Author Topic: nolva side effects  (Read 6293 times)

Offline pe175

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I ordered some nolva (tamox citrate 20mg) but have yet to take it.  I got some blood work done by my GP and he said my estrogen levels were ok, however I do some have fatty gyno (very minor).  I'm curious if there are any negative side effects to taking nolva if my estrogen levels are ok.

Offline GuckFyno

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Well I've been taking Rebound XT which lowers estrogen levels in a different manner than tamoxifen.  some of the effects I've expierenced are:

Intense dreams that wake me up
Sore knees
Great workouts
Ridiculous morning erections that last too long

Don't take nolva for more than 4 months or so or you will be at an increased risk for cataracts/blood clots. I'm starting on the stuff next month as well. Good Luck

Offline pe175

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I'm curious if there are any negative side effects to taking nolva if my estrogen levels are ok?

Offline gynosucks1

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serms elevate est/test both

general consensus on bodybuilding board and those who use it for PCT is that it causes well BLOAT

tam only acts as an antagonist to estrogen in the boobs.  it acts like estrogen everywhere else.

no way i would take a SERM without taking some for of AI with it.  but then again i'm vain

as far none superficial sides.. no

Offline pe175

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so do you think if i were to stack it with Rebound XT I would be ok?

Offline gynosucks1

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so do you think if i were to stack it with Rebound XT I would be ok?

ud be ok either way.  placebo effect might have been the cause for me.  Tamixifen increases test/est very slightly.. something like 5-10% in studies.. i donno if this is enough to actually expierience anything in general.

Offline gynosucks1

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it wont hurt.

the rebound xt will increase ur test overall which will help resolve gyno.  The tamixifen will block the est receptors in ur breasts.

i'm not sure however if dht/test plays a roll in actually breaking down breast tissue.. or dht just has the est supression properties to it that actually help to break down/supress breast tissue

Offline pe175

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do you also mind if i ask how old you are and what dosage stack you used?

I also PMed you earlier....

Offline gynosucks1

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do you also mind if i ask how old you are and what dosage stack you used?

I also PMed you earlier....

i was 19.  

1 pill rebound xt 25 mgs in morning
3 at night 75 mgs

20 mgs tamoxifen morning

20 mgs before i went to sleep

i had just turned 19.

mind you,  most certainly my gyne was at the stage of total remission.  it was very dispersed, and had been slowly getting smaller for the past year.

i dont know if this will work.   i also dont know since mine was dispersed with very small nodules behinde the nipples.. just how much was fat/gland

i did go from 12-13% b/f to 9-10% doing this.

so keep that in mind 2.

Offline gynosucks1

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but plz dont let it deter you in anyway.

i know for sure it wasn't just fat that went away.  U could feel hard mass behinde each nipple..  The right side completely went away.  Very small soft chunk was left behinde left nipple.

Offline gynosucks1

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also dont freak out when u dont get unilater results..

first 2 weeks into this my right side was probably half as small as left.  it was kind of freaky, and they were misshapen until the last couple of weeks of the 2 months.

Offline pe175

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how long did you keep your cycle up for?

I was thinking

2 pills morning, 2pills night + 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for 1 week

2pills morning, 1 pill at night + 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for 1 week

1 pill morning, 1 pill at night + 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for 1 week

1 pill morning, 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for one week.

***Pills being rebound XT

Also, bloating will be my only side affect?  I mean cancer is a serious disease so i'm sure the medication to treat it is no joke.  I just want to be fully educated.

Offline gynosucks1

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how long did you keep your cycle up for?

I was thinking

2 pills morning, 2pills night + 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for 1 week

2pills morning, 1 pill at night + 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for 1 week

1 pill morning, 1 pill at night + 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for 1 week

1 pill morning, 20mg tamox at night
keep this up for one week.

***Pills being rebound XT

Also, bloating will be my only side affect?  I mean cancer is a serious disease so i'm sure the medication to treat it is no joke.  I just want to be fully educated.

i answered your question.  2 months

serms are not just used to treat cancer.  they happen to work the same way they do in reducing moobs.  moobs, or rather the gland that creates moobs is a benign tumor.. muchl ike cancer.  

ofcource there are side effects that u need a page to list.  u can die from taking it.  sorry.  honestly the best advice i can give u is

get over your problem.. its just tissue on ur chest

go to a surgeon

honestly if ur case is mild.. i mean for me .. my doc said i didn't have gyne.. 3 said it.  

i'd only reccomend trying to cure with drugs gyne.. that is...

if ur case is slight..   IF you truely have gyne, and have a condition like some of the pics on fielding's websites honestly don't do it.. save your coin and get surgery.

Offline pe175

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ofcource there are side effects that u need a page to list.  u can die from taking it.  sorry.  honestly the best advice i can give u is

get over your problem.. its just tissue on ur chest

go to a surgeon

honestly if ur case is mild.. i mean for me .. my doc said i didn't have gyne.. 3 said it.  

i'd only reccomend trying to cure with drugs gyne.. that is...

if ur case is slight..   IF you truely have gyne, and have a condition like some of the pics on fielding's websites honestly don't do it.. save your coin and get surgery.

You mentioned fatality is a side effect.  How so?  

In that case that means you were willing to risk your life to cure your gyno?

I think i'm in the same boat as you.  I'm 21, and my GP said i didn't have gyno.  When I posted pics on here most members said i didn't have except for a few who said it was the most minor case they've seen.

To be honest, if death is possible, its not worth risking my life to get rid of some excess titty fat.

what made you decide to go ahead with it?

Offline gynosucks1

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You mentioned fatality is a side effect.  How so?  

In that case that means you were willing to risk your life to cure your gyno?

I think i'm in the same boat as you.  I'm 21, and my GP said i didn't have gyno.  When I posted pics on here most members said i didn't have except for a few who said it was the most minor case they've seen.

To be honest, if death is possible, its not worth risking my life to get rid of some excess titty fat.

what made you decide to go ahead with it?

dude i'm just saying death is a possible side effect of anything..

tamixfen is safe.  No one has ever died of it... THeres hundreds and thousands of bodybuilders who have taken it for pct over the years.. i have never seen a report of any kind of serious side effect.. this is anecdotal i know

however all the studies with breast cancer/gyno treatment also have shown virtually no side effects.. no serious ones.

i decided to take it because no surgeon would even operate on me, and i was not happy with my body.  OBviously i had bdd.. i still do have bdd.  I'm mental, and if i could flip a switch that made me forget about my boobs forever i would do it even if that ment growing them back.

point is ..  everyone has a different set point for risk vs reward.  for me, it was no question..

now again, t.c. is VER"Y unlikely to do any harm to you if u use it 2-3 months tops.. so again it's up to you, but dont think you're going to die from it.. i was jp


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