Author Topic: sunday mail  (Read 2512 times)

Offline Worrier

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Last sunday there was an article in the 'sunday mail' about gyno.Yes i confess iam your typical Daily Mail reader. ;D

the headline went , 'the NHS gives 60 breast reduction operations a year.... to men'.It then talked about how this news will regnite concerns on the way the nhs spends it money.

It does to be fair go into the fact that gynocomastia is a medical condition. And has some useful info about that gynecomastia in men is increasing maybe due to  estrogens in the environment,Although the mail is a tory paper really and   the article was really another attempt to show skewed nhs spending. To embarrass  the government. Makes a change from the mail moaning about the nhs giving people sex change operations put it that way. ::)

one thing i found interesting ,sixty ops a year doesn't sound many. Ithought  it would be more than that. And you should see some of the comments from people on their website about this article , very unsympatheitc to our plight to put it mildly. go away and exercise seems to be a general theme.hmmm

Offline chestrockwell

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They make you laugh dont they, people who have genuine medical problems like gyne being shunned ::).

i know a woman i know who manipulated the doctor in to getting her breast enlargement done on the nhs, there wasnt anything wrong with her physically  
or mentaly..she just played the game layed it all on thick...ya know acting depressed and so on, eventualy got her breasts enlarged and she was realy proud of it (Bi*ch makes me sick), she never had a job her entire life, she's one of those people that claims everything she can from the state and doesnt put anything back...if ya know what i mean.. a right scrounger, but she got away with it.

just seems as tho they are clutching at straws, like you said to try and embarress the government or somthing?.

If my post deosnt make sense please ingnore it, ive had a late night and its to early for me to be getting up, so im having a good old winge :P.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2005, 11:03:46 PM by chestrockwell »

Offline London_boy

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Yeah, I saw that too, it was repeated in the Metro in London last Monday.

It makes you sick doesn't it, it's as though Gyne isn't seen as a medical condition, what the people who write these articles don't seem to understand is that for those that are affected by gyne, on the whole there's nothing that they could have done to prevent it and given the upset that the condition causes, why shouldn't it be treated on the NHS ???

Offline ThisMorning

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I work for This Morning on ITV. I read that article and as a result we've decided to run a story about how valid the procedure is for those who suffer from gynecomastia.

We regularly run stories about life changing medical treatments and operations and are hoping to do something about breast reduction.

Gynecomastia is a condition that I understand some men find difficult to talk about even though so many are affected it. We are also hoping to highlight that aspect of it and send out the message that gynecomastia is not something to be embarrassed about but is a medical condition that deserves treatment.

I wondered if anyone would be interested in talking to me about it. My email is


« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 03:34:18 AM by ThisMorning »

Offline Pferdestärken

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  • Fixed 03/06/05 by the incredible Mr Paul Levick!
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Not for me, no way would I appear on TV admitting to having either has gyne or had treatment for it. You have noticed how "man boobs" seems to be a big comedy items these days? Not funny for those who suffer. You are to be applauded for trying to alter public perception, but frankly you have more change of turning the tide.

Do us all a big favour and concentrate your item on the possible causes of gyne, and its increasing incidence. Lets have someone from the food industry explaining why hormone treatments in the food chain are being allowed to blight peoples lives in this way. Do a public service and let the public know that the food they eat is being manipluated for profit at the expense of not just their health, but their sexuality.

Genetic manipulation of food caused widespread outrage, despite their being no evidence of it having any effect on the consumer. Hormonal manipulation can be seen to be having a detrimental effect.
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline irish_dude

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Yes i confess iam your typical Daily Mail reader. ;D

Boo! Hiss!

I worked in Frankfurt for about six months and the only English language newspaper I could get was the Daily Mail. I needed serious reprogramming when I got back home.

Seriously, it all smacks of sensationalism. I estimate Sixty ops under the NHS to be slightly under the average amount that a single MP clams for in expanses in a year (abour 80K).

Offline Worrier

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The daily mail is just 'the sun' without the pics ;D I can't buy the sun because me and my pals are boycotting it at the mo for certain reasons...

I do agree with some of whats in the mail but really some articles you have to take with a pinch of salt... like this one.They weren't really having a go at us per se, they werejust  trying to urine take the government over questionable use of nhs funds. Although articles like this again feed into public percepttion of gyno as being something to be ashamed of.

I mean if it is only sixty per year that does not sound  much to me also and i would gladly put my taxes towards that. If more people knew the heartache gyno causes  I  think they wouild not begrudge it also. But before i had this I probably would have said 'why can't they lose weight liike other people'. It's just ignorance really.

Offline brother_gyne

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I can see the headlines now:

Asylum Seeking Scroungers Get Free Gyno Op on NHS and Drive House Prices Down


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