Author Topic: New. and wondering what u think  (Read 4660 times)

Offline W0109021

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i know i am not a thin man but i have tried  to work out and got put off by the size of my breast. when i lost weight they did not.
i just want to know on a scale of 1-10 how bad mine is
« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 10:25:43 AM by W0109021 »
thanks for time and help all, true great board and honest and helpful advise here

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Welcome aboard Broh!

Pics are okay, don't fret.

Yeah you have a bit of Gynecomastia hapnin there Dude. I would say that you have a moderate case of Gyne.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 02:30:34 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline aux513s

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I didn't look at the pictures, but when someone like Bambu says it's "moderate" I know it has to be pretty bad.

Offline laurier

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It looks pretty close to mine (not nearly as hairy as me though).  I realize what you mean about losing some weight but the chest not going with it.  It makes you feel still overweight no matter what.  I would say that I see the condition of gynecomastia on you, though I'm not you and don't know how much is fat and how much might be gland.

I don't know what advice to give you, since I don't know a lot about this kind of thing.  At least this reply will bump the thread up so the experts here can give you some advice about treatment or surgery -- or accepting it.  I am probably getting surgery, but I might try a drug called Tamoxifen first.  Definitely listen to other people above me though.

Best of luck my friend.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 02:41:27 PM by laurier »

Offline W0109021

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I didn't look at the pictures, but when someone like Bambu says it's "moderate" I know it has to be pretty bad.

ouch wimper.. sigh** i hear you lol i been looking at his post he seems very on the ball. sigh well thats life. hmm a question that i have is iv heard of liposuction on it but i have hard and soft tissue what does that due to the situation... and secondly  if i was to choose operation how much $$$ am i talking.. i live in nova scotia canada.. i know everyone differnt but 4-6 grand or more or less.. anyway i would love to have more info.. thanks for the time everyone

Offline W0109021

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hey Grandpa Bambu i gotta say i am very impressed with the results of your operation... as a fellow canadian i Love love the tatto aswell... see looking at thoese pics there made me smile knowing the is something i can do..  and thinking on it now although i have only been here a day.. (researching longer)  it would be worth it for me to invest in the operation now rather than furter on in life.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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ouch wimper.. sigh** i hear you lol i been looking at his post he seems very on the ball. sigh well thats life. hmm a question that i have is iv heard of liposuction on it but i have hard and soft tissue what does that due to the situation... and secondly  if i was to choose operation how much $$$ am i talking.. i live in nova scotia canada.. i know everyone differnt but 4-6 grand or more or less.. anyway i would love to have more info.. thanks for the time everyone

There are two proceedures done to remove Gyne. One is Lipo only, when there is no breast gland present and the other, excision (to remove the gland) plus lipo to remove the fatty tissue. I had both excision and lipo. My out of pocket was $1280. OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) covered the excision, plus all hospital fees. The $1280 that I paid was for the lipo portion of the proceedure. OHIP considers lipo as 'cosmetic' and does not pay out on cosmetic surgery.

You would have to arrange for a consultation with a Plastic Surgeon to determine if you need lipo only or lipo plus excision.

There have been a few guys from out of province who had their excision covered by OHIP. You would most likely be able to do the same. The PS to contact is Dr. John Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario. Let me know if you would like JCF's info.

Please keep in mind that even tho my surgery was (IMHO) a success, you 'may' not get the same satisfactory results. Everyone is different. Our bodies are different and we all heal differently. Also, all surgeries have certain risks. You have to do your home work here Dude. You may end up looking worse off after surgery. That is one of the risks of Gynecomastic surgery. However..... don't let me discourage you here. The majority of Gyne reducitons are successful. There have been a few that have gone a tad wrong tho. And some.... the Gyne returns :o....

Most importantly, keep in mind that you will not get a perfect chest from Gyne surgery. There will be some irregularities/minor scars on your post-op chest. You have to have 'Realistic Expectations' of what surgery can do for you. You should be looking for a 'major improvement' not perfection.

« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 06:13:40 PM by Bambu »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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hey Grandpa Bambu i gotta say i am very impressed with the results of your operation... as a fellow canadian i Love love the tatto aswell... see looking at thoese pics there made me smile knowing the is something i can do..  and thinking on it now although i have only been here a day.. (researching longer)  it would be worth it for me to invest in the operation now rather than furter on in life.

Thanks there Dude. Yeah, I'm happy with the results. The chest is not perfect by any means, but all I wanted from surgery was to be able to go out in public wearing a t-shirt and not get stared at and/or laughed at because of my Gyne. This, now, is a reality!  :D   An incredible feeling! All the stress is gone.

Oh for sure Dude! If you decide that surgery is right for you, do it as soon as possible my man. Don't waste anymore time being burdened with this horrible affliction. I know the emotional and psychological pain that goes along with Gyne. There are one or two anti-surgery guys here (yes Graham, that's you ;D....) who will tell you not to have surgery, but d@mn it, if there is a fairly quick and simple medical proceedure that can rescue us from the torture of Gyne, then why continue living in the prison called GYNECOMASTIA!

You like 'Tania' huh? Yeah, it's a cool Tat me thinks ;). I'll tell ya how I arrived at the design another time.

BTW, how old are you Dude?

« Last Edit: October 31, 2005, 06:07:23 PM by Bambu »

Offline W0109021

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a few months away from 21. but i have had it since i was 15-16 so it has been a while and the problem is not going anywhere.

lol if i do happen to get the op i will tell u now as soon as my wounds heal my butt will be out running traing in the gym.. nothing better than running and not be worried about if people are looking.. ahh just a t-shirt and doing excersice sounds real good too.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2005, 07:09:40 AM by W0109021 »

Offline Drastic99

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Most importantly, keep in mind that you will not get a perfect chest from Gyne surgery. There will be some irregularities/minor scars on your post-op chest. You have to have 'Realistic Expectations' of what surgery can do for you. You should be looking for a 'major improvement' not perfection.


See, this is where I don't understand. Looking for "perfection" is one thing but you shouldn't have to pay for just improvement. If my car has a huge dent, I take it do a body shop. I don't pay all that for just some improvement. I want the dent gone. Obviously if I am driving a Hyundai, I can't expect it to look like a Porsche. I think the analogy applies, minus the the "healing" aspect.

If you have a huge case of gyne, I also wouldn't go in there expecting to have a perfecty flat chest. But a mild to medium case, I think it's reasonable to expect a flat, perfectly shaped (to what you already have MINUS the fat of gyne of course) chest.

Offline W0109021

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i dont want perfect i know that is not gonna happen 2/3 gone would be nice.

when i see my family doc in a month im gonna ask him about it see what he says..

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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See, this is where I don't understand. Looking for "perfection" is one thing but you shouldn't have to pay for just improvement.


Let me put it another way here.....  Sure, you can aim for perfection. Nothing wrong with that at all. However, I'm sure Gyne reduction surgery is very tricky to get 'just right' so that the patient looks 'almost' normal ( I use the word 'normal' loosely here ).

What I mean by a 'major improvement' is being Gyneless. Don't be disappointed when there are a few minor imperfections left over from surgery. Many guys on this board are in their teens. I'm sure they want to be able to go to the beach, remove their shirts, and show off their chests to the ladies. They want to look exactly like their buddies do. Their buddies that never had Gyne. IMO, there is no way for a PS to give you the 'Perfect' chest. They are Doctors not magicians. "Damit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a magician!"....  ;D ;D ;D  Anyone who watches Star Trek (the original TV series) will know what I am talking about....

All that I am saying is....  Don't get all freaked out and go Postal on you PS if you have a few slight imperfections from surgery. Hey, if there are, go back to your PS and ask for a revision. If they'll do a revision. Some may not even want to go back in.

IMO, one should be striving to make life more manageable. Such as being able to go out in public wearing a t-shirt and not get stared/laughed at. To be able to play sports and feel more comfortable in the change room. If you do have minor imperfections from surgery, you'll know they are there but I highly doubt anyone else will notice them. I have slight areola scars from my surgery and the left areola is slightly folded in. I know these imperfections are there. However, no one else would. The only way to see my scars is to get right up close a have a good look. Nobody is gonna stick their face in my chest. With the folded in areola, nobody will think twice about it. What are they gonnna say? OMG this guy is a freak, he's got a folded in areola. NOT!

Anyways..... like I said before, you gotta have 'realistic expectations' of surgery results.


Offline gynosucks1

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ATM its a horrid case bro

but the good part is, it's a horrid case because you are quite overweight.

losing all that extra fat will shrink them like crazy.. if anything that should be motivation enough to start losing weight

Offline Achilles

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I don't think you can expect the PS to give you the "perfect chest" without putting some work into it yourself.  Get in the gym, do some cardio/lift weights and develop the muscle in your chest and then see what happens.

Offline Drastic99

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I don't think you can expect the PS to give you the "perfect chest" without putting some work into it yourself.  Get in the gym, do some cardio/lift weights and develop the muscle in your chest and then see what happens.

I have been working out for about 7 years straight. I have muscle in my chest. The PS felt it and noticed it. In fact, the inside of my chest is rock hard when flexed. Just that flabby gyne that kills me.


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