Author Topic: Finally ready to post my pics...Feedback?  (Read 5369 times)

Offline mustang26

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Hey guys,

Well, i am finally ready to post my pics on this site.  I have been a member for a number of months, and think it is time to share.  
I am 26, 5'11, 180lbs.  I have had gyno for about 7 years, but have noticed that the situation has worsened for me over the past year.  I definately plan on having surgery w/in the next year or two, but right now it is not economically feasible for me.  
Would love some opinions, advice, to hear from people with a case similar to mine, etc.....  
My gyno problem can really be seen in the picture where i am leaning over.  
UGH!!!!!! I HATE THIS!!!!!!

« Last Edit: February 08, 2005, 01:19:23 PM by mustang26 »

Offline gynegoawayplz

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well i really think you have gyno, that's the bad news.

the good news is it can be fixed.  the other good news is, since it is economically unfeasible for you to not to get it for a while, keep your head up.  

I guess if you have access to a gym, or some weights, or even do pushups daily, as well as maybe get a lower bodyfat to see if that helps anything.  

I truly believe if you want something bad enough, you will get it no matter what.  Keep at it, it will get better, and look at it from a positive light, it isn't that bad of a case.
I wish I could step out of the black and into the white.

Offline jc71

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I agree with gynegoawayplz (how ya doing bud?)

Offline mustang26

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Thanks guys.....anyone else?

Offline crusade

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I was lookin at ur pics and they look really similar to mine. iv had gyne for since i was about 11, and I know how much it can affect ur mind and everyday life.

Im like 19, and this Feb 1st, I had lipo on the NHS. Its still swollen, and i have to wait moths for the final result but it is much better than b4.

Basically, if u cant have surgery the best advice I can give is  cardiovascular exercise to reduce your body fat percentage, and eating the right diet that will continually flush out ur body. because i did not have excision of the gland during surgery , i am also trying flax seed oil everyday because it seems to work for some people.

so..cardiovasular exercise, diet, and flax seed oil. all of them if possible may make a significant impact on you for the time being. There are also some gels that you can apply that mite help, but u can find out about them by reading other posts.

good luck bro, i hope you get the chest that you want. just focus all your energy in getting rid of it, and you are almost guarenteed to see results.



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