Author Topic: 5 years post op - revision?  (Read 3326 times)

Offline siddd_4

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Hi guys,

It's been a long time since I came back to this forum. I had my surgery done with Dr. fielding almost 6 years ago and the results are pretty good.. to the point that I stopped thinking about it and continued my life for the past 6 years. There were times when I was a bit concerned about my chest, but not enough to ruin my day to day / mood.

Anyways, I started getting back in shape and I'm starting to pay more attention to my chest. I think there is a bit of puffiness and protruding that will prevent me from getting a really good contour / shape. And most importantly, I am starting to get conscious of it now especially when I wear gym clothes because it doesn't look appealing as my nipples still protrude a bit and my chest shape isn't that great.

I am attaching some pictures - do you guys think there is still some gland left? I think so because I see some puffiness. I am going to book a consultation with Dr. fielding again and I am hoping he can remove the tissue and remove some fat.

Any insights or thoughts would be appreciated :'(


Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I think you look really good.  You have a good amount of pec muscle, and that will just improve as you spend more time in the gym. You can see on your overhead view that you don't have any abnormal projection of breast tissue. Nice masculine contour.  

You may want to see Dr. Fielding again if you are that concerned, and I'm sure he would like the follow up too.  But I think you look great.

Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline siddd_4

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Thanks for your comments - appreciate it.

I had an appointment with dr.fielding and he did say I have a mild case of gynecomastia which can be 3 things:

1) Scar tissue from the previous surgery
2) re-occurence of gland or old gland
3) Fat

Dr. fielding recommended option 3 for now because it's the easiest. He said procedure for gland removal is different from liposuction and he'd rather try to fix this with liposuction for now and see how things pan out. He did caution me that the surgery may be considered a failure if in fact it isn't a fat issue, but rather gland issue.

I am thinking towards doing the liposuction - doctor said he probably will take 5-10cc out (not alot) and it will be local anaesthesia. I guess my question is: are there situations when lipo only can work especially given my pictures?


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To my eyes you look great, I would not go for another surgery. :-)

Offline GynoModel

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Curious if you every ended up doing anything about this. I had my procedure with Fielding maybe 15 years ago and have a very chest similar profile as yours. Still a bit of glandular tissue remains for me, and a bit of excess fat in the bottom outside chest corners. I only had gland excision and no lipo when he did mine. Like you, it doesn’t ‘bother’ me constantly, but I frequently notice the excess tissue and lumpy feeling in my chest. Considering going back for revision one day, but obviously don’t want to make it hollow or worse. If you do anything, curious to see your results. 

Offline DannyH

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I think there is a bit of puffiness and protruding that will prevent me from getting a really good contour / shape. And most importantly, I am starting to get conscious of it now especially when I wear gym clothes because it doesn't look appealing as my nipples still protrude a bit and my chest shape isn't that great.

Believe me this surgeon did a great job, and he clearly deliberately left some puffiness. If he had not done so, you would get a gynaecomastia crater scar / contour deformity, which would likely ruin your life because every single movement your body makes triggers scar tissue to pull at the underlying muscle around the nipple, making you acutely aware that there's emptiness directly under the nipple, which is a very psychologically discomfiting feeling.

Your surgeon thankfully left a decent amount of fat there, so that the crater scar will either never form, or be quite easily fixed, possibly even by mere fat injections because the fat will have surrounding fatty tissue to merge into and hold the injected fat into place. Well that's the theory behind fat injections, personally l don't see how they could work at all because it's almost all dead cells being injected but look: do you even want to be in that situation?  Trust me, you do not (l am in that situation and it is almost invisible to look at, but under the skin, the scar tissue is playing marionette with the underlying muscle and empty nipple well). Thank your surgeon.

Offline DannyH

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Curious if you every ended up doing anything about this. I had my procedure with Fielding maybe 15 years ago and have a very chest similar profile as yours. Still a bit of glandular tissue remains for me, and a bit of excess fat in the bottom outside chest corners. I only had gland excision and no lipo when he did mine. Like you, it doesn’t ‘bother’ me constantly, but I frequently notice the excess tissue and lumpy feeling in my chest. Considering going back for revision one day, but obviously don’t want to make it hollow or worse. If you do anything, curious to see your results.

Please see my reply in the previous post. I'm glad you haven't had any crater scarring even 15 years on. I hope all surgeons today are using the same technique as yours did. A gynaecomastia crater scar is a living death, especially if there's no surrounding fatty tissue that can be pinched together to seal the awful gap. I envy your result! And the OP's result!


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