Author Topic: Consultation tommorow Phase II  (Read 3033 times)

Offline bugsy_toronto

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Well the day has finally arrived, and I am meeting with Dr. Fielding for payment. Surgury is scheduled for November 23rd......any idea on what to expect? The delemma I am having right now is actually going in for surgury later in November with my job still in the midst. I travel extensively to the US and planned my date around the Thankgiving holiday (about 5 days off time from work (Nov 23 to Nov 29th).

I am hoping that I can get my surgury complete and head back to the US for Nov I being realistic in thinking I will back in the office by than without any padding?

Let me know your thoughts on how many days extra should I take off. I already spoke to my boss about having upper chest surgury (torn muscle in the chest 4 years ago, and doctors have to remove scar tissue inside LOL...whats a man to do with moobs... :-/)

Everyones honest input would be greatly appreciated...especially you Bambu.. Thanks.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I am hoping that I can get my surgury complete and head back to the US for Nov I being realistic in thinking I will back in the office by than without any padding?

You should be able to be pad free by day 5 post-op. I took mine off on day 2. It would be a good idea tho, to keep wearing your compression garment for at least 3 weeks post-op.

Everyones honest input would be greatly appreciated...especially you Bambu.. Thanks.

You are welcome!   ;)

« Last Edit: October 30, 2005, 03:52:04 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline brownman

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lol i am november 23r dtoo

ill be the guy hovering the exit

Offline brownman

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bugsy if ur campin ghtere we can hit the bar the next day too!

Offline bugsy_toronto

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Alright all paid up, wrote out my cheque and waiting for November 23rd to come along.   I am feeling very confident now, with the help of everyone, that things should go smoothly. Spoke to Fielding about days off work after surgury, and about seeing him the following Monday. He said he has had patients that fly from all over the country who get surgury done, and never see him with that in mind it put my mind at ease knowing that hes pretty sure of himself :) for the bar....errr...I think ill pass bro...wouldn't wanna be downing a beer and having it spew out of my chest, LOL. Thanks for the offer.

Now I cant freakin wait until November 23rd!! Ugghh!! hahaha.

Offline bugsy_toronto

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Question regarding smoking. I was advised to stop smoking 2 weeks before surgury. Can I wear the nicotine patches, or just go cold turkey....

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Question regarding smoking. I was advised to stop smoking 2 weeks before surgury. Can I wear the nicotine patches, or just go cold turkey....

Interesting question....

Give Fielding's office a call and ask Leslie if that is an acceptable substitute.


Offline bugsy_toronto

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Well I called up the office and I cannot wear the patch. So I basically quit cold turkey  :D

Surprising on what you can make your mind do, when focus on a certain I know its only been 5 days since I stopped, but I just can't believe it.

Well another week and half left till the big day...:)


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