Author Topic: Private beaches  (Read 3431 times)


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Well then, let's say that they are cramming that type of stuff down our throat and telling us that we have to accept it!
If you don't want a same-sex marriage, don't have one.
Is someone trying to force you to marry a gay man? You made it sound like that's what's happening, because otherwise I can't imagine how you're being forced to accept anything.
It sounds more like you're the one trying to make others live by your moral code. I've never seen anyone judge men with gynecomastia the way you judge gay people. Maybe you're part of the problem?

Offline Athena12@

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Jason,  it seems to me you haven't been paying vey little attention to both the TV and the Movies. Look at the CHEW, Clinton, one of the host, was gay and married but he never ever pushed it other than mentioning his husband once in a while and that was fair.  On TV they are several shows and also in commercials. Some big Hollywood stars who are gay love to show their significant others to the world.  Think of all the gay pried parades.  All of this and NOW we are excepted to think this is the norm. It is NOT, only about 2% of the US population I GAY. I can understand it but I don't have to like it.  People of Hammer's age and mine were not brought up that way.  We all knew they were there but they kept in the closet but now they are demanding the we accept it.  I can tell you the world really is FLAT but I wouldn't demand that you believe it.  I had a BI woman and man working or me, the whole gang knew it but they didn't say any thing and neither did we and we all got along.  So yes we may have our hang-ups but that is the way we were raise from childhood to being an adult.  And don't forget you have your hang-ups too.  So let's not imply anyone is a bigot till you know them.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

Offline SideSet

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I find a tankini is best for the beach. Also, make sure no body hair. 


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All of this and NOW we are excepted to think this is the norm. It is NOT, only about 2% of the US population I GAY. I can understand it but I don't have to like it.
It doesn't matter whether you like it. Mind your own business. I have two close friends who are married lesbians, and their marriage is just as valid as yours or anyone else's.

People of Hammer's age and mine were not brought up that way.  We all knew they were there but they kept in the closet but now they are demanding the we accept it.
Your upbringing is irrelevant to whether gay people should be allowed to get married.
If someone is raised, for example, by parents who are in the Klan, that doesn't make it OK for them to be racist too.

I can tell you the world really is FLAT but I wouldn't demand that you believe it.
You're the one who's insisting they remain in the closet. You're the one making demands.
That lesbian couple I mentioned earlier, what have they ever demanded from you personally? You just demanded a few sentences ago that they should be "kept in the closet."

And don't forget you have your hang-ups too.  So let's not imply anyone is a bigot till you know them.
What "hang-ups" are those exactly? When have I ever stereotyped an entire group of people?

No wonder there's so little traffic in this forum nowadays. We're talking about going to the beach, and it turns into a totally unrelated rant against gay folks.
I mean, Hammer's sig says: "I'd rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I'm not! I am who I am,  and I'm not going to change to please anyone!"
And then he goes on to insist that gay people should change, just to please him. ::)


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No Jason I don't expect them (or anyone)  to change for me, however I also ask that they don't take me to court for not wanting to make their wedding cake or performing their wedding as it is against my religion beliefs!

I'll not ask them to change for me if they not ask me to change for them!

Yes, I have several gay relatives including a nephew. I've told him that if he gets stuck in a snow bank I'll be there to pull him out, but I will not be at his wedding if he marries another man, and no I don't expect him to change.

I don't like people who aren't themselves all the time and need to change themselves to fit in with whom ever they are with at the time. They are not worth being with in the first place!

Jason, it was you that turned this thread into a talk against gay people, not anyone else! I just said, " something about gay marriage being accepted why shouldn't a straight man in a bra" ! 

« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 09:26:58 AM by hammer »


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No Jason I don't expect them (or anyone)  to change for me, however I also ask that they don't take me to court for not wanting to make their wedding cake or performing their wedding as it is against my religion beliefs!
OK, well, what if a gay couple's car breaks down and you're the only one with an auto repair shop within 100 miles. Should you be allowed to leave them stranded?

Jason, it was you that turned this thread into a talk against gay people, not anyone else! I just said, " something about gay marriage being accepted why shouldn't a straight man in a bra" !
I haven't said anything at all "against gay people." You and Athena have.
Nobody brought up gay people in this thread until you wrote:

"In a world that accepts gay marriage, transgender, and what ever else, why the hell can't a straight man that has "REAL" unwanted or wanted breast that may have grown due to health issues or medications wear a damn bra?"

That's you, "turning this into a talk against gay people." Not me.
And why are you putting the word REAL in all-caps there? That's bigotry, plain and simple. You're implying that my friends' marriage isn't "REAL," whatever the hell that means.


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No Jason I don't expect them (or anyone)  to change for me, however I also ask that they don't take me to court for not wanting to make their wedding cake or performing their wedding as it is against my religion beliefs!
OK, well, what if a gay couple's car breaks down and you're the only one with an auto repair shop within 100 miles. Should you be allowed to leave them stranded?

Jason, it was you that turned this thread into a talk against gay people, not anyone else! I just said, " something about gay marriage being accepted why shouldn't a straight man in a bra" !
I haven't said anything at all "against gay people." You and Athena have.
Nobody brought up gay people in this thread until you wrote:

"In a world that accepts gay marriage, transgender, and what ever else, why the hell can't a straight man that has "REAL" unwanted or wanted breast that may have grown due to health issues or medications wear a damn bra?"

That's you, "turning this into a talk against gay people." Not me.
And why are you putting the word REAL in all-caps there? That's bigotry, plain and simple. You're implying that my friends' marriage isn't "REAL," whatever the hell that means.
I said "REAL" to imply that they developed without wanting them to, or as if you were trying to get them to grow by the use of drugs on purpose!

And yes, if I owned a garage as your question implies I would help because I'm not doing it to support the act of a same sex marriage! In this case I'm helping 2 people who love each other in need! Just as I would if they were stuck on the side of the road! I would do what ever I could to help them out,  except perform a wedding of a same sex couple!

Jason, if a man and a woman were to walk in a bakery  asked them to bake their wedding cake, but the owners refused, do you think they would sue the owners or just tell them to go get f%$k and find a different baker?

Food for thought!

I forgot to mention that, yes I did bring up the part about the "world accepting gay marriage and so on " but it was you that blow it out of proportion! Obviously I must have hit a nerve, or something!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 08:46:40 PM by hammer »

Offline Athena12@

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Jason;  Like Hammers said you have blown this out of proportion.  Neither of us would ever insult of demean anyone unless they did it to us first.  We are understanding but have our beliefs and you have take our beliefs and have turned them into anger.  Why?  Lets leave this alone and get back onto the subject of Privat Beaches and what you would wear to a beach, Private or Public..


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A few years ago I was going to the senior center to use the pool to get some exercise. I did some research online and ended up on a female to male transgender site that gave idea on how to hide breast. They suggested rash shirts, and they are not cheap for a good one and they cling to you when wet just like a wet tee shirt so I wouldn't recommend them!

In the end I found that most one the men could have used a bra, however non near as big as me! I also got talking with a few of the ladies and explained why I was wearing the rash shirt and then allowed it to cling to me so they could see. They said that I shouldn't be so worried even though I was bigger than a few of them, it is what it is!

Now remember, this was a senior center so it's a bunch of us old farts, so you get to a point where you don't give a shit, lol!
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 09:16:33 AM by hammer »


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I'm with Sideset. I've been wearing tankini tops to the pool and beach for years. I dont have a bikini body anyway. If I did then maybe I would try it. The tankini works well. I wear a blouson style with a built in bra. I get support. I get coverage. I get to enjoy the sun and water. T shirts were awful to wear swimming. All they did was give me an automatic entry to a wet tshirt contest. 

Offline Alchemist

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I've been talking with some FTM trans folks.  Some are struggling with the whole must remove the breasts or have "gynecomastia".  There is some nasty body shaming going on.  And they wonder what happens in showers to guys with breasts.  I often suggest they try out their "look" with breasts at nudist club and see what guys look like with breasts.  They typically have a terrible surgery job, a big ugly scar under the breast and no shaping of a realistic male chest.  The "flat as a board" like a prepuberty  slender boy doesn't look right.  If our favored plastic surgeons did that to men, nobody would use them for surgery.

I used to take wedding photos,professionally. Studio policy, I had to have a training period for each "kind" of wedding.  That could be ethnic, religion etc. and I would have to ghost shoot the wedding and have a satisfactory set of proofs to be allowed to photograph that "kind" of wedding in the future.  I haven't been able to shoot weddings since my injuries as the gear is too heavy for my damaged back.   The nudist club I belong to changed the rules a few years back and now will allow any two people (children if any included of course) to be a couple for terms of having a seasonal RV site.  Prior it was a male and female couple.  

Am I bothered?  No.  This was voted in by us geezers.  At last, no more discriminating for those and other reasons.  Many times some of the clubs seemed to be stuck in the 50s with requirements.

Offline Johndoe1

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I've been talking with some FTM trans folks.  Some are struggling with the whole must remove the breasts or have "gynecomastia".  There is some nasty body shaming going on.  And they wonder what happens in showers to guys with breasts.  I often suggest they try out their "look" with breasts at nudist club and see what guys look like with breasts.  They typically have a terrible surgery job, a big ugly scar under the breast and no shaping of a realistic male chest.  The "flat as a board" like a prepuberty  slender boy doesn't look right.  If our favored plastic surgeons did that to men, nobody would use them for surgery.

I can't speak for most men, but for myself, I was body shamed and teased as a teen and young adult so I did not put myself in situations where my chest was exposed. Still don't. I either made sure I was wearing a shirt of some kind or by myself if I had to be bare chested. And if my chest was exposed in a situation, I tried to keep my back or arms covering away from eyes. It was never easy. While I am not small, I am not overly huge either, 38DD/36DDD. My problem has always been wideset and shallow, but shapely. This makes for not as much projection, but a lot of tissue spread over my chest that makes the girls wide and round with a very well defined IMF, like a woman's.

It took a long time for me to accept my breasts. I can understand how a FTM trans person would think that having breasts will not make them whole. For years I too thought I was not whole. Truth is, breasts do not make a person a man or a woman. That is a hard lesson to learn when people are constantly pointing it out, but for years I loathed my bust. I wanted nothing more than to cut them off, even if I had to do it. But now, I celebrate them. They are a part of me and like many FTM trans, the surgery is  not as "clean cut", no pun intended, as one would hope. I would rather have my bust than to have a deformed chest. IMO, that would be worse than having breasts.

This is all just my view and opinion. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Athena12@

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JohnDoe1; I agree with you.  Breast do not make a man a woman or visa versa.  I understand that a lot of FTM think that they need to get rid of them but that would be a mistake.  A good rake like you have does not make you a woman and the lose of them through surgery does not make you a man.  I am only a 38B but I will not give them up at the age of 71,  They are mine and I intend to keep them.


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