Author Topic: A choice.  (Read 2364 times)

Offline gynosucks1

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Having never heard about gyno, having no one ever comment to you about your chest, and even thinking about it....  But actually in deed having a small case.

Or having had gyno, .. let's say small case, and getting surgery (paid for) and having a perfect chest.. i mean it's just so perfect people have to look 2x at it because it's like a work of art.. (ok chucke)

personally i'd go with 1.  Do you people think you can truely get over gyno?  HAving had a small case of fatty/gland and getting it down to the point where my chest is completely fat.. either by what i did, or with age.. i still find myself thinking about it, and looking at other people in ways tha tnormal people dont.. (think u know what i'm talking about)  As well as checking myself in the mirror 3-4 times a week at least.

What are your thoughts here?  

mine are is that the only way to actually cure gyno is to erase any memory of the condition and what brought you to want to change this about you to begin with.

which is kind of depressing becuase we dont have the machine from "eternal sunshine of a spotless mind"

Offline gynosucks1

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and don't start with the bodydysmorphic disorder.  IT never did bother me a whole lot, and i'm sure if i posted pic of when i in deed have had it u people would harasse me, but either way...

i truely believe even having a thought flow through your mind about it once a month is not fair.

Offline GuckFyno

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You know no one ever said anything to me about my chest and the only doctor I've seen about this was reluctant to send me to an endo because he thought I should see a shrink first about body dysmorphic disorder.  I actually had no problems at all with my chest until I was about 19 and read a thing on the internet about it and noticed I had two small lumps under my nips. I guess all the information on the internet can actually be a bad thing in that way. I too would take choice 1, I'm actually getting to a point now where I'm getting more and more comfortable with my chest, plus I've been working out a lot which is helping my overall appearance and confidence.

Gyne really does become an emotional issue your right about that.

Offline Worrier

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Yeah I: have gyno , my psychiartrist confirms this and I HAVE BDD. Although he has said whereas most people would say I have a mild case on one side, to me :I have breasts like pamela Anderson when I look in the mirror.
       He is also worried that if I do have surgery I will just focus on something imaginary again ...And not put these thoughts to bed.
      Many guys have gyno and don't even realise it,  they just think they are fat at worst. There is a guy in the gym ,big man (not fat though) a powerlifter, we were chatting  and he just grabbed his chest and said I'm a fat *&^&. And roared with laughter.He has a good looking wife, nice job etc and his case probably would be a moderate one.
I sometimes think ignorance is bliss, If I  could have that guys thinking I don't think I would care about the gyno.

Offline ItsOK

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Based on what I've read here, I realize that there are people for whom surgery is the right answer because it will improve their self esteem immensely.  There are others who will just find something else to worry about with their body, or worry about the results of the surgery.

Certainly the best solution is to make peace with your body and quit fixating on breasts.  That's easy to say, but impossible to accomplish for some people.  I do think that some should use their money for therapy instead of surgery.  Or at least before undergoing the surgery, speak with a therapist first.

I just hate to think that people would read what's written here, talk to a surgeon who's looking to make the next payment on his boat, and think that they had complete and objective information.

Offline gynosucks1

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You know no one ever said anything to me about my chest and the only doctor I've seen about this was reluctant to send me to an endo because he thought I should see a shrink first about body dysmorphic disorder.  I actually had no problems at all with my chest until I was about 19 and read a thing on the internet about it and noticed I had two small lumps under my nips. I guess all the information on the internet can actually be a bad thing in that way. I too would take choice 1, I'm actually getting to a point now where I'm getting more and more comfortable with my chest, plus I've been working out a lot which is helping my overall appearance and confidence.

Gyne really does become an emotional issue your right about that.

exactly how i heard about it/how i got into it.  


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