Author Topic: 12 months post OP - Ruined nipples - New Gyno (HELP)  (Read 2604 times)

Offline Mr.Joules

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Hey !

Im i need for some serious help. I need the hard truth, to know if im fucked for life or if this can be saved. Im not from the states so excuse my English, i will try to explain.

Ive done 2 gyno surgery in 2 years. I told my surgeon that i HOPE i wont be needing a 3d one and he laughed and ensured me i wont. I got some scars after the first one wich i told him to try to hide. Well...

First off, my left got so swollen so the scar couldent even heal with the skin, and created a "creater" i think its called. He took to much fat so it points down when i raise my arm, and looks really bad.

I got really mad at the 6 months check up cause i couldet understand how a top notch DR could cut so bad, and i payed 3 times the amount vs 1st op.

Either way, thats not the worst part. The worst is the right side, he cut it so bad that it will never look even alright. And now im in a position were the gyno have came back, and i need to cut it open again.

Witch will be impossible when the scar is so big. 

I got the 12 moth check up next week. 

I will post the photo here and hear what you guys think, cause i got 2 plans. 

1st - "force" him to do fraxel laser on the scar, give it 4-6 times and see how it will look. Goal is to make the scar and skin as good so it will be possible to cut open again.

2. When he (or if i take a bank lone and use another dr..), when he cuts it open next time, if the laser will work. Ive tought about doing a revision surgery the same time as he do a gyno. In other words cut out the tissue thats left, and try to rivision the scar on top. Is that possible?

I dont really know how this works but i think i might, and from what i belive this MIGHT be possible. 

IF, i have a good DR.. he is very expencive, top notch in sweden but the way he approced me when i came back 6 moths post and showed him the new gyno and scars, he was in denile "thats not gyno". I got so mad.. i KNOW what gyno feels like and i KNOW how it looks. So to hear from a DR that he lies to my face that lowers him extreamly in my eyes. He wouldent accept that he did a really bad job. " ive done this 20 years dont question me"

So i told him about the creater to and he barly said shit. it was ME that told him that i belive he cut out to much under, so thats why it became a creater, and he lissned like he never heard that before.. like what? u done this for 20 years and thats news to you, that if you cut to much it will fold in?..

So yeah.. i spent close to 10-15k in total for 2, and i got no money left for a 3d. But he said he will correct whats possible to correct after the 12 months are gone. But i feel that if he couldet even cut the insitions right i dont think he are the right guy to do a rivision + gyno again..

I feel like i got one more chanse to do this, or i will need a tshirt every summer for the rest of my life, 

What you think, from my understanding fraxel laser can do magic. What you think about fraxel on the cuts, then let it heal, and then do rivision + gyno ?

Pic: (right side)

Maby make the nipple a bit smaller so the lines could be rounder and possible "cut out" the scar, would that be possible?

Im extreamly thankfull for respons. It will cost me 150 dollars to get another DRs opinion.


Offline Mr.Joules

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Im using Vitamin A and C serum on the scar.

And i even use LLLT laser on the scar, i got one at home wich ive tried on my nipples. And i helps a little bit, so that got me intrested in fraxel, wich seems to be 100 times more effective..

I mean i payed them so much money, to then get ruined. Its a beuty clinik so i hope that they have no problem using fraxel for free. 

How much can fraxel help you guys think? 

And then fraxel + revision..


Offline Dr. Schuster

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I'm sorry you have not gotten the result you were looking for. You are obviously very upset. I do not think Fraxel treatment is "magic" and in fact often is dissappointing when it comes to scar treatment. try to stay calm when discussing your option with your surgeon. And you should proably get a few other opinions before proceeding. Good luck.
Dr. Schuster
Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Northwest Hospital
Private practice in Baltimore, Maryland
10807 Falls Road
Lutherville, Maryland 21093

Offline Mr.Joules

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Quote from: Dr. Schuster link=topic=33360.msg211745#msg211745 date=1526431639
I'm sorry you have not gotten the result you were looking for. You are obviously very upset. I do not think Fraxel treatment is "magic" and in fact often is dissappointing when it comes to scar treatment. try to stay calm when discussing your option with your surgeon. And you should proably get a few other opinions before proceeding. Good luck.

Thank you for at least a honest awnser ! 

Il took it to heart tho.. cause if the laser wont work.. im done.

What options do you think is possible, is it realistic to think that they can lay a new scar, a smaller one with scar rivision? i dont know whats possible with that kind of operation.


Offline Dr. Schuster

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Without seeing the scars it's impossible to advise. If the scars are thick and/or wide a scar revision would be the best.

Offline Mr.Joules

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Quote from: Dr. Schuster link=topic=33360.msg211812#msg211812 date=1527037453
Without seeing the scars it's impossible to advise. If the scars are thick and/or wide a scar revision would be the best.

Hi sir, a link was posted but il post again !

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