at the bottom of my post!

I don't always wear a bra, but when I do I don't try real hard to hid it! I wear a tee one size to big and a vest. Those that know about the bra say I look better with it on because they stay put!

Hammer,  I always wear a bra anytime I leave the house.  I don't get alot of comments about it, but when I do, its almost always positive. Even the other day in Torrid, there were a couple of women who were also bra shopping. One of them was asking me what size I was, i told them a 36DDD /G. They were a little surprised at my openness.  They also said that they thought that alot more men would benefit from a good bra.

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Even the other day in Torrid, there were a couple of women who were also bra shopping. One of them was asking me what size I was, i told them a 36DDD /G. They were a little surprised at my openness.  They also said that they thought that alot more men would benefit from a good bra.

I’ve had mixed reactions. 
One fitter told me because of my size (at the time) I didn’t a bra for support. When I questioned why then they had bras even smaller than me she just said women don’t need them either. (She was polish)
However other fitters have said that things look better for me and that I’m a common size in women.
As for strangers other than fitters I haven’t gotten any comments (if anyone even noticed)


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As much as I'd like to go in for a fitting just for the excitement of it. I feel that is when you fully have accepted your growth and development, when you can publicly go in to a store and ask to be fitted....But at being a small B cup, i can't justify that. I hope I'm not as large as ABWG or Hammer one day lol but if I have the honor of being fully busted I hope to have their confidence and comfort in walking in as an obvious dude and being straight forward about wanting a bra for me

Steven, it's really not an honor, to be big breasted, but one just learns to accept and move on because there is so much more in life to be concerned about that is much bigger then a couple of bumps on ones chest!

Offline blad

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My first post here.
Like many, I developed breasts in junior high school and endured all the usual issues associated with a boy having boobs in school. 
I was often told I should wear a bra as part of the taunting in school. After a time curiosity did get the better of me and I did try a bra around age 13-14. I found that I did like how it gave support and fit me, and I wore one as much as I could in those years. 
For some time now I wear a bra every day and would find it uncomfortable if i did not. My wife has been very supportive and even suggested that I should wear one.
I wish it had been easier to wear one full time in school as it did feel better.
For the most part my bra is not obvious even though my chest is at all times regardless. 
If the bra fits, wear it.


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