Author Topic: so i have finally had it done  (Read 823 times)

Offline L33lme

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Finally i have gone under the knife and got this awful mass out of my chest i started with gyno i think around 13 years ago due to mixing with the wrong crowd having steroids not knowing the effects and unable to reliably get treatment for estrogen rebound my fault really should of known better but i was young and stupid 
So i went for surgery 2 days ago in manchester with a surgeon called professor gerard john byrne was very impressed with him and his Secretary zoe Metcalf i origionally went to see him last april for a consultation which with him is free and if you get any issues like spooning or any other complications which he said are very very rare he will correct it within 12 months after surgery as part of the origonal cost i paid £4665 in total which broken down part is for the surgeon the hospital fees and the anaesthetic the price includes medication any follow ups overnight stay if needed and food so i checked in at 7am got taken to my room which was nice shower tv private room a nurse came in to take my food orders then another nurse came in gave me some pressure socks and a gown to change into soon after the anestetic nurse came in and asked a few questions then the surgeon came in and marked me up he said im 1st on list which i was glad about some young guy came in and walked me to surgery i lay on a bed in a room which was chilly and they put me asleep i was out really quick you dont know anything never had general anestetic in my life i woke up in recovery i think it was 1o45am think i went into surgery around 9am i had both sides done including lypo my left side was probably cut a 1/4 of a apple and put under skim my right side was slightly smaller my skin is quite tight so it stood out like a sore thumb was in recovery for prob 20 mins after waking up was alert not sleepy at all and no sickness got taken back to my room they brought me some water and a sandwich which i ate no problem my mouth was really dry and was all evening i got discharged from there at around 1400 so in total was only in for 7 hours they gave me some paracetamol some ibuprofen and some codene for pain relief in reality i have hardely had any pain at all its nothing the hardest part is wearing the pressure vest its so uncomfortable and hard to sleep in i have to wear this for 10 -14 days so counting this down i have only looked down the vest and can see they have gone down loads but not taken vest off yet so no photos i would take it off but there is about 50 hooks to atrach and probably would struggle to get it back together i need go to get my dressing changed next week so will see then unfortunately i lost my before pics as i deleted off my phone before cloud had backed then up but tbh dont want to see them horrid cone breasts again so all in all surfgery is not to bad and pretty much pain free prof gerard john byrne seems a very good surgeon and is a really nice guy will know more on the outcome later down the line and at £4665 for the treatment and care i got at a private hospital i dont think its to bad here in the uk i cant wait to go on holiday and walk about with no top on and be able to do things with my children like water parks etc thanks 


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